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Expat Health Insurance News

Latest 10 news items tagged Health Insurance

20 Jul at 6 PM 2020

Expat retirees in Thailand still scared of more rule changes

Chaos still rules in Thailand’s immigration requirement for long-stay expats. Whilst tourists and other visitors are now covered until late September by the junta government’s latest edict, other sectors of the expat community may be left out in the cold. Having made a sensible decision based on helping trapped visitors on tourist visas, the government seems to have left out other expat sectors which continually contribute to the country’s economy. The decision to allow another amnesty, for want of a better description, was...
10 Jun at 6 PM 2020

Expat retirees in Thailand faced with tricky choices

Expat retirees who chose Thailand as their new home from home are now faced with difficult decisions. Although the expat presence in Thailand’s capital Bangkok is mostly composed of professionals with established jobs, hotspots all across the country still have their own share of foreign residents. Retired expats in particular have been given a rough ride over the past few years as regards changes to visa regulations, all of which have caused worry and fear that another relocation might be the only option. Foreign communities of...
13 May at 6 PM 2020

Expat repatriation flights to UAE now available

For expats working overseas, one of the worst aspects of the pandemic is being unable to return to your present country of residence due to lockdowns. It’ll never be known exactly how many expat professionals on business trips became the modern equivalent of stateless persons, simply due to the fact they were in the wrong place when lockdowns were declared. For those stranded overseas, adhering to requirements such as two-week quarantines, compulsory health insurance covering covid19 treatment when no such insurance is available and...
23 Mar at 6 PM 2020

British expats as well as Thai citizens disallowed entry to Thailand

British expats living, working or retiring in Thailand are being warned time is running out for those wishing to repatriate. A message from the British Ambassador to Thailand has stated Britons wishing to return to the home country are running out of time due to the closing down of almost all flights to the West. By the end of last week, passengers using Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport were at their lowest level since the facility opened its doors to worldwide travellers. Internal flights via Don Mueang airport showed...
15 Jan at 6 PM 2020

Shanghai considers dedicated green channel for expat healthcare

Expats in Shanghai may get a dedicated green channel for healthcare. A Shanghai political advisor is calling for a dedicated ‘green channel’ to be made available to expats in the city as they’re having a hard time getting to see doctors due to language problems, cultural differences and high charges. Advisor Yang Jing is proposing the measure in order to help deal with those in the city’s expat community who’re afraid to seek medical assistance when needed. Shanghai’s expat population is the highest of all Chinese...
1 Jan at 6 PM 2020

Expat visitors to major Saudi events offered free three day visas

In an attempt to boost its flagging tourism industry, Saudi Arabia is now offering free visas to expats in the Arab States interested in visiting major events. Residents living in the UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain will be allowed visa-free entry for a three day stay, enabling those interested to visit several of the major events due to take place over the Kingdom’s festival season. Events include the Riyadh Season and Al Ula’s Tantora Festival, with the latter taking place in Saudi’s northwestern quadrant. The idea of giving free...
24 Dec at 6 PM 2019

Vietnam is now favourite for expats giving up on Thailand

Vietnam is now an all time favourite for expats, whether they’re looking to retire, start a small business or teach English. Unhappiness and insecurity about swinging changes to Thailand’s visa requirements as well as a general feeling of being no longer welcome has sent Thailand plummeting in expat survey rankings against Vietnam’s increasing popularity. In one study taken earlier this year, formerly popular Thailand’s quality of life, affordability, digital life, well-being and safety and security all lost ground to Vietnam,...
19 Dec at 6 PM 2019

Health Insurance scheme denied to expats in BVI

Local politicians in the British Virgin Islands aren’t happy about newly-arrived expats accessing the territory’s National Health Insurance plan. One Opposition representative has raised the issue in the BVI parliament, voicing his objection to newly-arrived expats having access to the scheme after just one month whilst locals are unable to have immediate access to much-needed healthcare. The politician’s main concern seems to be that incomers may already have conditions which need immediate treatment and are blocking the way...
18 Dec at 6 PM 2019

Expats in Taiwan now banned from renting bikes

Expats living in Taiwan are angry about being banned from renting bikes. A recent change in YouBike’s rental policy has angered a good number of expats living and working in Taiwan as they’re now banned from using the popular bike-rental service via there EasyCard smartcards. Furious foreigners who’ve regularly used the convenient service for getting about the congested city of Taipei are claiming the ban shows the country’s discrimination against expatriates. The ban was the brainchild of Taipei’s department of...
29 Nov at 6 PM 2019

Expatriate residents in Bahrain to face mandatory health insurance

Expats living and working in Bahrain will face mandatory private health insurance requirements from mid-2020. The recently-passed law in Bahrain now compels all expats living and working in the emirate to pay mandatory monthly contributions to the official health insurance fund in order to access both public and private health centres and hospitals. The law will become effective on December 1, with the scheme itself expected to go live in mid-2020 after a launch planned for this year was put back. According to the new law,...