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Your Expat Child

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Your Expat Child
Carole moved from Britain to Tokyo, Japan in 2006 when her daughter was five years old and now currently lives in Berlin, Germany. Your Expat Child offers updates and information about relocating overseas with your child
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  • Expat guilt 3 years ago This is a new post from ExpatChild by Carole Hallett Mobbs ExpatChild - Moving overseas with children. Relocation advice for parents. Originally published 9th November 2016 Updated 23rd August 2021 Are you suffering from expat guilt? Guilt: ‘a feeling of having ... The post Expat guilt appeared...
  • Advice for starting a new school 3 years ago This is a new post from ExpatChild by Carole Hallett Mobbs ExpatChild - Moving overseas with children. Relocation advice for parents. First day of school tips Starting a new school is very daunting for any child, regardless of which country that ... The post Advice for starting a new school...
  • The best way to learn a language 3 years ago This is a new post from ExpatChild by Carole Hallett Mobbs ExpatChild - Moving overseas with children. Relocation advice for parents. What’s the best way to learn a foreign language? Whilst it’s generally acknowledged that full immersion into a language is ... The post The best way to learn a...
  • Top 5 Expatability Chat Podcast episodes 4 years ago This is a new post from ExpatChild by Carole Hallett Mobbs ExpatChild - Moving overseas with children. Relocation advice for parents. Top 5 expat life podcast episodes Since I launched my Expatability Chat Podcast in the summer of 2020, peak pandemic, ... The post Top 5 Expatability Chat Podcast...
  • Online British Education vs International Schools 4 years ago This is a new post from ExpatChild by Carole Hallett Mobbs ExpatChild - Moving overseas with children. Relocation advice for parents. Why choose an online British education for your expat child vs International Schools? If you are moving to France, Germany, ... The post Online British Education vs...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Germany Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Germany!

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Website Reviews » There are 42 reviews on Your Expat Child

Emma Abberley
13:39 PM September 26, 2012

Think this is a very informative, well layed out blog that is extremely usefull for Families that have moved to another country. Also who better to give advice and information than someone who has been through it all. Fanatastic!! WELL DONE.

Donna Sims
13:50 PM September 26, 2012

Excellent blog full of useful information

Eliot Rudolph
13:58 PM September 26, 2012

Useful and informative. Will share this resource with all my colleagues.

Julia Clark
17:42 PM September 26, 2012

This blog is a fabulous resource, it's reassuring, concise, informative and easy to navigate. Invaluable.

17:50 PM September 26, 2012

Excellent blog, very informative and loads of very useful information

Liza Reekie
19:21 PM September 26, 2012

Brilliant blog, full of great info.

23:53 PM September 26, 2012

fabulous blog written by a very talented lady who I admire greatly!

07:34 AM September 27, 2012

I discovered this blog via twitter after answering a question about what we pack when flying with our children. Now, I've been sharing it with all my expat friends - I only wish it had been there when we first went overseas with our babies.

17:57 PM October 01, 2012

Hugely informative, superbly laid out and great fun to read - a really useful resource.

10:21 AM October 11, 2012

Really informative and collaborative. I really enjoy following this blog.

23:44 PM October 11, 2012


Teresita Colegial
06:55 AM October 12, 2012

What a pleasure to read 'Your Expat Child'. Full of useful information in fun constructive point of view. Having experienced it all myself with my family, this blog makes me smile and brings back fond memories of our similar experiences. It is spot on - thank you!!!!!!!

David Dunn
11:02 AM October 12, 2012

A great blog for parents, relations of children everywhere, keep up the good work.

22:39 PM October 23, 2012

A really great blog with lots of useful information for anyone moving abroad with children.

12:48 PM November 05, 2012

Really helpful resource with something for everyone - from new expats to old ones (er, perennial expats!) I always pick up a helpful tip or three whenever I visit Carole's blog.

17:52 PM November 05, 2012

A great read, and really helpful and informative.

Amanda Van Mulligen
07:23 AM December 01, 2012

Informative, engaging and insightful blog about relocating with children. Hats off to Carole!

Amy Lee
09:07 AM December 01, 2012

It was really heartbreaking reading her blog regarding questions asked about the child and when parents of other kids started saying of what's the point in being friend with the child if she is living. If everyone of us will to feel this way(what's the point if) then we would have missed out all the good times and friendships that we could have. Thanks, Carole for the blog.

15:20 PM December 01, 2012

As an expat who had children abroad but who expects to move on to pastures new this blog is a fascinating and useful resource for me!

23:28 PM December 01, 2012

Love! Informative & helpful. Sharing My Desire to share & facilitate for families exploring the world.

04:25 AM December 02, 2012

A great blog with many things we can relate to!

14:57 PM December 02, 2012

A fascinating window into the world of a expat family.

16:02 PM December 02, 2012

fabulous, witty and informative, love it!

Tina Van Der Graaf
20:11 PM December 02, 2012

Great blog - hits the important issues around being an expat.

Elizabeth Reekie
20:46 PM December 02, 2012

What a great resource - great for expat families

13:13 PM December 03, 2012

Fabulous website - full of useful hints and tips, all written with humour and understanding by someone who really DOES know how you feel!

Zena Easman
13:21 PM December 03, 2012

Really, really useful.

13:39 PM December 03, 2012

Interesting and informative. A great read!

13:52 PM December 03, 2012

fab blog thanks

15:26 PM December 03, 2012

What a great site. So much useful information. Really helpful.

01:58 AM December 05, 2012

Full of great information that I really need as an Expat with 3 kids. Informative, easy to navigate and all in all a fantastic blog.

Joanne Kilby
21:17 PM December 05, 2012

Super. Full of so much useful information!

22:07 PM December 05, 2012

I agree with Violet. I first 'met' Carole April 11th 2011 when the earthquake struck Japan, we had recently moved to South Africa and I really understood what she was going through with her move to Germany. Carole advised of the steps/mountains I would reach, in what order and how long before I stopped feeling so and when and what the next hurdle would be, it really helped me to understand the process of life as an expat

23:50 PM December 06, 2012

Her blog maybe new, but she knows what she is writing about. Great resource for expat parents.

Dr Rand Fandrich, Expatriate Foundation
01:21 AM December 09, 2012

Expatriate Foundation recently awarded Expatchild and blog the 2012 Annual Expatriate Distinguished Service Award - Please join us in congratulating a job well done. Continued Success! Dr Rand Fandrich, PHR www.expatriatefoundation.com

Katya Barry
08:56 AM December 10, 2012

I love Carol's blog, it's super informative and helpful Well done, Carol!

09:54 AM December 10, 2012

Great blog, very informative and mind broadening.

10:20 AM December 10, 2012

This is a great blog with great information.

12:39 PM December 10, 2012

An excellent blog for expatriate families everywhere. Useful articles on a wide range of topics, this blog is a very valuable resource for those raising Third Culture Kids.

16:40 PM December 10, 2012

Super-helpful tips for parents navigating expat life.

Selena Richard
09:22 AM September 14, 2013

Thanks for sharing such a lovely blog Messie Forum

Heike Vargas
05:48 AM January 30, 2015

One of the best resources for expats.

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