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English Expats In Germany

If you are looking to connect with English expats in Germany, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs Germany written by English bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by English Expats Living in Germany

  • Making Here Home
    Travel-lover, reading obsessive and mum-of-two doing my best to navigate life in a different country. Over last few years I've been trying to make wherever 'here' is feel like home - from Thailand to Germany and who knows where next... My mission, to paraphrase the wonderful Maya Angelou, is to thrive, and not just survive in these expat postings. And if I can help you too, by sharing my experiences and advice (usually learned from having done things the hard way..) then that's even better. So, a bit about me. My career was in marketing and change management and I worked for several large multinational organisations in the UK before my husband's job took us to Thailand. And then I had to work out who I was as an expat wife. It was a challenge, but also a wonderful opportunity. When we moved to Germany, I really felt like I needed support, but it wasn't easy to find. So, I decided to do it myself and set up 'Making Here Home'. I offer expat coaching to other women (and men) on the move, to help them find themselves in their new home, and to really make the most of their time living overseas - to overcome the challenges and to maximise the opportunities.
  • Things I Notice About Living in Germany
    The top 100 things you will notice when you move to Germany. Written by a British Ex-pat!
  • Live Work Germany
    Your Expat Guide to Germany | Relocation | Life, Work, Travel, Tips and Guidance | Blog from over 10 Years' Experience of Life in Germany
  • Deutschified
    Deutschified helps English speakers move to Germany, understand the culture and learn the language.
  • Starting over in Stuttgart
    The everyday musings of a British expat in Baden Württemberg.

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