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Bitten by Spain

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Bitten by Spain
I was born in the UK because Fate obviously has a sense of humour. Not suited at all to that damp, grey little island, I finally completed the escape tunnel in 2003 and fled to Southern Spain.
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Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Bitten by Spain

15:43 PM January 05, 2015
15:43 PM January 05, 2015

This blog caught my eye because I too was bitten by Spain, a number of years ago. When I go there, I feel healthier, happier and more relaxed than I normally do. Thanks for reminding me why I love Spain. I had a short disastrous attempt at moving there, a few years ago. It was my own fault as I gave up on job hunting too easily. Still, I hope to try again at some point, even if I have to wait till I retire.