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Our home called Kuantan

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Our home called Kuantan
A blog about life in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Tourist attractions, hotels in words and photographs. An account of my expat life in Malaysia.
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- Looking for the Keyword? 3 years ago Hello you clever people! You made it over to my blog. Well done! This is where I write about all of my travels around Malaysia and Singapore, but especially in my adopted home town of Kuantan. Feel free to have a look at some of my posts when you are finished the English Internet Hunt.Well anyway,...
- Angelos @ Grand Darulmakmur Hotel, Kuantan 7 years ago Formerly known as M.S. Garden Hotel, the Grand Darulmakmur Hotel has undergone a renovation and now looks much improved. We stopped by Angelos, the restaurant on the Ground Floor lobby, for a bite to eat for lunch.Angelos at Grand Darulmakmur Hotel, KuantanThe sweeping windows allowed a lot of...
- Lauren's Gymnastics Competition, Perlis, April 2017 7 years ago Lauren is doing rather well with her rhythmic gymnastics. Her latest competition was held all the way up north in Perlis. Fidelia went with Lauren while I stayed in Kuantan with Leah.Lauren with her medalsLauren with other members of the Pahang teamLauren with Tiffany, Aleesya and Coach RosPahang...
- "Z" post - Absolutely Amazing Alliteration 7 years ago This is one post in a series of 26 where I go through the alphabet in an orgy of alliteration as part of the A-Z April Blogging Challenge for 2017. I have made a collection of videos of alliteration in a sentence, starting with each letter of the alphabet. Today is "Z"Drop me a comment and...
- "Y" post - Absolutely Amazing Alliteration 7 years ago This is one post in a series of 26 where I go through the alphabet in an orgy of alliteration as part of the A-Z April Blogging Challenge for 2017. I have made a collection of videos of alliteration in a sentence, starting with each letter of the alphabet. Today is "Y"Drop me a comment and...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Malaysia Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in Malaysia!
Copy and paste code to display the Silver Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 99 reviews on Our home called Kuantan

11:38 AM November 18, 2012
11:38 AM November 18, 2012

That is so great! I love this blog. It's a well balanced mix of beautiful photography, information and inspiring stories.

Fidelia Horne
02:15 AM November 19, 2012
02:15 AM November 19, 2012

I love Duncan's blog because his photos are great and his writing style is magnificent. It is surely very helpful for those who want to find out more about Kuantan.

Grace Lo
03:58 AM November 19, 2012
03:58 AM November 19, 2012

I'm totally amazed by this blog. Love this blog so much!

04:19 AM November 19, 2012
04:19 AM November 19, 2012

It's a great blog and love the variety you get to see in each and every post!

04:52 AM November 19, 2012
04:52 AM November 19, 2012

I look forward to reading this blog all the time! always feeling excited when i read about the children along with amazing photographs of them!

04:58 AM November 19, 2012
04:58 AM November 19, 2012

A lovely blog that gives all visitors a wonderful virtual insight!

06:55 AM November 19, 2012
06:55 AM November 19, 2012

Definitely a very interesting blog.

Ordinary Malaysian
11:31 AM November 19, 2012
11:31 AM November 19, 2012

You rarely find a blog by an expat that shows his love for the place that he now calls home. Some truly interesting and informative posts on places of interest in Kuantan and lovely accounts of his family life there with his two beautiful kids and a loving wife and great photos too!

13:33 PM November 19, 2012
13:33 PM November 19, 2012

Interesting blog! Glad you fell in love with Malaysia!

Diane (thisisme)
13:49 PM November 19, 2012
13:49 PM November 19, 2012

I certainly think that Duncan's bog deserves an Award. He has so many loyal Followers, and I really look forward to reading his posts all about his life in Malaysia, and his delightful family. His photographs are quite stunning. He is also a very loyal bloggy Follower.

15:51 PM November 19, 2012
15:51 PM November 19, 2012

One of the reasons I love blogging is to learn about other parts of the world. It's always a good read, with excellent images when one clicks onto Duncan's 'Our Home in Kuantan. He definitely gets my vote.

