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Minhas Cronicas do Brasil
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Minhas Cronicas do Brasil
Stories about an ex-pat's life in rural Brazil (by Malvina). We moved because of family. We stayed because of the farm. Life is both beautifully simple and complicated in this little rural town in Minas Gerais.
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- We've Moved! 6 years ago Minhas Crônicas do Brasil has moved! This blog has moved to www.cronicasdobrasil.com! I’ve gone and gotten all official ‘n’ stuff, with a self-hosted website and my very own registered URL. Don’t worry, I’ll be forwarding people from this site for a while in case you forget; you...
- When is life like an ice cream cone? (Fotocrônica) 6 years ago Ever have one of those days where it feels like you just can’t do anything right? That you have to scrap everything and just start from zero again? Yeah. Me too. Today was one of those days. I pulled my car to the curb and sighed one of those sighs that wheeze out of your […]
- Happy International Women's Day! So why is a male politician talking? 6 years ago It’s International Women’s Day! Hooray! We don’t celebrate it much in the United States but every Latin-American country I’ve visited takes it really seriously. Good for them! So here I am in a school presentation about how marvelous women are, and I can’t help but think to myself: Why,...
- Distant Cousins 7 years ago The dogs were barking up a racket last night. It was clear that there was something in the yard–they don’t bark like that when discussing territorial politics with the neighbor dogs–so we went out on the veranda with flashlights to investigate. We were so glad that we did! We had a late night...
- When 1 + 1 Doesn't Equal 2 7 years ago Oh, these Brazilians do love their English. They’ll put it on anything. Sometimes they like to mix and match. They often have no idea what they’re actually saying. So I had a good chuckle when my very god-fearing in-laws checked in on Facebook (or “The Face-EE” as they call it down here),...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Brazil Bronze Award!
This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in Brazil!
Copy and paste code to display the Bronze Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 14 reviews on Minhas Cronicas do Brasil
Natalie Norton
14:18 PM November 28, 2012
14:18 PM November 28, 2012
I am so excited each week when I get notification of Mal's next blog! I can't wait to read more about her life in Brazil. Concise description gives me a visual and often humorous "feel" of rural Brazil.
Steve Norton
20:42 PM November 28, 2012
20:42 PM November 28, 2012
Knowing Mal well, I feel that I am getting an insider's look at rural Brazil and all its wonders. From the discovery of how a library works, to investigating the medical system (which was a wonderfully successful adventure for her husband and brother-in-law), to how to clear the encroaching jungle from her pasture land - it is truly an adventure story. I'm looking forward to a visit.
Elizabeth Reynolds
21:58 PM November 28, 2012
21:58 PM November 28, 2012
I love this blog! It reminds me so much of the couple of years when I lived abroad, although not in South America. I was young then, too, and soaked up the culture that stays with me today. I hope Malvina realizes her writing talent and thinks seriously about working on a book.
13:03 PM December 17, 2012
13:03 PM December 17, 2012
Malvina's writing makes you feel like you are experiencing what she lives. I love to read about her adventures and learn about another country. She is a descriptive and heartfelt writer who expresses herself clearly and with grace. I am always excited to read about her new adventures!
Mary Fudge
13:14 PM December 17, 2012
13:14 PM December 17, 2012
I've never been a faithful blog reader.. until now! Her love of language and culture shine through with the weekly descriptions of Brazilian life... thanks Mal!
13:50 PM December 17, 2012
13:50 PM December 17, 2012
When this blog gets hanged on the net I can't wait to read it and absorb it. It transports me to a land that I have never visited or know much of it but now I can recognize some of the elements of this society. It's full of feelings, emotions, every day routines, reality that realtes to all of us in some way...it's fresh and enchanting and always wait to hear and smile about it's insight one more time
Teddi Reed
19:11 PM December 17, 2012
19:11 PM December 17, 2012
Malvina's blog makes me dream of a visit to Brazil. It has made me laugh and drool. She is an amazing writer.
22:27 PM December 17, 2012
22:27 PM December 17, 2012
I look forward to each of Malvina's blog updates! I have always found Brazil to be an interesting place, but after reading all of these wonderful tales it's more than just an interesting place - it's now a travel destination!
Ted Gregory
23:56 PM December 17, 2012
23:56 PM December 17, 2012
a very interesting blog. makes me want to go there and visit or stay. keep writing! ted
Stephanie McLeod-Estevez
00:40 AM December 18, 2012
00:40 AM December 18, 2012
Malvina's blog reminds me a bit of the lyric "Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you" because when I read it I feel like I receive a piece of what her daily existence in Brasil is like. Write on Malvina!
Tina Higgins
00:47 AM December 18, 2012
00:47 AM December 18, 2012
I love reading about Malvina's experiences and this blog keeps me interested :) I can vicariously enjoy so much more this way!
01:07 AM December 18, 2012
01:07 AM December 18, 2012
I look forward to reading her gems and being a part of a life that I will never be a part of. Malvina mixes observation, philosophy and emotion into a fine brew of weekly literary prose. Bravo.
01:55 AM December 18, 2012
01:55 AM December 18, 2012
Great blog. Shows me a different culture through eyes that can speak to me. Makes me want to visit Brazil. Sounds like such an interesting and diverse country.
02:45 AM December 18, 2012
02:45 AM December 18, 2012
I can't describe all the memories that are awakened when I read about Malvina's life now in Brazil. Being from a little country in Central America, when I read these stories I am transported back because of how similar the two countries are. I cry out laughing when hearing these about these misadventures!