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Copenhagen and Bern lead the way in expat liveability index

Published:  26 Jan at 2 PM
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Copenhagen and Bern are the easiest places for Europeans to relocate to, according to a new index by ECA International.

The organisation, which advises firms on posting workers on foreign assignments, evaluated more than 450 locations across the world. Among the things it evaluated were: the lifestyle on offer in a city; the availability and cost of housing and utilities; the availability of health services; the climate; political tensions; the quality of air; personal safety; and infrastructure.

ECA noted that that factors such as distance from an expat country’s home country and differences in language and culture were also important but specific to an individual and nit the overall ranking.

The Danish capital Copenhagen was the number one place for European expats to relocate to, followed by the Swiss capital Bern. Toronto and Dublin were out in front as the top two cities for North Americans to move to for work, while Singapore was the best place in Asia for North Americans to relocate to.

Dubai scored well in the Middle East, but the Israeli city of Tel Aviv was said to be the best place in the region for Europeans and North Americans to move to. The Mauritian capital Port Louis was the highest scoring African city, with Cape Town, South Africa, coming in second place.
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