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July 2018 Expat News Archive
Archived Daily Expat News from the Expats Blog Newsdesk...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Consumer watchdog Which takes on airlines not paying refunds
Consumer watchdog Which is now supporting expats and tourists whose flights to Spain were cancelled due to the coronavirus. The consumers’ group is now demanding airlines which cancelled flights in the early days of the pandemic should stop prevaricating and speed up refunds to those who missed out on holidays or flights to and from...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Expat retirees in Thailand still scared of more rule changes
Chaos still rules in Thailand’s immigration requirement for long-stay expats. Whilst tourists and other visitors are now covered until late September by the junta government’s latest edict, other sectors of the expat community may be left out in the cold. Having made a sensible decision based on helping trapped visitors on tourist...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Are expats now considered unwanted in many countries?
As more reports come in of jobless expats being thrown out of their countries of residence, is this the beginning of a new world order? At the start of the pandemic, many commentators questioned the possibility of the emergence of a new world order. Now that the pandemic has taken over almost every expat haven, the reaction of governments...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Brits in Portugal furious over UK refusal to initiate air bridge
British expats living in Portugal are furious about the UK’s refusal to set up a quarantine-free air bridge for tourists. In yet another chaotic decision, the UK has ruined Portugal’s chances of tourism revenue this year by refusing to establish a quarantine-free ‘air bridge’. Worse still, other world countries have concluded...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in the UAE donate to help newborn quadruplets and their parents
Kind-hearted expatriates based in the UAE are helping the new parents of quadruplets by donating to cover the mounting hospital bills. After an UAE English language newspaper had featured the Nigerian couple’s struggle to pay for the babies’ delivery, good-hearted expats stepped forward to help the couple by donating cash to cover the...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Hope springs eternal for expats and visitors trapped in Thailand
Expats trapped in Thailand and threatened with deportation on the expiry of the visa amnesty are waiting with bated breath after several local English language media outlets suggested there’s now hope for another extension. Thousands of business travellers, tourists and expatriates whose visas had expired during Thailand’s strict...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Expat dog owners in Malaga thrilled by its new doggie play parks
Lucky dogs in Malaga can now take their expat and local owners for a refreshing walkie in two large, brand new doggie-designated recreational areas. Malaga’s city council has allocated a total of 13,000 square metres in two sections for dog-owners to get exercise along with their furry best friends. The two dog-walking parks are located...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Unemployed expats in the BVI may be shown the door
Expats in the BVI rendered unemployed by the pandemic are now dependent on the government’s allowing them to stay. In a troubling scenario now becoming common in many countries worldwide, unemployed expats in the British Virgin Islands may well be thrown out. During a radio interview earlier this week, the BVI minister of labour stated...
16 Jul at 6 PM
British expat retirees urged to ignore financial sharks
British expats across the world are being urged by sharks to shore up their finances before Brexit finally hits. Given that mitigating the financial aspects of Britain’s looming divorce from the rest of Europe is dependent on the final outcome, taking action now might well make things worse should a no-deal drop off the cliff become the...
15 Jul at 6 PM
Expats help revitalize New Zealand’s real estate sector
New Zealand’s real estate market is still defying worldwide doom and gloom. Whilst realtors across the world are predicting massive drops in property valuation, New Zealand’s real estate prices are still on the up on last year’s figures. Whilst this is excellent news for those Kiwi expats who rented out their properties when they...
15 Jul at 6 PM
Expat Brits in Spain finally have guaranteed post-Brexit rights
After long periods of silence unappreciated by British expats living and retiring in Spain, the UK Ambassador is urging all to register as residents. Although the message conveyed had already been a central focus of expat media outlets, Britain’s man in Madrid took it on himself to point out there are only 25 weeks to go before the...
15 Jul at 6 PM
Trapped expats in Thailand now dumped by their embassies
As if things weren’t bad enough already, Bangkok embassies are now refusing their trapped expats the necessary visa extension letters. For those expats trapped for months in Thailand and now under threat of fines and deportation as the visa amnesty ends, the last hope of an embassy letter supporting another extension of stay has now...
14 Jul at 6 PM
What now for unlucky expats and visitors trapped in Thailand?
As the end of the month approaches, thousands of expats and unlucky visitors trapped in Thailand due to the pandemic are fearing being thrown out of the country once their visa amnesties end. Many of those affected will simply have nowhere to go as their countries’ borders are also closed. What threat to Thailand and its excellent...
14 Jul at 6 PM
Expat Hongkongers protesting in Oz now fearing Chinese surveillance
Hong Kong expats who’re organising anti-Chinese events in Oz are now at risk from the new law. Three Australian expats are risking everything by speaking out over China’s controversial new security law as part of a growing resistance movement. A collective of Hong Kong expats hailing from New South Wales in Australia and calling...