Joanna Horne
19:38 PM November 19, 2012
19:38 PM November 19, 2012

I love this blog because it keeps me (Duncan's Mother) back home in England, in touch. I log into his blog every day to catch up on his news, and to watch my grandchildren grow and progress. It also teaches me so much about Kuantan. I feel I really know the place because of his blog. When I visit, it all looks so familiar. He really brings the place alive through his pictures and words.

Anthony Stemke
20:28 PM November 19, 2012
20:28 PM November 19, 2012

A beautiful information-packed blog with gorgeous photography, always interesting.

03:30 AM November 20, 2012
03:30 AM November 20, 2012

Duncan shows us things that most of us would never get the chance to see in person. It's like traveling without leaving your home. The photographs are always a treat for the eye.

John J Foster
04:17 AM November 20, 2012
04:17 AM November 20, 2012

Gives one a great insight to the area of Kuantan and it's people here in the wonderful country that is Malaysia. With hid great photos and guest bloggers their is always something to come back for and to me that's a good Blog website. He gets my vote..

14:12 PM November 20, 2012
14:12 PM November 20, 2012

One of the joys of blogging for me has been learning about different cultures and making contacts around the world. Duncan does an excellent job of sharing his love for his adopted country via his blog.

Jaya J
20:07 PM November 20, 2012
20:07 PM November 20, 2012

This blog is an easy-to-read compilation of what goes on in this expat's life. It also gives information on Kuantan and some local culture with lovely pictures! And Duncan is consistent with his postings, never letting down his readers.

Lynda R. Young
21:38 PM November 22, 2012
21:38 PM November 22, 2012

A fabulous blog which shares the all sorts of aspects of Kuantan. I love his stories and photography and it makes me want to travel to that lovely region of the world.

Keith Meure
06:38 AM November 23, 2012
06:38 AM November 23, 2012

I'm an avid reader of Duncan's blog (I love any good Malaysian blog). I've got it linked into my Google Currents app on my Nexus 7 for reading each time it's updated. Now he's got his new SLR, I'm looking forward to even more professional photos!

Maria Smith
19:35 PM November 23, 2012
19:35 PM November 23, 2012

I love Duncan's blog, he often takes us on a journey around his home area of Kuantan, a place I knew nothing of until I began reading his blog posts. I also love his use of images, he's a very keen photographer, and it shows...

19:56 PM November 23, 2012
19:56 PM November 23, 2012

Duncan's blog is awesome! I always look forward to his posts about where he lives, what he's up to, and his beautiful family!

09:11 AM November 24, 2012
09:11 AM November 24, 2012

It was great to find this blog through the Expat Blog site and learn more about Malaysia, which isn't very far from where we are currently living. I will follow with great interest.

12:39 PM November 24, 2012
12:39 PM November 24, 2012

Duncan, not only my good friend, but a good blog writer as well. Never get me bored when I read all his blogs(i'm blog walker, loves to read blog) and hes one my blog favorites. Hearing he being nominated for expats blog award is a good news. Hope to read more about your blogs bro :)

19:09 PM November 24, 2012
19:09 PM November 24, 2012

I really love this blog because it keeps me updated about the ones I love!!! Duncan is a really great photographer and also an amazing writer! Keep it up brother! xx

Felicia Michael
01:08 AM November 26, 2012
01:08 AM November 26, 2012

Duncan's blog is insightful and full of gorgeous photos. He has a way with words and i absolutely love the blog. He is able to capture things we in Malaysia took for granted like the beauty of temple and mosque and nature. He deserve to win an award for his passion.

14:59 PM November 28, 2012
14:59 PM November 28, 2012

A very insightful post of the expat life on the East Coast . With most expats on the West Coast . Duncan's blog highlights the beauty of that part of Malaysia and also the joy of family life with two adorable daughters .

Rosy Curtis
12:33 PM December 03, 2012
12:33 PM December 03, 2012

What I love most about Duncan's blog is that I feel I am actually there when I read the descriptions he gives. I am a stay-at-home-don't- like -flying kind of person and the tempting appetisers he provides make me feel I would one day gather my courage and visit !!! Really enjoy reading it.

Lau Mee Fong
15:19 PM December 03, 2012
15:19 PM December 03, 2012

Is a nice blog, it present all the great places at Kuantan, so that we have a idea which place we should visit when we traveling to Kuantan.

