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Housewife Down Under

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Housewife Down Under
I am a 27-year old American expat housewife living in Australia. I'm also a woman of an opinion. I'll be writing about life in Australia, living abroad, and telling you what I think about pretty much anything.
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Website Reviews » There are 2 reviews on Housewife Down Under

03:32 AM October 11, 2012
03:32 AM October 11, 2012

I like it. She writes a lot about life in Australia, but also about a lot of other topics. I love expat blogs, but I like when they write about things besides just expat issues, too. And I like her sense of humor.

13:34 PM December 18, 2012
13:34 PM December 18, 2012

I was just going through the Australian blogs, since I´m also a nominee for the Expat blog awards, and have been reading some of your posts which are quite funny and informative. Good luck.