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Expat Jobs News

Latest 10 news items tagged Jobs

16 Jul at 6 PM 2020

Unemployed expats in the BVI may be shown the door

Expats in the BVI rendered unemployed by the pandemic are now dependent on the government’s allowing them to stay. In a troubling scenario now becoming common in many countries worldwide, unemployed expats in the British Virgin Islands may well be thrown out. During a radio interview earlier this week, the BVI minister of labour stated the government is assessing the numbers involved before issuing a deadline after which they must leave. The move comes several days after another similar statement told expatriate residents they must...
8 Jul at 6 PM 2020

Kuwait plans mass deportation of expat workers

Expats in Kuwait are being warned over new plans to deport over two million expats. The threat of Kuwaitisation has been at the back of expats’ minds for the past few years, but the actuality may be closer than many believe. Pressure to drastically reduce expat numbers at all levels has been the main activity of a group of parliamentarians, but has mostly been focused on making it more difficult and less pleasant as an expat destination. News from the emirate’s manpower development division would suggest time is now running...
7 Jul at 6 PM 2020

Where to next for confused expat professionals?

As the pandemic drags on worldwide, it’s easy to forget the reality of life as it was lived and hopefully will be lived again once the virus is conquered. Expats all over the world are facing new dilemmas as regards staying put or repatriating to the home country, with many still trapped outside their present countries of residence and many more losing their jobs and having to decide on their next move. As the pandemic drags on, with the situation improving in many countries and totally out of control elsewhere, many decisions are...
1 Jul at 6 PM 2020

Expats and locals in Oman can now take on part time work

In a bid to diversify its failing economy, Oman is looking to allow both expats and citizens to take on part time and temporary jobs. As the expat professional exodus from the Gulf States continues, Oman is planning to open up a part-time private sector job initiative aimed at both expatriates and locals. The move forms part of an attempt by the government to diversify the economy after the damage done by the pandemic is more clearly understood, as well as encouraging newly qualified graduates to take jobs within the home country....
30 Jun at 6 PM 2020

Expats trapped outside Thailand can now return home

Expats trapped outside Thailand by the anti-coronavirus measures have been exchanging information via their own Facebook page. Now that the long wait is almost over, Western expats with jobs as well those with Thai wives and families will be permitted to return to their homes. Some have been trapped outside the country since the first measures to control the pandemic were introduced almost six months ago, guilty of simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Facebook ‘Farangs Stranded Abroad Due to Lockdown in Thailand’...
25 Jun at 6 PM 2020

Redundant British expat professionals forced out of Dubai

Is this the end of the Dubai dream for expat professionals? Prior to the pandemic, Dubai was the dream destination for expat professionals looking to earn big money and enjoy the glittering city’s luxury lifestyle without financial worries. Nowadays, it’s a totally different story as the same expats, now unemployed, are holding fire sales of their possessions and planning a fast repatriation to the home country. Due to the lockdown, everything’s for sale including cars, subscriptions to gyms, furniture, electrical goods and...
25 Jun at 6 PM 2020

Expats in luxury Dubai homes warned to increase security after double murder

Expats in the UAE are concerned about their safety and security after dual murders in Dubai. Dubai’s reputation as a safe haven for expats and their families has been one reason for its popularity with professionals deciding which job to take. However, as the coronavirus changes the way foreign residents live and severely affects those who’re losing even the most basic of unskilled jobs, expats even in gated communities are being urged to take care. Last week, Dubai police reported an Indian couple had been found murdered in...
17 Jun at 6 PM 2020

Expats in Kuwait to face 150 per cent service fee hike

Expats in Kuwait are now facing a 150 per cent hike in their service fees. Kuwait’s Ministry of Economic Affair’s latest hit at the emirate’s expat population is to hike all service fees by 150 per cent. In addition, fees for the provision of electricity, healthcare, education and insurances will be doubled, family visa access will be restricted and residency permit fees will also soar. The increases will take place no later than early September, and other measures are also being considered. Expats over the age of 60 years...
17 Jun at 6 PM 2020

Where to now for expats forced to leave Saudi?

Is Saudi Arabia finished as a favourite destination for expatriate workers? Those who predicted expat life as it’s known and loved would be snuffed out by the pandemic were ridiculed at first, but developments over the past several months have proved the doom-sayers may well be right. International media outlets are now reporting a massive exodus of both skilled and unskilled workers from countries formerly regarded as stable both politically and economically. Even the oil-rich Gulf States are losing talent at an unprecedented rate,...
16 Jun at 6 PM 2020

Unemployed expats hoping they’ll find new jobs in the Netherlands

Dutch media are now reporting on the plight of expat professional residents who’ve lost their jobs. Concentrating on the situations now being experienced by highly-skilled expat incomers and students at Dutch universities, the media is exposing their visa situations once they lose their jobs as well as citing their struggles to maintain employment. Those who don’t succeed have just three short months to find new employment before they’re forced to leave the country, with the international community now experiencing fear on a...