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Jenny and John in Brittany

Jenny and John in Brittany
I'm Jenny lovett and have recently moved to Huelgoat, Brittany, France with my partner John Kelly. we have just sold up in Stockport, England and have bought a semi derelict town house in France which we are going to renovate into a B&B.
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Contest Entries »

  • The top 5 cakes from Brittany Writing Contest March 2013 Having recently moved to France, we were expecting to love the weather, the way of life, the new culture and all of the other standard reasons for moving to a new country, what we didn’t plan on was our new found love of cakes, don’t get me...
  • The top 5 differences between French and English estate agents Expat Blog Awards 2013 You may think that this is a strange topic to be writing about, after all selling a house is selling a house, can it really be that different? And the simple answer is yes! You really don’t notice the difference until you start to search for...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: France Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in France!

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Website Reviews » There are 3 reviews on Jenny and John in Brittany

22:04 PM December 04, 2013

Jenny your blog is always so interesting to read it is like snuggling up with a really good book, as a fellow expat barely renovating our French home the information here has been so helpful - I suggest everyone put it on email notification so you don't miss one bit of it, can't wait for the next installment Roz & John http://france-ourlifeinfrance.blogspot.fr/

22:45 PM December 04, 2013

always love jenny's work . keep it up. great story

10:59 AM December 05, 2013

I empathise with your antics - the ups and downs, the struggles and the laughs. It's all part of the fun. We're in a similar situation, so it gives me hope that it'll all come right in the end.

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