14 Jul at 6 PM
Dual pricing in Vietnam is now outlawed
Vietnam is now committed to ending its dual pricing policy in order to create more transparency for international tourists and would-be expats. As the furore over Thailand’s dual pricing policy continues on social media, Vietnam has been quick to announce it’s banning the practice forthwith. The issue has been a hot potato in Thailand...
13 Jul at 6 PM
Hongkongers and expats mourning the loss of Hong Kong’s soul
As the Hong Kong crisis escalates, Hong Kong expats living in the UK are welcoming Britain’s offer whilst mourning the loss of the city’s soul. The British government’s offer to millions of Hong Kong residents of a pathway to UK citizenship is being welcomed by those expats already in the UK, but it’s being criticised for not...
13 Jul at 6 PM
Second passports at bargain-basement rates offered by Caribbean nations
Now’s the time for expats to bag a discounted second passport as the Caribbean nations are having a fire sale due to the coronavirus. The tropical island nations in the Caribbean are highly reliant on tourism for their GDP and are suffering due to the pandemic-induced flight bans and lockdowns. As a result, they’re now offering steep...
13 Jul at 6 PM
Japan to allow expats trapped overseas to return in August
Expats and students trapped outside Japan will be allowed to re-enter in August. Expat residents and students who left Japan before April 3 and are now stranded overseas will be allowed to re-enter in August. In a majority of world countries, sudden governmental reactions to the grim reality of the coronavirus have left literally millions...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Brit would-be expats can now visit Spain without self-isolating
If the coronavirus chaos in the UK is the last straw in your broken relationship with your home country, massive discounts on European summer holidays make for affordable checking out of European expat hubs. If you’ve just about given up on the UK as your country of residence, now’s the time to visit Spain. Tourists and potential...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Expats on Facebook protest dual pricing at Thai national parks and attractions
One long-term issue roundly disliked by Western expats as well as tourists in Thailand is the long-term practice of charging non-Thai visitors to attractions and national parks at least twice the amount paid by Thai citizens. Known in the country’s large expatriate community as ‘farang price’ – ‘farang’ being the Thai for...
10 Jul at 6 PM
British expats on Corfu uncertain about reopening to tourists
As countries worldwide attempt to regenerate their tourism sector, not all expats and locals in Corfu are happy with the risk of causing a covid-19 second wave. The Greek island of Corfu has long been an all-time favourite for expats as well as tourists, but the reintroduction of a style of normality including visitors isn’t a popular...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Expat retirees in Spain urged to take part in new academic survey
British expats living and working in Spain are required for a new university study. Britons in residence in Spain are now being urged to join in a new study in order to discover how many are considering repatriation to the UK as a result of the pandemic. Led by Dr Charles Betty and Dr Jordi Giner from the University of Valencia, both of...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Reports of frozen expat bank accounts in Saudi are fake news
Saudi Arabia is now reassuring expats their bank accounts are safe from being frozen. Expat professionals began to panic after social media reports suggested the Kingdom is planning to freeze all foreign-owned personal bank accounts which show monthly incomes larger than account holders’ official salary payments. According to the Saudi...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Accidental Americans take French banks to court over FATCA
An ‘Accidental American’ group at present living and working in France are now taking legal action based on the claim that FATCA is being used by French banks as an excuse to turn away USA expats’ bank account applications. The group’s complaint isn’t the first time certain worldwide banks have been accused of using FATCA as a...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Dubai raise money for sick kids by long-distance running
Caring expats living and working in Dubai are running every day in order to collect donations to be used for financing treatments for sick children whose parents aren’t able to afford the cost. One expat who’s always enjoyed running has helped turn his passion for the sport into a way to help the less fortunate by volunteering and...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Qatar expat-run dog shelter fears being overwhelmed with dumped pets
As the expat exodus from Qatar gathers pace, the emirate’s Paws dog shelter is fearing a surge in dumped pets. There are no accurate statistics on the number of abandoned dogs in Qatar, but Paws estimates there are tens of thousands desperately trying to survive in the scorching heat. Given that expatriates make up around 90 per cent of...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Kuwait plans mass deportation of expat workers
Expats in Kuwait are being warned over new plans to deport over two million expats. The threat of Kuwaitisation has been at the back of expats’ minds for the past few years, but the actuality may be closer than many believe. Pressure to drastically reduce expat numbers at all levels has been the main activity of a group of...
7 Jul at 6 PM
How to avoid UK quarantine after your Portuguese vacation
The UK Foreign Office is urging Brit expats in Portugal to stop helping their compatriots avoid quarantine. As reported in an English language local expat newspaper, expat Brits living in Portugal are advising prospective UK tourists on how best to avoid having to quarantine for two weeks after returning to the home country. Some...
