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Made in Suisse

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Made in Suisse
I am a French scientist in her late-twenties who has now been living in La Suisse for 18 months. After a short stint living in Meilen on the shore of lake Zürich Mr T and I have now taken up residence in Brugg, a small town between Basel, Bern and Zürich.
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- Quick knits 11 years ago Hello again everyone,Thank you very much for your kind messages on my knitted socks last week. They gave me enough confidence to maybe attempt knitting a third pair...at some point in the future :-)I had some sock wool left and decided to attempt knitting some cute little baby booties for a...
- Once bitten, twice shy... not I! 11 years ago Despite my best intentions, I have actually managed to set a new record for the longest WIP project on my knitting needles after 2011's disaster of my first pair of knitted socks. That first attempt had taken 6 months and I had sworn never to bother with socks again.But it's true that home-made...
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