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Six Bougies

Six Bougies
On Six Bougies, I share my experience as an expat in Senegal, design and decor inspiration from around West Africa, and some cultural anecdotes to spice things up. Email me to share travel experiences and for advice on West Africa!
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- Top 9 Tips for Gift Giving from Senegal Expat Blog Awards 2013 Tis the season for blogger gift guides! After nearly four years living in Senegal, I have transported the majority of the craft market in my suitcases every December. Here's my American in Africa expat take on the matter, featuring tips on how...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Senegal Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Senegal!
Copy and paste code to display the Senegal Award Badge:Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Six Bougies

Karen Miller
03:45 AM December 21, 2013
03:45 AM December 21, 2013

Hi, Kim: Just found your site by wandering around on the expats blog. Gorgeous textiles and photos! You surely know style and color. I'm an ESL teacher (formerly a a lawyer) and have also lived in Paris and D.C. and also in South Africa, Kenya, and most recently Tunisia. I have always wanted to go to Senegal to teach and continue practicing my French. So if you ever come across any good international language schools there let me know. I've looked a bit but it does seem like most are for children, and I mainly teach a bit older student and professionals. Hope we can stay in touch, and happy holidays! Karen (kmilleresq@earthlink.net)