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Avery Adventures
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- Epilogue 3 years ago The Year the World Stopped just turned out to be another set of days. The world continued to melt and burn and freeze and flood and dry up. The winds screamed. Injustices continued. People shrugged and looked the other way. What more could they do?
- Week 52: One Year Later 4 years ago It’s been a year. Whether we should throw up some high fives because we survived or just throw up I’m not sure. I’ve read several reflections on the passing of our one year pandemic anniversary, but I’m not sure I’m ready for any kind of real reflection. I’ve learned that with any...
- Inauguration Day 4 years ago I scroll through the channels to find my favorite, not that it matters. Today, they’re all airing the same thing. The sound is turned down low but the yellow jacket and red headband draw me in like a magnet. I turn up the sound. Amanda Gorman is etching a moment in time. The newscaster says…...
- Comfort and Joy 4 years ago The long, dark nights seem kind of fitting right now as news of the pandemic worsens. We know there will be good news eventually but that first breath of spring feels too far off still. We’ll spend another holiday shuttered up at home. We won’t go to any holiday open houses or meet for a…...
- Week 37: Covid Thanksgiving 4 years ago So, I have an embarrassing confession. After my melodramatic class picture lament, guess who got the email about scheduling class pictures? After hearing from many of you who actually couldn’t relate because you actually did get pictures, I guess I wasn’t all that shocked to learn my previous...
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- The Top 8 Ideas Worth Adopting from the Chinese Expat Blog Awards 2013 You may have heard the pollution in Shanghai recently has been literally, off the charts. We have been watching as buildings disappear from our front window into the thick yellowish grey sludge as the "Air Quality Index" rose from severely polluted...
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