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Aga Nuno Somewhere

Aga Nuno Somewhere
After spending 2 great years in Barcelona (before that 10 months in Bucharest, before that starting a Polish-Portuguese relationship in Warsaw in November 2008), we moved to Ireland. Follow our blog to find out more!
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Ireland Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in Ireland!
Copy and paste code to display the Bronze Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 25 reviews on Aga Nuno Somewhere

18:29 PM October 17, 2012
18:29 PM October 17, 2012

great blog! really enjoyed reading it, many useful tips and opinions abiot bcn

20:25 PM October 17, 2012
20:25 PM October 17, 2012

I am following Aga and Nuno's adventures for more than a year. They gave me great tipd for my trip to Barcelona and I expect to read a lot of things about what to see, eat and do in Ireland!

21:46 PM October 29, 2012
21:46 PM October 29, 2012

Great blog! Really well written with funny stories and nice photos. Agnieszka helped me to decide where to spend my next holidays!

21:50 PM October 29, 2012
21:50 PM October 29, 2012

I was sad when I discovered Aga&Nuno left Barcelona, as I could always count on their recommendations on great places to eat out. But I still follow their blog as they mix their travel stories with love for food and nice photos, thanks to them I can travel virtually to many interesting places in the world.

18:59 PM October 30, 2012
18:59 PM October 30, 2012

I have just discovered this amazing blog. I lived in Ireland for 5 years, but I'm back to Poland now... but when I feel nostalgic, I can always check new posts on Ireland and see how they like their new country :)

16:49 PM November 03, 2012
16:49 PM November 03, 2012

Really interesting stuff! Keep the posts coming

17:26 PM November 19, 2012
17:26 PM November 19, 2012

Even tough I am not a "blog person", I really enjoy reading Aga&Nuno's blog. I like the way she writes and the fact that I always discover interesting things, places, stories of the places where she goes.. or where she has been. I specially like when she writes about Barcelona, you can see how much she loves the city! I wish you all the best in Ireland! hasta pronto!

21:16 PM November 25, 2012
21:16 PM November 25, 2012

You know I love Your blog :))

French Foodie
21:58 PM November 26, 2012
21:58 PM November 26, 2012

I discovered this blog through Expats blog's website. I enjoy it because Aga and Nuno lived in one of my fav' cities which is Barcelona but also because they blog about their recent expatriation to Ireland. I hope you enjoy Ireland as much as I do!

08:26 AM December 03, 2012
08:26 AM December 03, 2012

I really like to read Aga's blog, it written in a funny way- she shares her adventures as an expat first in Barcelona, now in Ireland and she really makes me want to start my ow adventure.

08:47 AM December 03, 2012
08:47 AM December 03, 2012

I do enjoy following all the funny and insightful stories and observations, you're doing a fantastic job, keep it up!

Cat Of Sunshine And Siestas
10:05 AM December 05, 2012
10:05 AM December 05, 2012

Fun information from a knowledgable source. Aga has been helping me plan a trip to Barcelona for my parents, and I love her fresh suggestions. A traveler after my own heart as a lover of small towns, markets and anything colorful!

16:32 PM December 06, 2012
16:32 PM December 06, 2012

Oglądam od dawna i ciągle znajduję mnóstwo inspiracji :)

16:45 PM December 06, 2012
16:45 PM December 06, 2012

Really great blog with many useful informations! :) I enjoy reading their travel stories!

18:55 PM December 06, 2012
18:55 PM December 06, 2012

Every time I read Aga's posts they make me want to 'leave it all' and escape to a place that is full of great food and people.

20:37 PM December 06, 2012
20:37 PM December 06, 2012

Great way to keep in touch! :)

10:14 AM December 12, 2012
10:14 AM December 12, 2012

I think that this blog is really amazing with a lot of "non common" information and details to do the best visit in different places .The blog contain the authentic places where people from these cities uses to go in a non turistic way (best food,best landscapes,traditional places...) A useful blog with depper details and very good explanations

10:21 AM December 12, 2012
10:21 AM December 12, 2012

a really interesting blog and my daily read! I can without a doubt recommend it to everyone!

11:03 AM December 12, 2012
11:03 AM December 12, 2012

I really love Aga's blog! She's writing so interesting and each post is better than the last.

11:54 AM December 12, 2012
11:54 AM December 12, 2012

Aga's blog is always lovely full of experiences of her travel. I always fine myself smiling reading her blog or drooling over her food posts :)

11:55 AM December 12, 2012
11:55 AM December 12, 2012

your blog is great, amazing stories and photos!

20:18 PM December 12, 2012
20:18 PM December 12, 2012

I admire Aga’s courage to just leave everything behind (3 times already)! I like her blog because she shows all the festivals or event happening in the city she currently lives in. She is a also a foodie who likes to show a know places from a different perspective.

20:30 PM December 12, 2012
20:30 PM December 12, 2012

great blog! interesting comments

21:00 PM December 12, 2012
21:00 PM December 12, 2012

fantastic blog, really enjoyed reading it

00:14 AM January 30, 2014
00:14 AM January 30, 2014

Interesting stories and excellent photos which together they give an insight that only can be told by someone who is living the dream of exploring and experiencing a different culture.