Chong Sun Fu
15:43 PM December 03, 2012
15:43 PM December 03, 2012

The blog is not only informative with excellent photography but it has a nice expat style of presenting the place that reflect the true variety of sights, sounds and smells of the country. Any local or foreigner reading the blog will come to love the place and will want to visit for their own experience for sure!

16:27 PM December 03, 2012
16:27 PM December 03, 2012

Informative, interactive, easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing to the eye, “Our home called Kuantan” has all the makings of a top-notch blog. Well done, Duncan!

George Juis
01:30 AM December 04, 2012
01:30 AM December 04, 2012

Wow!!! What a wonderful blog. It is very beautiful and inspiring. I like the blog.

Michelle Chia
02:20 AM December 04, 2012
02:20 AM December 04, 2012

I love Duncan's blog ! He posted a lot of the picture around mAlaysia.

02:38 AM December 04, 2012
02:38 AM December 04, 2012

That is so awesome! I love it very much! Thanks Mr Duncan to show out the best scenery and some special in Kuantan.

07:12 AM December 04, 2012
07:12 AM December 04, 2012

I definitely love reading this blog. Duncan's writing style is very entertaining and fascinating at the same time. And East Malaysia is always the best, I'm so glad I found his blog :-))

Joyce Yong
14:00 PM December 04, 2012
14:00 PM December 04, 2012

I love Duncan blog! I have been living in Malaysia all my life and know so little about Kuantan Pahang. Duncan blog has given our family so much insight of Kuantan and it makes us feel that we need to visit it again after reading his blog. We had been there so many times but did not realise Kuantan is such a beautiful place and where to have nice and cheap seafood..... Love all his photos too. Duncan, you look like a profeesional photographer! Well done!

Paul Joseph
15:21 PM December 04, 2012
15:21 PM December 04, 2012

Duncan is a consistent blogger who posts about a variety of topics. Through his blend of words and pictures, I've enjoyed learning about other parts of the world. It's one of the blogs I visit frequently, and I'm never disappointed when I get there.

15:45 PM December 04, 2012
15:45 PM December 04, 2012

Hi Duncan, your blog is awesome. Informative and it's so practical.The beautiful pics and descriptions are fabulous.just wonder the time you spent writing and developing the blog is exemplary.

15:58 PM December 04, 2012
15:58 PM December 04, 2012

I come from China I live in Kuantan for about six years,before I saw Duncan's blog I never knew Kuantan is a such beautiful town where I'm living now.I'm glad to live in this place.Thank you for the information

Kong Chin Tuan
16:14 PM December 04, 2012
16:14 PM December 04, 2012

Our home called Kuantan by Duncan and his Loving family is simply Amazing!! He is truly living the Malaysian Life and at the same time being the ambassador for Kuantan to other fellow Malaysians. His continuous post on places of interest in Kuantan as well as his personal life keeps readers entertained and humbled at the same time. With the new addition of his Canon EOS, I can now expect even better quality photos to his already Funtastic photo taking prowess. Keep up the great updates :)

06:56 AM December 05, 2012
06:56 AM December 05, 2012

This is a wonderful blog full of exceptional photos and a fantastic insight into the life and culture of a hidden gem known as Kuantan. This is a must read to see the natural wonders that surround this adorable family.

Chand Daniel
07:13 AM December 05, 2012
07:13 AM December 05, 2012

i have no chance to see kuantan but the blog of Mr.Duncan D. Horne about life in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia it is full of information. hates of to you Mr. you did such great job. specially telling Tourist for attractions, hotels in words and photographs. An account of my expat life in Malaysia. for me you are the winner man.

John Brown
07:26 AM December 05, 2012
07:26 AM December 05, 2012

Best blog ever! And I read a lot of them. This guy is your man!

07:39 AM December 05, 2012
07:39 AM December 05, 2012

I am so amazed at the love Duncan has for Malaysia. Through his blog he has expressed a true feeling of a new found home. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Ruth Pooley
07:43 AM December 05, 2012
07:43 AM December 05, 2012

This blog is great! I love reading about Dunc and his family adventures and learning more about Kauntan! The photography is just amazing too!

08:06 AM December 05, 2012
08:06 AM December 05, 2012

What a beautiful place i would love to visit thanks for all the info Duncan good job

09:40 AM December 05, 2012
09:40 AM December 05, 2012

Kuatan is a pretty great place. I love how he portraits how great Kuatan is, with great imagery.

