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The European Mama

The European Mama
A blog by a Polish mother living in the Netherlands with her German husband and two daughters about parenting, multilingualism, being European, and much much more.
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  • The wheels on the school bus go round and round Education and International Schools When we were still going to playgroups, my girls’ favourite song was “The Wheels on the Bus”. They learned all the movements, and we sang it at home. Little did I know then that the bus would be the very vehicle taking our eldest girl to her...
  • Holland's Healthiest Habits: 10 Tips For a Healthier Life Expat Blog Awards 2013 The Netherlands are a beautiful country. I was, however, surprised to find that the Dutch have many healthy habits that we have adopted in our own lives and I believe everyone can benefit from it! 1) Go uitwaaien. It means "walk in the wind", or,...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Netherlands Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Netherlands!

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ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Netherlands Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in Netherlands!

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Website Reviews » There are 22 reviews on The European Mama

11:17 AM October 27, 2012

This is a lovely blog with lots of useful information and perspectives for european parents!

18:37 PM October 29, 2012

This wonderful blog is always a joy to read and it has also taught me a thing or two about multilingualism. AND one doesn't have to be a parent to find many of the topics interesting!

13:14 PM November 05, 2012

I absolutely think that Olga should win the Expat Blog award for the Netherlands. Her content is unique and refreshing and perfectly applicable to an expat's daily life. We are lucky to have her blogging to us!

Kornelia Porowska
15:49 PM November 07, 2012

I love love love this blog! It touches an impotrant topic, deals with problems and funny sites of the use of several languages at home. As so many families are 'international' nowadays, it's good to have a wise Mama like Olga, talking about many aspects of life in such families. In a word- OLGA should win! :D

Janneke @DrieCulturen
20:03 PM November 07, 2012

I like Olga's blog because she gives us insight into what it is like to be a parent raising multicultural, multilingual kids in the Netherlands. Keep up the good work, our multicultural society needs blogs like yours.

13:18 PM November 08, 2012

Olga writes an excellent and fascinating blog with a unique perspective on multiculturalism and multilingualism.

21:45 PM November 12, 2012

The quite unusual life that Olga is living leads her to having some very sharp and surprising observations about it. It's really worth reading :)

Ewa Bartnik
15:54 PM November 13, 2012

i greatly enjoy reading Olga's blog it covers many themes but especially bringing up mulilingual children and being an expat.

21:25 PM November 13, 2012

Olga's blog is very refreshing and gives a precious insight into the daily life of an expat raising children in the Netherlands.

22:29 PM November 13, 2012

I enjoy seeing so much love in the words of the author, yet also manage to find some sense of irony (blessed shall be sarcasm, as it sets us free!). And what can I say? It's absolutely in touch with what it means to be an expat.

Paul Kemp
13:06 PM November 15, 2012

I always enjoy reading Olga's blog, as not only is interesting and informative (especially for expats, parents, multilingual people and all combinations thereof) but often funny too!

Angie Hickson
11:01 AM November 16, 2012

I find the blog really interesting and informative, especially as it relates to my life here in The Netherlands as an expat parent. Look forward to reading lots more on the blog!x

11:23 AM November 16, 2012

I am also an expat living in the Netherlands and raising multilingual children. It is encouraging and comforting to read about the insights and experiences of someone in a similar situation.

20:05 PM November 16, 2012

Lovely to read how other couples in the same situation go through similar situations, asking themselves similar questions!

Tiziana Cardone
17:48 PM November 17, 2012

I would like to thank Olga for this Blog. She is sharing here all her precious experiences and observations. I admire her so much for her enthusiasm and her passion in bringing up her babies. I have been scared for some time thinking " what will I do with my babies in the future? I will drive them crazy with all the languages they will have to speak!" I am also expat together with my partner and, to make it more complicated, my partner was born and grew bilingual. Thanks to Olga's Blog and Tips, I think one day I can make it too!

12:07 PM November 21, 2012

I've never seen a person so passionate in doing something. She's very well informed and I often ask her opinion. Her blog is absolutely a great source of information and a source of "empathy" sense for me. I feel less lost when I come to her blog. She knows what she's talking about, and she's always very caring in giving her help and opinion. Her blog has all the features to win, easy to read, well done graphically and in contents, etc...I think that explaining difficult matters in an easy way is a gift, and not everybody has this gift.

12:47 PM November 28, 2012

What I can find in Olga's blog is a huge amount of wise parents' love. Everyone should read Olga's blog and learn how to raise children wisely, which can be more problematic when you're a Pole, your husband is German and you raise your children in the Netherlands.

Maria Dimopoulou
14:13 PM November 29, 2012

On Olga's blog, you can find interesting articles about bringing up your children and getting informed on social events that take place in the Hague-Delft. It is also interesting her style of writing. Keep it up !!!!!!

12:51 PM December 03, 2012

Thought provoking and a place I always come to when in need of advice on raising my bilingual baby.

09:08 AM December 07, 2012

Polecamy i wspieramy naszą Olgę!! :)

15:36 PM December 07, 2012

A must read for everyone, especially those with love for kids... and languages ;)))) Go Olga!

09:21 AM December 08, 2012

It reads easily and is interesting and diverse. I like the sharpeness of thought and the fact that this way I can keep up with my good friend, who happens to lead a pretty crazy life after all.

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