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UK to California

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UK to California
Im married to Dave, we moved to California in November 2009, from Berkshire, England, along with our two westies Jess and Bluey.
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- March Photo a day 11 years ago I took part in FMSphotoaday in March and remembered everyday! So thought I would share all the photos here in one place. I plan to take part in April too as it was so much fun. Check out the link for the topics for April if you want to take part.
- March BarkBox 11 years ago Another month and another BarkBox. The pups favorite thing in the box this month was the packet of Teeny Treats from Feel Good Treats The treats are wheat, corn and soy free so great for dogs with allergies.The peanut butter treats from Little Eatz were so yummy, and how do I know? Well they are...
- From the mouths of hardware store workers 11 years ago Had to share the conversation I had with the cashier in the hardware store today.Cashier: Hi ma'am how are you today?Me: Good thanksCashier: Cor blimey guv'nor - you're British (said in a very British accent)Me: Yes I am Cashier: (again in a British accent) Yes I am - that's so cute, you are so...
- February Bark Box 12 years ago Nearly forgot to blog about this month's BarkBox!As usual Bluey was super eager to open the box when it arrived!!I loved the cute newspaper toy, it has a squeaky in it and also has a scrunchy sound too it, Bluey loves racing around with it. It comes from PetQweksThe teddy bear knot toy is from...
- We have a winner... 12 years ago Thank you to everyone who entered the BarkBox competition, the lucky winner is:I will be sending you an email shortly with the details for claiming your prize.Those of you not lucky enough to be a winner can still get $5 off your BarkBox using the following link ...
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