7 Jul at 6 PM
Saudi to extend expat residency and work permits
In order to mitigate the negative economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, Saudi Arabia is extending expats’ visas including work and residency permits. The move is aimed at the high number of working expatriates who found themselves stranded outside the kingdom when the lockdown was announced and all international flights were...
7 Jul at 6 PM
Where to next for confused expat professionals?
As the pandemic drags on worldwide, it’s easy to forget the reality of life as it was lived and hopefully will be lived again once the virus is conquered. Expats all over the world are facing new dilemmas as regards staying put or repatriating to the home country, with many still trapped outside their present countries of residence and...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Brit would-be expats urged to tread carefully on property purchase
European properties are now in high demand by British buyers hoping to become expats before Brexit hits the already damaged UK economy. According to online property agents, searches for both remote, waterfront and beachfront properties have soared since the UK’s coronavirus shutdown, focusing mainly on Greece, Italy, France, Spain and...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Expat retirees in Spain warned over cold calling internet scam
British expats living in Spain are at risk from scamming cold-callers originating in Indian call centres. Yet another internet scam is targeting British expats living, retiring or working in Spain’s Costa del Sol region. The cold-calling crooks pretend they’re from Microsoft as regards fixing a non-existent computer issue. Many ...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Tips on getting divorced as an expat in Dubai
It’s sad but true that one in four expat marriages in the UAE end in divorce. Expatriates make up as much as 80 per cent of all residents in the United Arab Emirates, so it’s no surprise that expat divorces are a familiar trend in this popular location. When there’s no hope and divorce is the only way forward, many expats don’t...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Survey shows increase in US citizenship renunciations due to FATCA
A recent survey has revealed even more US expats are considering renouncing their citizenship. The USA is the only world country which taxes non-resident expat citizens on their world earnings, using a regime which causes confusion as well as anger amongst those it affects. Amazingly, this rule also applies to those known as ‘accidental...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Kuwaitisation and the pandemic causing chaos in Kuwait’s expat property sector
Kuwaitisation and the coronavirus are set to wreck the emirate’s real estate sector. Kuwaiti government measures to drastically reduce the numbers of expat workers in the emirate plus the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the housing market are set to wreak havoc on the emirate’s real estate market. The rulers’ attempts to...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Tourists in Spain charged sneaky covid-19 tax on beer by expat bar owners
As tourists return to Spanish beach resorts and British expats shake off the lockdown blues, a new owner-introduced tax on beer is causing consternation! Tourism has finally returned to the Spanish Costa’s with the first tourism flights bringing financial relief to British and Spanish-owned bars and restaurants alike. However, savvy bar...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Expat fashionistas in Prague eagerly awaiting their very own Primark mega-store
Expat fashionistas at present located in Prague are counting the days until Primark’s new mega-store opens. Female expats in the Czech Republic eager for the latest styles at an affordable cost won’t need to take the regular bus tour across the German border to Dresden’s Primark store, as the famous budget-conscious retailer is...
2 Jul at 6 PM
ulf States worst hit by pandemic as expat professionals leave
Out of all world economies affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the Gulf States are considered to be the worst hit. Due to the region’s reliance on oil prices, the Gulf States are seeing a free fall in their economies as well as an unprecedented expat exodus. According to the International Monetary Fund’s bleak predictions, the six...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats on Corfu divided over opening up
British expats on Corfu are not overjoyed by the government’s air bridge tourism start-up. In all of Greece, the island of Corfu is the most popular with foreign tourists and has suffered economically from the coronavirus pandemic. However, expats and citizens alike aren’t best thrilled at the prospect of hordes of Europeans arriving...
1 Jul at 6 PM
Expat-owned dog shelter in Qatar fears mass dumping of abandoned pets
Dog rescue centres in Qatar are fearing mass dumping as expats are forced to leave. Expatriates in the emirate number 90 per cent of its total population, with many being forced to leave at short notice and unable to arrange for their pets to be shipped out to the home country. One dog shelter is already seeing an increase in numbers of...
1 Jul at 6 PM
Expats and locals in Oman can now take on part time work
In a bid to diversify its failing economy, Oman is looking to allow both expats and citizens to take on part time and temporary jobs. As the expat professional exodus from the Gulf States continues, Oman is planning to open up a part-time private sector job initiative aimed at both expatriates and locals. The move forms part of an attempt...
1 Jul at 6 PM
Will UK expats in the Czech Republic be left without free healthcare?
British expatriates living and working in the Czech Republic may be at risk of losing their free healthcare, and it’s got little to do with Brexit. An agreement which was signed between the UK and the Czech Republic as long ago as 1976 is likely to be dumped due to the fact that its financial burden has fallen unfairly on the republic...