John Ellis
09:41 AM December 05, 2012
09:41 AM December 05, 2012

Great Blog Duncan. You have some fantastic pictures on there which really give a flavour of the area of Kuatan which makes me feel like wanting to come and visit there some day.

12:44 PM December 05, 2012
12:44 PM December 05, 2012

I really like Duncan's blog photos especially the hotels,I hope one day I can stay in all these hotels!

Hui Leng
13:10 PM December 05, 2012
13:10 PM December 05, 2012

I love Duncan's blog that gives all visitors a wonderful virtual insigt .

Snoopy (Theresa)
13:40 PM December 05, 2012
13:40 PM December 05, 2012

hi Mr Duncan,your blog is awesome,I like to read your blog,i can feel you like living in Malaysia especially Kuantan.You present all the great place in kuantan,

15:07 PM December 05, 2012
15:07 PM December 05, 2012

You have some fantastic pictures

15:22 PM December 05, 2012
15:22 PM December 05, 2012

Hmm.. Let's see. What do I like about this blog? Nothing. I honestly love everything about it. It's definitely written well and each time you start to read a post, you just want to keep reading more. It keeps you interested and makes you want to know what else he has to say. Plus, the pictures add a lovely visual to his posts. Oh yes, this blog is very helpful too. I've never thought of going to Kuantan or even knew much about Kuantan until I read this blog. Two thumbs up from me. :)

Michael Jensen
15:55 PM December 05, 2012
15:55 PM December 05, 2012

Duncan does an incredible job depicting the natural beauty of Malaysia! I lived overseas for some time, and it was rare to see an expat with such admiration for a country as this blog illustrates. Not only is it full of beautiful pictures, but the well written context is wonderful. Great blog Duncan, keep it up!

15:59 PM December 05, 2012
15:59 PM December 05, 2012

Having been aquainted with Duncan in Malaysia a decade ago, I find this blog brings me back to a place that is so amazing, a culture so diverse, and food that is second to none. Duncan truly captures the spirit of Malaysia with this blog.

Ramachandram Keloo
16:10 PM December 05, 2012
16:10 PM December 05, 2012

I did not know so much about Kuantan until I start to reading this blog....it is very informative to me who hardly goes there....because of this I am planing to take my family to this beautiful beach in East Coast,

Jesper Nimoi
16:12 PM December 05, 2012
16:12 PM December 05, 2012

wowwww im totally blew away by this blog really helped me to understand about different cultural. It has great details that are easy to understand. It also has a great photo's. Duncan ur rocks!!!

Hilary Presburt
16:50 PM December 05, 2012
16:50 PM December 05, 2012

Duncan's blog is excellent. The photography is wonderful and his commentaries are inspiring. Makes me want to fly off to Malaysia to experience it for myself. Well done Duncan, keep it up.8

17:09 PM December 05, 2012
17:09 PM December 05, 2012

Great blog! Makes me recall wonderful memories of my time in Malaysia, makes me itch to return for a visit!

17:18 PM December 05, 2012
17:18 PM December 05, 2012

Beautifully written Duncan. It made me want to get on a plane right away to go back to one of Kuantan's wonderful hotels, taste the mouth watering food and to spend a few hours on one of the lovely golden sandy beaches.

17:39 PM December 05, 2012
17:39 PM December 05, 2012

I love Duncan's blog because as a foreigner, he really sees a lot about Kuantan compare to a Kuantanese. It's very informative, beautiful and attracting photos, lots of different side of this small city that local peoples don't even bother to discover.Good job Duncan. I think this will evoke local peoples to discover their hometown again..Very informative and Brilliant.. :))

18:19 PM December 05, 2012
18:19 PM December 05, 2012

I was only able to visit Kuantan a few times and so being able to read and follow this blog really brings out the best of Kuantan. The photographs are award worthy, the descriptions are so beautiful, and the attitude is great! Best blog I've ever read!!

Sharon Wong
18:31 PM December 05, 2012
18:31 PM December 05, 2012

I have always enjoyed Duncan’s blog. The blog is fulled of great and beautiful shots. I love his lovely and interesting real life activities happened in Kuantan. It has made Kuantan indeed a very special place, IT is time to re-consider a visit to Kuantan!! May I invite you to explore this very unique blog , “Our home called Kuantan”…. it is truly a heavenly home!! Cheers!

