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The Abu Dhabi PTA

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The Abu Dhabi PTA
My name is Gina and this is my blog. It isn't a mommy blog because I am quite sick of those. It is about my experiences and observations as an American woman living in the United Arab Emirates.
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Website Reviews » There are 7 reviews on The Abu Dhabi PTA

Luanne Caskey
19:29 PM August 17, 2013
19:29 PM August 17, 2013

This is great fun, I love your slat Gina. All the pictures are fabulous too. I wondered why you haven't any new entries in a few months. We live in Pittsburgh and may be relocating to Abu Dhabi in the coming months. My husband is in nuclear power. Our three kids are grown. I'm looking for all kind of "clues" about what life is like over there.

Howard Podolsky
09:17 AM September 20, 2013
09:17 AM September 20, 2013

I think my wife deserves it because she is a funny, funny gal!

09:57 AM September 20, 2013
09:57 AM September 20, 2013

Love love love The Abu Dhabi PTA blog. I am always waiting for "the next one"! Keep them coming Gina and good luck!

15:15 PM September 20, 2013
15:15 PM September 20, 2013

Excellent story, interesting, creative and humorous. I look forward to reading to your blog.

08:45 AM September 22, 2013
08:45 AM September 22, 2013

Great blog! So much fun :)

Elize Morin
06:20 AM September 23, 2013
06:20 AM September 23, 2013

I have lived in Abu Dhabi for almost 9 years and have become so used to life here. It is refreshing to see Abu Dhabi through the eyes of a new comer :) This blog is entertaining and educational at the same time. It is funny, interesting and very creative.

02:53 AM January 09, 2014
02:53 AM January 09, 2014

I came across your blog looking for some answers on living in Abu Dhabi as my husband and I are contemplating a move there. I have enjoyed reading about your journey and it has helped to answer some of my questions and ease some of my fears about moving to a different country. Look forward to reading more! :)