A glance on Russia

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A glance on Russia
A glance on Russia : blog of an expat in Moscow.
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  • Winter time VS summer time! 9 years ago In March 2011, I wrote this article below about Winter time and summer time, three and a half year later, it was decided to change back and to keep only Winter time!It means that in October (2014), the time difference with London will stay 3 hours. Next summer, Russia should keep the winter time...
  • Swimming in Moscow on weekends 10 years ago With summer arriving and the room-temperature increasing in Moscow, you will soon want to take your swimsuit out of the cupboard and take the plunge! As foreigners, we don’t necessarily know the best spots to freshen up, and often we don’t even know that some of them are reachable with public...
  • Travelling in a suburban train in Russia 10 years ago Hello my dear readers, Happy New Year and my best wishes for 2012!If you ever had to go to a small city around Moscow, you most probably took a suburban train, known in Russia as elektrichka (электричка). You probably were very surprised the first time as it’s different from our...
  • Travelling in Russian trains : which ticket to buy 10 years ago Hello everyone!Now that you know how and where to buy train tickets, I will explain you which category of tickets to buy. First I will talk about the long distance train (sleeping car) and than about the Sapsan (Russians fast trains). You can find 3 categories in these trains: плацкарт...
  • Buying train tickets in Russia! 10 years ago   Hello dear readers and fans!! Excuse me for not writing for such a long time, I had to take all the existing trains throughout Russia in order to write this article!!Well as you guess this is only partly truth, but I still took a lot of trains in Russia this last weeks!! This article is the...

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