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Andalucía Bound

Andalucía Bound
This is my blog about life abroad, living in Spain and the daily ups and downs. But it's about more than that, too. It's about growing into an adult. It's about creating a home. It's about trial and error. It's about travel. It's about love
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- The Top Five Frustrations for Expats in Spain (and why we're still here!) Expat Blog Awards 2013 The Top 5 Reasons Being an Expat in Spain is Hard (and why you should totally move abroad anyway)Living abroad is one of the most rewarding experiences one can have. The clichés are true; living abroad opens your mind to new cultures and...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Spain Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in Spain!
Copy and paste code to display the Spain Award Badge:Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Andalucía Bound

19:20 PM September 13, 2013
19:20 PM September 13, 2013

I loved this blog because she really goes into details on things you will need if you were to live abroad Spain! Not only does she give advice on what you'll need but then she gives you what you can do to make your life easier in Spain!!!