A New Girl in Vienna

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A New Girl in Vienna
Kerry is an English expat living in vienna and trying to make the city my home. This is a blog about her everyday life, her experiences, the photographs she takes, and the food she eats.
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  • auf wiedersehen wien 12 years ago wow. has it really been two weeks?i've been wanting to write a final post for my blog... i wanted to try and bring together all my thoughts and experiences of living in vienna... as the 'new girl'... but in all honesty, i'm struggling to find the words.i started this little blog as just a way to...
  • lately 12 years ago time has been going so super fast lately and my head is still in a spin over our move back to england. as i am typing this five removal guys are packing up our apartment. it feels very weird.this summer has been so much fun in vienna. there has been so much sunshine, we've enjoyed some amazing...
  • frequency festival 12 years ago sunshine, hotdogs, beer, red skies, laughing with friends, the cure performing the best concert i've probably ever seen = an incredible day.(we won't talk about lying on the freezing station floor in the middle of the night and getting home at 6.30am after catching the first train home to vienna!).
  • blue skies 12 years ago after the craziness of budpest and sziget festival i found myself with some time to spend alone on the recent austrian public holiday. i wandered around a little in the viennese sunshine looking at buildings and the blue skies and thinking about how much i'm going to miss doing this. our adventure...
  • budapest (part 3) 12 years ago on our last day in budapest we took the 'hop on hop off' bus before getting the ferry up the danube one last time to the sziget island.  good times.

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