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Spanish Shilling
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- BeeBapoRu 2 years ago I'll never have a fluent-sounding accent when I speak Spanish. It's pretty good, but if I have an accent, it's an English one. Which stands to reason I suppose, since that's where I'm from. It's easy enough to spot although there's the exception maybe when I'm on the phone and my caller can't...
- Being There: a Day at the Garden 2 years ago Like many people, I'm not much of a gardener. Sometimes I remember to go and squirt everything with the hose, for which the shrubbery is suitably grateful, perhaps even rewarding me with a flower or two. Other times... well, I was doing something else, you know how it is. Here in our neck of the...
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- Tourism in 2022 2 years ago The summer hols are upon us. We shall pack our bags (or our hand-luggage if we are travelling with one of the cheapies) and jet away to somewhere warm, where we shall get drunk, have a brief romance, buy a souvenir, punch someone and be sick in a flowerbed. Perhaps we shall look wistfully at a...
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Website Reviews » There are 2 reviews on Spanish Shilling

07:19 AM January 10, 2013
07:19 AM January 10, 2013

Long-time blog written by someone who really knows (and likes) Spain. Humorous and informative

Geoff Barlow
20:45 PM September 23, 2014
20:45 PM September 23, 2014

Always worth reading. Interesting, informative and often uplifting.