20:46 PM December 05, 2012
20:46 PM December 05, 2012

this is a very interesting read. its interesting to read all about other places around the world annd it helps when you have someone so passionate about something to share it with you.great blog with lots of information and good pics.

Judith McKee
23:33 PM December 05, 2012
23:33 PM December 05, 2012

Duncan has an open, friendly way of writing which really makes me feel that I am there in Kuantan, enjoying the sights and hospitality of this lovely area. He makes such a lot of effort to explain why he loves Kuantan, Malaysia and their people, and is very persuasive in describing Kuantan's charms. This is a really delightful blog, and I look forward to reading each new instalment.

00:27 AM December 06, 2012
00:27 AM December 06, 2012

I enjoy reading this blog because of my dear love for Malaysia. Duncan does a wonderful job at capturing some of the best things about Malaysia. He is living my dream of living abroad in an amazing country. Keep it up Duncan!!!

02:15 AM December 06, 2012
02:15 AM December 06, 2012

Your blog is awesome Duncan! Your creativity & photography are immensely beautiful. Kuantan is one of the best Tourist Spot I'd recommend worldwide. I can't wait to be back in Malaysia again for another lifetime memory :)

03:05 AM December 06, 2012
03:05 AM December 06, 2012

Feel like i live there too whenever i read this blog. Keep it up!

Penny Ng
03:07 AM December 06, 2012
03:07 AM December 06, 2012

Great Blog ! Like it so much ………… Writing style is very magnificent ~ I Love It =)

Jo Andersen
03:08 AM December 06, 2012
03:08 AM December 06, 2012

I love this blog, it is always so interesting!!

03:42 AM December 06, 2012
03:42 AM December 06, 2012

Duncan's blog is wonderful for the sites he shares viahis photos and his insights he shares about the culture in his adopted home. I love to visit here.

04:09 AM December 06, 2012
04:09 AM December 06, 2012

hi, after read your blog i feel very happy and thank you for introduce our hometown so nicely.

May William
07:10 AM December 06, 2012
07:10 AM December 06, 2012

Wow! Duncan's blog is awesome..looking forward for more picture.very intersting n very creative..thanks you for sharing..all the best!

10:57 AM December 06, 2012
10:57 AM December 06, 2012

It is great being updated on your life and family in beautiful literacy and photography. Malaysia is a special place in the world and reading your blog is like going home. keep the blog going

Yuki Yap
11:06 AM December 06, 2012
11:06 AM December 06, 2012

this is great!Teacher you is a good photographer...because it have many beautiful photo...kuantan really is a nice place.

Odie Langley
11:07 AM December 06, 2012
11:07 AM December 06, 2012

I have followed Duncan's blog for a couple of years and I love his enthusiasm and his photography is awesome and that is an understatement. Malaysia is such a beautiful country and he has made it special for so many to see along with watching his beautiful daughters grow up. The world is a much better place because of people like my friend Duncan.

13:24 PM December 06, 2012
13:24 PM December 06, 2012

Very nice pictures and very nice talk .... Thanks for it

Alex Yew
13:28 PM December 06, 2012
13:28 PM December 06, 2012

Dear Mr Duncan, This is the firstime I visit your blog, It look so helpful for me to improve my english, I have a new target for myself after visite your blog. Tq Alex Yew

Lee Kian
13:32 PM December 06, 2012
13:32 PM December 06, 2012

Very interesting and attractive blog

14:00 PM December 06, 2012
14:00 PM December 06, 2012

Interesting and always update with new different stories! A great blog to let me know more about Kuantan!

14:08 PM December 06, 2012
14:08 PM December 06, 2012

nice and i interested with your blog mr duncan keep it up...the zenith hotel is the 2nd best that i have go in kuantan...how about you go to the BUKIT GAMBANG RESORT that place is awesome to you should go there and put it at your blog:D

16:09 PM December 06, 2012
16:09 PM December 06, 2012

Congrats!! A great one..an information-packed blog..keep it up!!!

