Expat Blog Awards 2013 - Contest concluded. Read all 171 Expat Top Lists or see the Prize/Award Winners


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My family moved to New Zealand from the North of England when I was ten years old. At first, I hated my parents for tearing me away from everything I loved, but now, twelve years on, I realise how lucky I am to live in New Zealand!
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  • The Art Deco Delights of Napier 3 years ago Originally posted on POMS AWAY!: I used to think the east coast city of Napier was boring. We had a holiday there when I was a child. As far as I was concerned, the only things to recommend it were a beach – hardly unique in New Zealand – and a dolphin show. (I know.…
  • Accepting New Zealand as Home 3 years ago Originally posted on POMS AWAY!: I did not immigrate to New Zealand willingly. When my parents informed me they were dragging me to the other side of the world – in an Italian restaurant in Edinburgh when I was nine years old – I threw a tantrum and threatened to run away. I’ve already told…
  • The Top 10 Things to Do Around Hamilton 4 years ago There’s a certain conversation with which anyone who’s lived in Hamilton for more than five minutes is familiar. A friend is visiting – or, more likely, passing through – and they ask, “So, what is there to do around here?” Inevitably, the Hamiltonian squirms, knowing full-well that...
  • Underhill: The Real-Life Hobbit Hole 4 years ago We spent our honeymoon in a magical place, a private retreat in a secluded dell: a real-life hobbit hole. Seriously, a pseudo-medieval cottage built into a hillside. There was no electricity, just a cast iron stove and a shedload of candles. The bed was piled with furs and all the dark, wooden...
  • Our Wedding at Hobbiton 4 years ago My first visit to Hobbiton was nearly seven years ago. I knew then that I wanted to get married there. Ten days ago, I did. And it was wonderful. True, it was supposed to happen back in April, and our friends and family from Europe were supposed to be with us, but considering the state […]

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  • Top 20 Things a Brit in New Zealand Misses Expat Blog Awards 2013 New Zealand is a truly wonderful country and I feel privileged to call it home. This doesn’t mean, however, that I don’t miss my real home, my native England. Yes, life in New Zealand is so much better than life in England, but there are some...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: New Zealand Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in New Zealand!

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Website Reviews » There are 2 reviews on POMS AWAY!

13:49 PM August 22, 2014

Hi Abby, I've really so much enjoyed reading your blog! You're a fantastic writer, and New Zealand sounds so very beautiful and peaceful! I just typed a question on to your blog, but am not sure if you've received it. My question, which I am curious about, is, I wonder if you're aware of any deeply historical, Maori legends or myths - preferably ghostly, or paranormal, but also just mythological - for around the very local area you live in? I also wonder, if New Zealanders of European or other background tend to know the deeply historical, Maori legend history of their immediate neighbourhoods? I live in England, a few minutes walk from a small village which dates from the early 17th Century, which is allegedly haunted by the ghosts of a medieval nun and monk, there once being an abbey fairly close by, and a medieval manor house in the village area until the early 1820s. I also know of local faerie folk legends, which date to the 18th century. So, I guess knowing the deep local history around my home, I wonder if in New Zealand people know deeply historical mythology belonging to around their homes. Also, settler history or more recent history legends and tales, I guess. I love old tales as you can no doubt guess, especially those which bring a bit of a shiver!

Carolyn Ens
22:33 PM January 20, 2018

Love your blog! I have enjoyed the beautiful pictures along with your well-written descriptives and helpful advice on how to enjoy each place to its fullest. Your blog is very informative I get a personal vibe from your writings that makes me want to visit each place. I sure hope to in the near future, as I am planing a visit to your country. :) Thank you for your blog, keep up the amazing work!

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