This Girl Abroad

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This Girl Abroad
This girl is a Canadian living and working in Hong Kong. Here you\'ll find some of her day-to-day curious, bizarre, and funny encounters. Welcome to life as an expat in Asia.
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  • Time To Move On! 10 years ago Hey everyone! I wanted to write a quick post to let my subscribers or anyone else who stumbles upon this site, that I’ve just moved my blog over to a self-hosted site!! You can check out my “new” blog at for my upcoming posts! Thanks :)
  • Just Your Average Day In Hong Kong 10 years ago When you thought you’ve seen it all..
  • Quest Bar - Protein Bar Review 10 years ago I was asked by a representative of OOsupplies to complete a review on three different flavours of Quest Bars. As an expat in Hong Kong, it can be difficult to make a nutritious lunch for work (who actually has that kind of time on their hands?!), let alone make healthy choices in general....
  • 10 "Realistic" Things To Do In Amsterdam 10 years ago Everyone has heard of Amsterdam and all of the wild-but-totally-legal possibilities that go along with spending a few nights in this city. What you might not know is that besides hitting up the Red Light District at night for a good time (or a good laugh, or an uncomfortable walk through an alley...
  • Renting Bicycles In Amsterdam 10 years ago Amsterdam’s bicycling culture is huge; cyclists have their own lanes and traffic lights. I’m pretty sure a requirement of living in Amsterdam is that you must own a bike, otherwise it’s off to the outskirts of the city for you. Because cycling is such a popular form of transportation and...

Contest Entries »

  • The Top 13 Mostly True Signs You’ve Become A Local Hong Konger Expat Blog Awards 2013 1. You forget how to walk.Walking in a straight line no longer makes sense to you and your walking speed varies every ten paces, usually thanks to your addiction to your smartphone. You happen to casually zigzag in front of others to ensure that no... Expat Blog Awards 2013: Hong Kong Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in Hong Kong!

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Website Reviews » There are 2 reviews on This Girl Abroad

Sassy Sue
18:10 PM October 15, 2013

Always a great read about living life in Hong Kong as an expat. Love the pictures and comments about daily living and things we take for granted in our own lives. Living life to her fullest and enjoying the adventures along the way!!! Way to go girl!!! I will be following you!!!!!

08:49 AM April 13, 2017

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in Hong Kong!

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