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It's an expat life for us
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- Boab Sammy 9 years ago In Jordan, each building has its own caretaker called, Boab's. These guys supervise the building and help maintain the cleanliness of it. Our Boab, Sammy takes out our rubbish, cleans our car and waters our plants on the front porch. We pay a fee once a month for this service. Our Boab,...
- Independence Day, May 25th 9 years ago In 1946, Jordan achieved freedom from the British. It was on this day that Transjordan became what it is know as today, The Hashemite Kingdom Jordan. Today, there has been a wonderful airshow flying over Amman. Ayla has been petrified of the loud sounds going over our heads. It is a...
- Copas Central 9 years ago Copas is new hang out for Robert and I. We have been here once and it was a lot of fun. It sells tapas and other foods. On a Thursday after school, many of our friends come here to take advantage of the 'Happy Hour' which is buy one drink, get the other free. As the weather is getting...
- Shams El Balad 9 years ago This morning, some good friends took Ayla and I to a nice restaurant downtown called, 'Shams El Balad' near first circle. It is a wonderful place to catch the morning sun and enjoy a cafe with some excellent, organic food. The manager told us that the food is made off site by local women who...
- Levant Seafood 9 years ago It looks like my blogger days are dwindling away! It is amazing how much a baby can change your life. Working full time and parenting full time takes all my time and very little is left to write in my blog. I have also just started a part time masters so most of my writing time now needs to...
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- Things I Love About Amman Expat Blog Awards 2013 1. The weather - The climate in Amman is PERFECT! During the summer months it is hot, hot, hot, but not so hot that it is unbearable. Autumn is a beautiful season with a very comfortable temperature. Then comes winter and this year we are...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Jordan Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Jordan!
Copy and paste code to display the Jordan Award Badge:ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Jordan Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in Jordan!
Copy and paste code to display the Bronze Award Badge:Website Reviews » There is 1 review on It's an expat life for us

16:57 PM May 13, 2014
16:57 PM May 13, 2014

Great blog. Just moved to Amman and my family is joining me in July!