Expat Blog Awards 2013 - Contest concluded. Read all 171 Expat Top Lists or see the Prize/Award Winners

Multifarious meanderings

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Multifarious meanderings
English humour from a British mother of three lost somewhere in the depths of the Hérault valley. Village life, French tax forms, the paradox of the French and fast food, people-spotting on the beach, and much more.
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  • Weekly Photo challenge: Bridge 7 years ago As I went past the playmobil mansion this morning, Mrs Playmo appeared at the window and waved an impatient claw at me. “Oy, MM, there’s a photo challenge, and Mr Playmo and I want to take part!” she gabbled. I … Continue reading →
  • Ugly Sister Syndrome. 7 years ago Summer has arrived with a vengeance in the Languedoc. The cat has resumed its favourite pastime of soaking up heat in a lazy heap on the wall. Luis the Nightingale is in fine fettle, warbling opera to his offspring throughout … Continue reading →
  • Mrs Playmo and the Bucket List. 8 years ago It has been too long. Way too long. I’m sorry. Mrs Playmo is furious with me – probably because she feels that her fan club is being neglected. Every morning she leans out of the playmo mansion window and reminds … Continue reading →
  • Father Christmas and the Big Girl Knickers. 9 years ago Dear Father Christmas, I haven’t been to sit on your knee yet this year. I hope that you have been weight training regularly, because even if I’m a mere slip of a girl at my corrected aged of 12 (4+7), … Continue reading →
  • A War of Words: The Pen and the Kalashnikov. 9 years ago   On Sunday morning, I awoke in beautiful, permissive, perverted France. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and went down to the kitchen. I prepared the filter coffee, and put a couple of butter croissants in … Continue reading →

Contest Entries »

  • The Ten Commandments for Visiting the Languedoc, France Writing Contest March 2013 Every summer, tourists eagerly chase their way through the Languedoc on an enthusiastic pilgrimage from one cross on the guide book to the next. As I see them bowl past, noses glued to their sat navs en route for the next horrifically expensive car...
  • Maytime Mayhem: the eye of the French working cyclone Working Abroad It is May. We’re in France. I have a job. So does my husband. My kids go to school and don’t play truant. So why are we all at home on a week day? Because it’s a bank holiday. Again. I never thought I needed regularity, with the exception...
  • Ten Beret Good Things to Know About France and the French. Expat Blog Awards 2013 When I first arrived in France with my rose-tinted spectacles firmly jammed on the end of my nose, I secretly hoped for a Doisneau world in which accordeons were played on street corners, vendors sold flowers to kissing couples on wrought iron park...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: France Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in France!

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Website Reviews » There are 27 reviews on Multifarious meanderings

13:28 PM November 25, 2012

One of my favorite blog ever !!!

13:34 PM November 25, 2012

Thank you for making me laugh so hard ! I love your blog.

13:36 PM November 25, 2012

Very very Goooooood

13:37 PM November 25, 2012

This blog is hilarious and very informative. I recommend.

13:39 PM November 25, 2012

British humour at its best!

14:27 PM November 25, 2012

One of the few blogs I make the effort to read on a regular basis!

18:04 PM November 25, 2012

Un blog frais, diversifié, aussi pétillant que peut l'être son auteure !

21:06 PM November 25, 2012

My only and FAVORITE blog !!! Humor with a kind of "french mauvaise foi" ! Thank you Miss L.

Our Adventure In Croatia
21:15 PM November 25, 2012

MM gets my vote! MM lives in France with Husband PF, Bigfoot, Rugby-boy and Little My (oh... and a Smelly Dog)- and blogs about their daily life there, with lots of funny and entertaining bits thrown in for good measure, and lots of British humour. Check out their blog!

07:32 AM November 26, 2012

funny and fabulous

20:42 PM November 26, 2012

...British humour doesn't come any better

23:47 PM November 26, 2012

How many wonderful things can I say about MM - they would never end! She is fantastic & her blog so entertaining! She deserves the reward with highest honors. You only allow 5 Stars - I'd give her 10!

08:58 AM November 27, 2012

My favourite very good!

11:36 AM November 27, 2012

hilarious !

12:06 PM November 27, 2012

Yo, of course it has what it takes to win! Hopla geiss, let's all vote for this amazing blog!

Pecora Nera
08:50 AM November 28, 2012

Brilliant blog, very funny. I read it on a Monday morning when I need cheering up.

09:31 AM November 28, 2012

Gently comic, wryly observant, sometimes searching, often stimulating, never dull - this woman simply loves life!

10:43 AM November 28, 2012

Just great !!

JH Lignot
07:05 AM December 11, 2012

Great work, thank you for doing it. keep going!

10:00 AM December 11, 2012

Refreshing to read, taking the rough with the smooth and the light with the dark. Thank you!

15:21 PM December 11, 2012

I love this blog! It has a little bit of everything and very funny and witty !

17:05 PM December 11, 2012

This blog reminds me of P.G.Wodehouse's numerous writings, so typically British humor. She largely deserves a five stars.

04:17 AM December 12, 2012

Fun and lively blog. Keeps you waiting for the next post. Also this blogger promotes other bloggers and interacts with their followers. 5***** rating from here!

23:45 PM December 12, 2012

I always take the time to read her journal because it's reality in a funny way. Love it!

15:50 PM December 13, 2012

A new reader to this blog, I've already signed up to get updates as it's witty, intelligent and well written. Just the sort of blog I like!

22:33 PM December 13, 2012

Just love it ! So witty and funny

06:20 AM December 14, 2012

i love the fun way every thing is written...

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