A matter of choice

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A matter of choice
A blog about an British expat Mum in Cyprus making a new life with a baby and toddler.
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  • The one where I picked up a pencil 3 years ago Did you know that if you wait long enough for a blog post, another is sure to follow it right up!While I wouldn't go as far as saying I have the blogging bug again,  I think it would take a bit more than two posts,  I did fancy writing another.   I thought I'd share something that I was...
  • Time for a little update 3 years ago Hello, my long lost blog readers, just when you thought I'd left you all I'm back for a random blog post or two!I'd been quite happy with not blogging for ages this time with the other things that I've got going on, but I was looking up an old post the other day and realised that after all the...
  • Slimming World Dessert - Fruit Pasta 3 years ago You have read that correctly,  the title of this post is indeed Slimming World Fruit Pasta.  You are also perfectly entitled to think that I have gone completely crazy as you wouldn't be alone in those thoughts. Over my Slimming World years I've tried many things, some only once and others that...
  • Scrolling and Sighing 3 years ago  Do you ever find yourself on social media scrolling with a sigh?I'm sure you have seen posts that make you feel like you could be better, that others are fitter, tidier thinner, more beautiful, wealthier, loved, or just generally happier than you. This time of year can be the worst, when it...
  • Sunday Photos 4 years ago My Sunday photos today were taken earlier this week on a walk along the beach path in Pernera.  I walked alone with the plan to listen to music along the way but ended up enjoying the sound of the sea too much, it turns out I also don't really like not knowing what's happening around me, it really...

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  • Some 'Friendly' Advice Writing Contest October 2012 When you decide to live in another country for no apparent reason other than ‘because you can’ there are obviously lots of things to consider but there is one very important thing you need to do, it’s not deciding where to live, getting a job...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Cyprus Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Cyprus!

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Website Reviews » There are 12 reviews on A matter of choice

Sam Barnes
09:55 AM October 21, 2012

A warm and lighthearted blog that is also very informative and relevant to anyone who is not only only an expat but who is also a mum. This blog covers a varied range of subjects inlcuding crafts, helping to get certain documentation organised when in cyprus, motherhood, cooking, and so many others. It also has the lovely touch of the regular flash back friday and silent sunday which I personally love. A very interesting read everytime and always delivered in friendly and strangley comforting manner. Love this blog :)

11:51 AM October 21, 2012

Love Emma's blog. So fresh, informative and fun. Has me laughing out loud and feeling I am there. Brill blog. Look forward to evey one. :-) it brings Cyprus to my lounge in dismal England! I love Emma's memories and the trails and tribulations she faces with a smile in her words.

J Richmond
13:00 PM October 21, 2012

I love this blog, there is always something of interest for everyone. It is informative, down to earth, true to life and covers such a variety of subjects.

Christine Amorim
15:31 PM October 21, 2012

I think this is a great blog, with a good variety of posts giving a fun and informative view of an expat's life in Cyprus.

18:47 PM October 21, 2012

This is a great blog, informative, funny, real. There is something for everyone there. I love her friendly and down to earth delivery.

23:12 PM October 21, 2012

A great blog. Honest, informative and gives you a real flavour of life in Cypress :)

Carole Hallett Mobbs
21:44 PM October 22, 2012

Great blog, very real and interesting.

Wendy Henderson
20:29 PM October 23, 2012

I love this blog, warm, funny and informative. You get a real taste of what it feels like to live as an expat in Cyprus.

11:48 AM November 05, 2012

I love Emma's blog, it's such a real description of the ups and downs of expat life. I can't help but admire her courage raising her young family (and having a baby) in her expat country!

14:06 PM November 05, 2012

Love seeing parenthood across the globe a lovely heart warming blog

21:22 PM December 04, 2012

A great and honestly written blog. While we may be at different stages in our lives, the trials and tribulations of being an expat are the same. Emma writes a fantastic blog about life in Cyprus. Would recommend it in a heartbeat.

18:35 PM December 11, 2012

This is a lovely blog with posts totally relevant to life in Cyprus, published on a consistent basis. Emma is honest in her writing, refreshing and funny. I have enjoyed following her musings over the years and am proud to have her guest blogging in her very own blog section on our website www.mumsincyprus.com. Very deserving!

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