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Two Suitcases and a Tin Pot

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Two Suitcases and a Tin Pot
Living, eating and experiencing China as the wife of a working expat.
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ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: China Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in China!
Copy and paste code to display the Honourable Mention Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 8 reviews on Two Suitcases and a Tin Pot

15:34 PM December 07, 2012
15:34 PM December 07, 2012

In my opinion, one of the funniest blogs out there! She manages to inject humour into those sad and lonely moments we all experience as expats. I have never been to China, but she makes me want to go there! Even if they spit everywhere.

Christine Hugo
19:27 PM December 07, 2012
19:27 PM December 07, 2012

A talented and gifted writer with an extaordinary sense of humour and observation. This blog is a gem and must become a book!

06:44 AM December 08, 2012
06:44 AM December 08, 2012

This blog is a treasure-trove of spirit enriching gems. Every visit uplifts and broadens horizons. She has a positive energy that shines through and an amazing amount of info is dished up with a GREAT sense of humour! Would be the first to grab this off the shelves should it be published!

Lindy Bekker
08:47 AM December 09, 2012
08:47 AM December 09, 2012

The talent lies not only in the prose, but in the photography too. I love reading this blog and eagerly anticipate next post!

Crystal Du Preez
11:58 AM December 10, 2012
11:58 AM December 10, 2012

I love this whitty blog... it's so easy to relate to and I find myself drifting off and imagining myself in China! You truly have found your calling!

14:47 PM December 15, 2012
14:47 PM December 15, 2012

I always look forward to another article appearing in this blog. Whether it be food, travel or just life experiences, she manages to entertain and her photography is exceptional.

08:47 AM December 17, 2012
08:47 AM December 17, 2012

Witty. Entertaining. Insightful. And most of all, full of useful tips. Love it!

18:25 PM December 19, 2012
18:25 PM December 19, 2012

Living vicariously through these posts. Simply joyous !