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Expat Switzerland News
Latest 10 news items tagged Switzerland
6 Jul at 6 PM 2020
Brit would-be expats urged to tread carefully on property purchase
European properties are now in high demand by British buyers hoping to become expats before Brexit hits the already damaged UK economy. According to online property agents, searches for both remote, waterfront and beachfront properties have soared since the UK’s coronavirus shutdown, focusing mainly on Greece, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. Unsurprisingly, Spain is the most popular destination, with over a million hits on favourite website Rightmove. Inquiries totalled 49 per cent over last year’s totals and are now at...
5 Jun at 6 PM 2020
Hong Kong expats see US sanctions as a mistake
Expats in Hong Kong strongly believe US sanctions against the city are a big mistake. Traditionally, expats living and working in Hong Kong are against any action which disturbs the fragile peace and financial success of the former British colony. As a result, they believe moves by Trump to impose trade sanctions on the city will rebound and result in the US being the biggest loser in the longer term. One former Hong Kong-resident expat now living outside Asia agrees, citing the fact that US exports and services to the city...
16 Apr at 6 PM 2020
Getting away from it all in a one euro European property
Escaping the coronavirus pandemic in a stunning location via one-euro renovation properties. Renovation of deserted properties purchased for just one euro is old news, but the trend is growing fast as would-be expats disenchanted with the modern world are moving in. New communities veering towards creativity, green living, craftsmanship and re-establishment of supportive community living are now seeing the opportunities available as a way to reject today’s greed and chaos and build their own lifestyles. Expats who’ve already...
15 Apr at 6 PM 2020
Expats and citizens urged to help Phuket’s famous Soi Dog Foundation
Phuket’s Soi Dog Foundation is hoping to avoid the devastating effects of the holiday island’s coronavirus lockdown by bringing in huge quantities of dog and cat food. Dog and cat lovers both in Thailand and in many other world countries including the USA all admire the dedicated efforts of the Soi Dog Foundation to rescue, care for and re-home as many as possible of the country’s stray and abandoned dogs and cats. As with the many other pet rescue charities across the country, its much-needed revenues mostly come from the...
23 Feb at 9 AM 2020
Taking a chance on buying a holiday home in Thailand
If you’ve visited Thailand a few times and are considering the purchase of a holiday home, it pays to check out on the many recent changes as regards cost of living and visas. From beachfront condo units, gated community villas and even hideaways outside farming villages, the romance of a home in Thailand has kept expatriates arriving and purchasing for several decades. However, for many, things may not be all they seem due to the many changes which have taken place since the military government installed itself via a coup. It’s...
5 Feb at 6 PM 2020
Yet another expat survey focuses on high life destinations
Switzerland is now the world’s most expensive destination for expat professionals. For the majority of expats in all popular destinations worldwide, the latest survey result listing Switzerland as the most expensive world country won’t come as a surprise. The small, snowy country has owned the title in most if not all expat survey results ever since emigration became the norm amongst career-hungry professionals. However, as a destination for mid-financial level retirees, SME owners and suchlike, the Alpine state is as closed as is...
28 Jan at 6 PM 2020
Brit annual state pension increases agreed for expats in Europe
Brit expats living in Europe are to get annual increases in the state pension. Finally, the good news for British expats living in European Union member states is that the annual British state pension uprate will apply to all those in residence by the end of this year. Previous warnings of no guarantees of uprates post-2023 unless reciprocal deals were made are no longer valid. The guaranteed uprate will also apply to Britons living in EEA countries or Switzerland, and those who move to Europe during this year will also be covered,...
3 Dec at 6 PM 2019
New studies show Switzerland as world’s safest expat destination
As the political world becomes more and more unstable, expats considering relocation are concentrating on countries regarded as safe, secure and likely to stay that way. It’s not just political instability which threatens expat prospects and even their lives, as worldwide crime rates are on the upswing, terrorism is affecting countries worldwide and infectious diseases are running rampant in many areas of the planet. The risks of travel, both in the home country and overseas, are higher now than ever before, and are affecting expat...
8 Nov at 6 PM 2019
Expat secret bank accounts being investigated by Portuguese taxman
The Portuguese taxman is investigating overseas accounts held by foreign national residents as well as non-residents and accounts held by Portuguese nationals. Recent reports in local media revealed Portugal’s tax authority is investigating a million so-called ‘secret accounts’ held offshore by both foreign residents and non-residents as well as by Portuguese nationals. It’s claimed the accounts surfaced after an information-sharing move including 50 countries worldwide was put into place. Apparently, the owners of some 71 per...
29 Oct at 6 PM 2019