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Random thoughts of an Aussie expat

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Random thoughts of an Aussie expat
Nikki is an Australian expat whose first move was Hong Kong, after six years there she and her family moved to Durban, South Africa. Three years in South Africa ended in June 2012 and she has now relocated to Cobb County, Atlanta, GA USA.
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ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: USA Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in USA!
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Cara Dominick
21:21 PM October 03, 2012
21:21 PM October 03, 2012

Poignant and sincere. Love the worldly insights!

21:48 PM October 03, 2012
21:48 PM October 03, 2012

Nikki, who I met in Hong Kong, has an amazing ability to see the little things that make a situation what it really is, then home in on them to write a blog with humility and humour (yes the American spell check tried to remove the 'u'), that people can relate to. She has a unique perspective on the World bourne of her unique situation and as a result her Blog is a terrific insight into the life of an ever moving expat. Nikki, you're an inspiration!

22:02 PM October 03, 2012
22:02 PM October 03, 2012

I love this blog. Being an expat myself, I know it's not the big stories that are often worth telling, not the monumental events, but the little things, the daily situations when you're in a new country that often suck but are so much funnier when written about in the right way. This blog absolutely has these stories the right way!

Emily Bernstein
22:04 PM October 03, 2012
22:04 PM October 03, 2012

It is easy to get caught up in my own paradigm and lose sight of the humor / oddities in the city, state and country I so love…..You provide an insightful, witty and fresh look at it all and I am so grateful for it!

02:45 AM October 04, 2012
02:45 AM October 04, 2012

Love Nikki's articulate prose. I think her US anecdotes served me better for our current trip than any of the travel guides I pored over.

03:48 AM October 04, 2012
03:48 AM October 04, 2012

Great blog Nikki. I laugh and cry at your random thoughts. You're such a great chick!! Inspirational.

Lou Monks
04:53 AM October 04, 2012
04:53 AM October 04, 2012

Nikki was a work colleague from ooooooh 1O+ yrs ago. She was an inspiration then for her knowledge, leadership and skills. She is an inspiration now for her writing. I loved her face book updates first for their ability to transport me to daily family and social life of an expat princess in hong kong, then stay at home mum in sth africa, and now america. She has taken me up and back from mt kili, and I am going along to the NY marathon too. I am tuned in fOr the next adventure after that. No pressure noo. X

Jenni Snowsill
07:15 AM October 04, 2012
07:15 AM October 04, 2012

Love your work, Nikki! I'm always excited to see a new entry pop up in your blog. A wonderful mix of humour and emotion. Well done!

07:31 AM October 04, 2012
07:31 AM October 04, 2012

I feel like I have know Nikki all of my life. I have laughed and cried reading her blog. I love her style, her humour and her energy. I always look forward to the next installment! Go Nikki!!!

Nikki Mewett
14:08 PM October 04, 2012
14:08 PM October 04, 2012

Being an Aussie expat myself and now find myself living in this crazy bubble of East Cobb...Nikki's words are the humour and wit needed to get through a day of "did that really happen?" or "did they just say that". Love reading Nikki's view as it is what I see, feel and experience every day! Thank you for putting it into words.

02:02 AM October 05, 2012
02:02 AM October 05, 2012

I look forward to each thought provoking, humourous, heartfelt and wonderful episode. Each blog is a little ray of sunshine in my - at times - rather dull suburban life. Keep it up Nik and i look forward to your next adventure. I too have a WASYO!

19:39 PM October 10, 2012
19:39 PM October 10, 2012

I love Nikki's blog! She can write! She's actually the only one of my friends on FB who I like to overshare, as her posts are such spot-on snapshots of life. Nikki's blogs were really insightful for us as first time expats. Also I really admire her for not shying away from heavier content. Please never stop writing Nikki!

11:57 AM November 05, 2012
11:57 AM November 05, 2012

Nikki has a beautiful writing style and her blog posts are poignant and moving.