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Japan Travel Mate
Japan blog and Japan travel guide. A Japan guide with comprehensive travel and holiday tips, itineraries, photos of cities and places to go, for anyone who wants to travel to Japan or is already there.
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- Exploring Miyama's Kayabuki No Sato 4 years ago The Japanese countryside holds many gems that most international tourists don’t even know exist. This is understandable, because Japan holds such a sheer wealth of outstanding sites that many outside of the main centers manage to remain in the shadows. For me, stumbling across some of these...
- Blue Hot Spring of Hell, Umi-jigoku in Beppu 6 years ago The most popular tourist attraction in Beppu, Oita Prefecture, is the “Hell Tour” 「Jigoku Meguri, 地獄巡遊」. There are 8 jigoku hot springs, all with unique features. This is Umi-jigoku 「海地獄」, known as “Ocean” or “Sea” Hell. Technically it’s a hot spring, but...
- Usa Jingu Shrine, Oita: Travel Guide (Info + 11 Photos) 6 years ago Usa Jingu Shrine 「Usa Shrine, 宇佐神宮」 is the head shrine of about 40,000 Hachiman Shrines in Japan. Hachiman Shrines are literally all over Japan, all the way up to Hokkaido. These shrines are dedicated to the deity of archery and war, and became popular with samurai and peasants. In this...
- Pachinko: what Japan's favourite game could mean for its gambling industry 6 years ago Tourism in Japan is at an all-time high. In 2016 over 24 million people were attracted to the Land of the Rising Sun from all over the world. In fact, the huge cultural differences that are found in the country, especially in relation to the Western world, are a large part of the appeal that...
- ネット販売の進化をサポートするサイト作成プラットフォーム「Shopify」 6 years ago デジタルメディアの普及に伴い、消費者の行動や価値観が急激に変化しています。ネットショップ起業・運営している事業者は、その進化に対応した対策を考えなくてはなりません。 ...
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