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Our Year In Spain - A family adventure

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Our Year In Spain - A family adventure
A family are going to pack up their comfortable life in Sydney to live in Granada, Andalucía for one year. Read as they embark on this move to Spain!
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Website Reviews » There are 7 reviews on Our Year In Spain - A family adventure

10:36 AM October 15, 2012
10:36 AM October 15, 2012

This blog is so interesting to read. It provides not only insight on the country but also a candid view on the family and their preparations for their trip. The writing is engaging and colourful. I can't wait for future posts.

13:25 PM October 27, 2012
13:25 PM October 27, 2012

It is so great to read about a family doing what many of us only dream about! I can't wait to read what happens when they arrive - the preparations are interesting in themselves!

03:43 AM October 31, 2012
03:43 AM October 31, 2012

This blog makes me want to pack up and move to Spain. i can sense the excitement in the planning! I will be subscribing to future posts!!!

03:45 AM October 31, 2012
03:45 AM October 31, 2012

Can I come with you? Sounds like you have done some good research. I have learnt some interesting things about Granada from your blog. All the best for the wait until your departure!

04:57 AM October 15, 2014
04:57 AM October 15, 2014

This blog really helped my family when we were planning our time in Granada, Spain. It was great to hear the perspective of what it is like to live abroad with children and gets some ideas of what life is like there.

14:09 PM April 07, 2016
14:09 PM April 07, 2016

Found this blog incredibly insightful as we begin to plan for our own move to Spain. Lot's great stories

14:17 PM April 07, 2016
14:17 PM April 07, 2016

I just stumbled upon this blog and couldn't stop reading as I could really relate to this family's vision for their exciting year away. Am inspired to take my family on adventure too