16:22 PM December 06, 2012
16:22 PM December 06, 2012

This blog is amazing. It consists a lot of love about the family and also the hidden beauty of Malaysia such as Kuantan. I also get to improve my english a lot through this blog!Hope to read more about Teacher Duncan's blog!:)

16:49 PM December 06, 2012
16:49 PM December 06, 2012

SO many of us take our own country for granted. Here we see an Englishman thoroughly falling in love with our nation's culture, people, food and land. It's a rehreshing reminder to Malaysians why we love our country and what makes it home for even a foreigner. four thumbs up!! Including my toe-thumbs!!!

The Golden Eagle
01:33 AM December 07, 2012
01:33 AM December 07, 2012

I really enjoy visiting Our Home Called Kuantan because of the blogger's substantive written content and photographs of Malaysia.

05:21 AM December 07, 2012
05:21 AM December 07, 2012

Duncan, thank you for sharing with me about the beauty of Kuantan. I'm really appreciate it especially is from you, a non-Malaysian, an EXPATS!

Eddie Dickensheet
07:56 AM December 07, 2012
07:56 AM December 07, 2012

Duncan's blog is terrible! He makes me homesick for Malaysia, a country that was home for me for two years of my life! I am not good about keeping in touch or even staying in contact with all my friends in Facebook, but I have enjoyed reading his blog and seeing pictures of the beautiful place Duncan calls home. It is good to see an old friend and his family thriving in a place that I also came to love.

16:05 PM December 07, 2012
16:05 PM December 07, 2012

Great blog with marvelous photos, inspiring stories and fun facts about Kuantan, friends and families. Thumbs UP!!!

Sheila Marzuki
03:58 AM December 08, 2012
03:58 AM December 08, 2012

I love this blog because it is very helpful in finding information regarding any place. It was his deep love of the author traveled up. Additionally there are advertisements regarding my shop in his blog where It helps to trade me. Well done, Mr. Duncan.

04:20 AM December 08, 2012
04:20 AM December 08, 2012

Very Nice blog :-) Duncan writes very well about Kuantan area..Have been expatriate since 2006 and expanding nutritionclub business in Kuantan, love to check Duncan blog for more info around kuantan

Jasmine Loh
04:29 AM December 08, 2012
04:29 AM December 08, 2012

Duncan blog was aweasome!! He constanlty remind me how malaysia lifestyle be and keep us update how his life been doing after several year no contact. His pictures speak a thousands words...

07:11 AM December 08, 2012
07:11 AM December 08, 2012

A great blog with pictures. I like your blog

Brian Chan
08:49 AM December 08, 2012
08:49 AM December 08, 2012

I have never been to Kuantan and get to see much from this website. What I am most interested are about the food you and your family ate. You have great pictures that are superb and clear. Keep updating it from Malaysia.

14:52 PM December 08, 2012
14:52 PM December 08, 2012

The only blog that I regularly visit. Simple story but entertaining. Definitely the best out there. Congratulation.

Jia Yun
02:59 AM December 09, 2012
02:59 AM December 09, 2012

Fantastic articles and photographs! Duncan has his way to appreciate the life he's having now, which we should learn.

Tennyson Renner
02:36 AM December 10, 2012
02:36 AM December 10, 2012

As an expat sharing Duncan's environment, I can tell you his blog has refreshing authenticity and insight. It's rewarding to see his view of our shared world through his images and words.

Robert Wilkinson
06:05 AM December 11, 2012
06:05 AM December 11, 2012

This is the best Simple Blog Family Inspired on Facebook Well Done

Lesley-Ann Presbury
15:51 PM December 14, 2012
15:51 PM December 14, 2012

Duncan's blog is AMAZING, jam packed with so much useful information and wonderful photos, well done :-)

Izzati Ibrahim
16:00 PM December 14, 2012
16:00 PM December 14, 2012

It's a very amazing blog. How he wrote about Kuantan makes me feel very proud because its not as perfect as Kuala Lumpur. and one of the reason why i love this blog is because of his lovely and pretty daughter :)

Beatrice Connie
08:06 AM December 18, 2012
08:06 AM December 18, 2012

I love it! ^^ I really enjoyed myself when reading Duncan's blog. Such a great stories you have here...especially the beautiful photos of your happy family & Kuantan photos. Looking at it makes me feel like want to go back there again & catch up with the good old times there. Keep it up! :) God bless U & family.