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Kathryne's letters home

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Kathryne's letters home
an expat's essays on reading and writing, cooking and culture, playing and parenting
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- I went to France in August! Part the Second 9 years ago There was one area where I took the "don't go to France in August" advice very seriously: Paris. As we planned the trip to France with my parents, I kept assuring them--and myself, I suspect--that we could and in fact should skip Paris on this visit. "It won't be Parisian," I said. "Everything...
- I went to France in August! Part the First 9 years ago "Don't go to France in August," they said. "It's beastly hot, it's full of tourists, all the real French people are on holiday somewhere else, and half of Paris will be closed," they said.After years of heeding this advice and going to France in almost any other month, this year August was the best...
- A Dinner in Dijon 9 years ago Hi, Gang! Long time no blog. Greetings to all of you who check in now and again, and a big wave to those whose Google searches have turned up my Expat Survival Kit, or who've landed here from Expats Blog. Hope you're enjoying your adventures in your new home!It occurs to me I should write about...
- Learning from my Little One 11 years ago It has come to my attention that, despite loads and loads of practice, I am not a very good flyer.It's not that I'm afraid of flying. I used to be, right after September 11, when everything seemed so tenuous: I developed a strong conviction that if I didn't stay vigilant the whole time we were...
- Just Let Us Sleep: A plea/rant on behalf of redeye passengers 11 years ago Well, this is... interesting.(She didn't spend much time in the bassinet.)Nearly four months until we go back to the States for Christmas, and the New York Times' Motherlode blog has me dreading the flights already.The post itself is pretty mild; just a note that Singapore Air, Malaysia Airlines,...
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