Navigating the World

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Navigating the World
The Hong Kong edition - year 2 Sharing our experiences and observations as teachers, parents, and explorers in this city, southeast Asia, and around the world.
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  • Remembrance and Release 2 years ago When my third and final baby died, I bought little Japanese jizo statues to help me navigate my way through my grief. If you aren’t familiar with these protectors of children and travelers, here is a link to read more about them, because I cherish them....
  • On turning 40 2 years ago Don’t let them fool you.It is good.Very, very good. It is clarity and uncertainty.Peace of mind and restless nights. It is pride in what my body can do.Concern over what it no longer can.Fear for what it may not be able to do tomorrow.And the sincere belief that I can handleWhatever it gives me....
  • We were made for this 2 years ago I believe that human history is cyclical – and that some variation on the same, repetitive pattern is constantly at play – both on broad social scales and also individual ones. Each iteration of the cycle may look quite different from the one prior, but the underlying rhythm remains the same,...
  • If there be giants, let them be kind: 2022 2 years ago A little beauty magically levitating in the middle of my path this afternoon. Just 3 strands tenuously holding her entire structure – home, meal, masterpiece – suspended in space. How apt, this metaphor, for how many of us feel stepping into another new year – wondering which of our strings...
  • Step away to step forward 3 years ago I once stood in a Hong Kong airport. My body shaking uncontrollably. My mind reeling. Dizzy and disoriented. Anxiety and panic swooping in and taking over all systems. I was not mentally in a good place before arriving at the airport — but I desperately wanted to get back to my family. And I knew... Featured Expat Blog Badge:

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