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The Adventures of Twins

The Adventures of Twins
We've taken the path less travelled and somehow stumbled into Australia. Not knowing where we're going is what inspires us to travel it. (by The Adventures of Twins)
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Australia Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in Australia!
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01:47 AM October 06, 2012
01:47 AM October 06, 2012

I'm a follower of this blog and love reading it! These twins are super great.

01:58 AM October 06, 2012
01:58 AM October 06, 2012

I absolutely love this blog. These girls provide excellent insight into their experience of studying abroad in Australia. Not only do they explore well-known monuments such as the Opera House, but they also share accounts of hidden alleyways and daily living. Excellent writing complimented with great pictures. The posts are always a pleasure to read.

02:24 AM October 06, 2012
02:24 AM October 06, 2012

Good job guys! Keep up the great work :D

03:00 AM October 06, 2012
03:00 AM October 06, 2012

They're an informative bunch! Being a Canadian interested in going "down under" their posts have provided great insight into the life in Oz! Diverse and interesting topics that keep me keen on wanting more!

03:27 AM October 06, 2012
03:27 AM October 06, 2012

This is an awesome blog!!! The girls always have interesting and relevant posts on a wide variety of topics.

08:29 AM October 06, 2012
08:29 AM October 06, 2012

I love their blog! It's really fun to read and interesting. Looking forward to reading more, girls.

09:17 AM October 06, 2012
09:17 AM October 06, 2012

Love these girls! Best bloggers in Australia!

11:56 AM October 06, 2012
11:56 AM October 06, 2012

Anika and Jo are so expressive and captivating in their travels, it's a (good) surprise to find out what they're going to write about next! It's interesting to see what they're up to - it makes them feel close when they are so far away! Great blog, guys!

02:36 AM October 08, 2012
02:36 AM October 08, 2012

These twins are so articulate and the blog reflects their adventures and personality very well. They're always so responsive about engaging with the audience as well by always taking the time to reply to each and every comment.

02:51 AM October 11, 2012
02:51 AM October 11, 2012

I will make a short, but strong statement: THESE GIRLS MAKE ME WANT TO GO TO AUSTRALIA. Stellar blog posts!

02:27 AM October 14, 2012
02:27 AM October 14, 2012

I've been reading this blog ever since the beginning and I just love it! It's cute, it's fun, and relatable. The girls are awesome!

21:22 PM October 14, 2012
21:22 PM October 14, 2012

A wonderful collection of experiences and thoughts between two individuals, in a new land.

03:11 AM October 15, 2012
03:11 AM October 15, 2012

You two ladies make an average guide to Australia much more enjoyable with both of your sense of humour and insightful comments! Keep it up!

06:09 AM October 15, 2012
06:09 AM October 15, 2012

I love this blog...makes me wish I had a twin!! :( All kidding aside, I love seeing updates because it makes me excited to read what new things the girls have been up to.

23:06 PM October 15, 2012
23:06 PM October 15, 2012

Love reading about what the twins are up to together, and individually in Australia and other places they go visit! Very informative, and inspiring :)

12:57 PM October 16, 2012
12:57 PM October 16, 2012

Amazing blog!

18:58 PM October 23, 2012
18:58 PM October 23, 2012

I love reading this blog.They've always got some new adventure and show sides of Australia I never knew about. Topped off with an easy sense of humour, it makes the whole thing just an enjoyable read. It's the only blog I read!

02:56 AM October 27, 2012
02:56 AM October 27, 2012

Love the blog!

20:25 PM November 06, 2012
20:25 PM November 06, 2012

What a great blog. I just found it and already I am hooked on it. Keep up the great and interesting blog girls. Thank you.