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Strangers in Taiwan

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Strangers in Taiwan
Two Brits living in Taiwan - where they are strangers and everything around is even stranger than that. Why not follow us around...
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- Strangers in Taiwan have moved! 11 years ago Strangers in Taiwan have moved: both home and blog. After 1 glorious year in Taiwan, we packed our life into a suitcase each and headed off for a month in Vietnam and a few days in Hong Kong. In December, we flew home just in time for Christmas in England with our families. Just because …...
- Taiwan We Love You, but it's 'Time to Go Home' 11 years ago After 1 year, it’s time for us to leave beautiful Taiwan behind in search of new and different adventures. Thank you to all of our supportive work colleagues, our exciting and enthusiastic students, all of our friends, our two language exchangees, and, of course, all of the friendly Taiwanese...
- Where to Begin: How to Make Friends in Taiwan 11 years ago After a year in Taiwan, we’ve made some friends for life, but we did it the hard way and really only got into a social circle after 9 months here. Now we’re leaving, we know exactly what we should’ve done when we first arrived! 1. Befriend people at your workplace It’s obvious, I know, but...
- 5 Things that make me grumble in Taiwan 11 years ago I love Taiwan a lot and there are certainly more things that I like than that I grumble about. That said, there are 5 things that really get me about life in Taiwan. These mostly come from being born and bred as a sensible, picky-eater and weather-conscious Brit. Scooters Driving on the Pavement...
- 125 Years of Adventure & Discovery: National Geographic Exhibition 11 years ago Founded in 1888, National Geographic has spent 125 years leading scientific research projects, telling stories from across the world, and photographing incredible nature and people. To celebrate its achievements, Taipei’s Huashan 1914 Creative Park is hosting an exhibition of Nat Geo’s most...
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