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Claire's Brussels Blog

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Claire's Brussels Blog
Claire is a British expat living in Belgium. Professionally, She teaches English, French and Spanish to adults, freelance, face-to-face in and around Brussels, and worldwide via Skype.
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- HarperCollins reviews my book, Inevitable 12 years ago I finally, finally have my review from HarperCollins/Authonomy. You can read it here... Thanks to all of you who made this possible by clicking on links, writing comments, and all that kind of thing! I'm reasonably pleased with it - by now I know that it needs a lot more work - and hopefully with...
- Author Q&A: Katie O'Rourke 12 years ago Katie O'Rourke's novel Monsoon Season, is out this week, published by Canvas Books, who first spotted her on author showcase site Authonomy. Monsoon Season was one of the first books I "backed" when I joined the site, so it's exciting for me to see it come full circle. The book tells the story of...
- University 2.0: Air Miles 2.0 12 years ago When I started my first degree back in the mists of time, Sainsbury's had just launched their first reward card. I became a little obsessed with it.I realise I may be alone in thinking this, but that first card was better than its successor, the Nectar Card, and here's how: you could use it...
- Aaron Sorkin does not have a woman problem. 12 years ago There. I said it. Now let the onslaught of disgusted comments begin. I’ve watched, as you ought to know by now if you’ve been reading this blog with any regularity, every episode of the West Wing multiple times. I’ve watched Studio 60 at least twice; I’ve watched and rewatched the Social...
- The Newsroom: ten initial thoughts 12 years ago 1. Bradley Whitford would have made a great Will McAvoy. The initial scene seemed to have been written for him. Sigh.2. Aaron Sorkin has the courage to tell the truth about America. And about the fact that it's not the only country with freedom, thereby elliciting whoops from those of us who nod...
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