31 Jul at 6 PM
Amsterdam conman targets more expats whilst awaiting trial for same offence
A property rental scammer on bail in Amsterdam whilst awaiting trial was arrested again last week for conning four more victims. The conman’s modus operandum was to target newly-arrived expats in the city via Facebook and other social media outlets by posing as a bona fide letting agent. He was first arrested at the end of last year...
31 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats in UAE taking advantage of sterling crash to repatriate savings
Due to the unprecedented fall in the sterling exchange rate, a good number of UAE-based Brit expats are sending money back to the UK. British expats living and working in the UAE are now moving savings and spare cash back to the UK, thus taking advantage of the worst exchange rate in a decade or more. As sterling sinks ever lower on the...
31 Jul at 6 PM
Reasons to include volunteering in your expat experience
Out of the estimated 50 million expats living outside their home countries, how many are sharing their talents and abilities by volunteering? Expats come in all shapes, sizes and levels of expertise across all sectors, with many sharing their expertise as volunteers and learning about local culture and traditional wisdom at the same time....
30 Jul at 6 PM
Will a no deal Brexit mean the end of UK state pension uprates for expats?
UK expat concerns are rising fast over the effect of a no-deal Brexit on their state pensions. The ‘triple lock’ annual increase in the British state pension paid to those living and retiring in the EU, the EEA and certain other countries is essential for long-stay expats, as it mitigates the worst effects of inflation. Up until the...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expat woes increase as sterling dives again
The battered pound is now causing genuine hardship for British expats living in Europe and across the world, with gloomy predictions of further falls in the event of a Johnson-engineered no deal Brexit. Over the past several years, the referendum itself, Brexit predictions and parliamentary chaos had already caused a drop in sterling...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Costa warns Johnson over expat lawsuits for loss of rights damages
For those who thought the recent report on UK expats’ rights to sue the British government was fake news, perhaps it’s time to think again. A British MP has issued a warning to Boris Johnson that UK expats in Europe will be legally entitled to sue the British government should they lose their rights to live and work in Europe due to a...
29 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit not responsible for Spain’s decline as an expat destination
Are British expats no longer heading for Spain? For some decades, Spain was the chosen destination for Britons fed up with the home country’s weather, politics and soaring cost of living, but figures show the trend has been reversing since 2012. It’s much the same with expat arrivals from northern Europe, with numbers having declined...
29 Jul at 6 PM
Saudi hotel sector jobs to be closed to expats by year end
According to a recent Saudi Gazette announcement, the vast majority of jobs in the hospitality sector will be closed to expatriates by the end of this year.. The new rule will apply to hotels with three-star or higher ratings, villas listed as four-star or higher, hotel suites and resorts, and includes almost every position with the...
29 Jul at 6 PM
Bangkok expat community up in arms over unlawful street searches by police
Expats in Thailand’s capital are protesting over the use of illegal street searches they say are aimed at the foreign community. The stop and search procedures are taking place on Sukhumvit Road between Phrom Pong and the Asoke intersection and include late-night detentions at Thonglor police station as well as demands for on-street...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Dwindling high end rentals down to Bangkok expat relocations
As demand shrinks, partly due due to expats packing up and leaving, the Bangkok housing market is being forced to change its focus from rental apartments to single-owner homes for Thais. Previously, the rental supply and demand mechanism concentrated on larger, two-bedroomed condos suitable for expats arriving with their families to live...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Expat exodus from Kuwait brings on sluggish property market
Kuwait’s property market is in the doldrums as expat buyers and renters depart. Once a thriving economic force in Kuwait, the emirate’s domestic property market is becoming increasingly sluggish, with the fall due mostly to regional developments. Whilst the media and the property sector attempt to put a gloss on the results, saying...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Concerned expats and locals attempt to save massive salt-water lagoon from pollution
The Mar Menor is a Spanish coastal saltwater lagoon world-famous for its beauty, wetlands, marine life and ecological diversity, but it’s now dying due to lack of action as regards pollution. ' A group of passionate and dedicated local and expat environmentalists are now pressuring the local council to save the lagoon by making...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Thai wives of expats on Koh Samui lose millions of baht in Ponzi scam
The Thai wives of expats living on the Thailand holiday isle of Koh Samui were amongst the 200-plus victims of a Ponzi scheme started by a female gift shop owner. Totals of baht lost to the pyramid scam are reported to be over 120 million baht (approx. $3,500,000). The scheme is believed to have been started by the owner of a gift shop, a...
26 Jul at 6 PM
What do expat French bankers in London think of Boris?
What do French expat professionals in the UK banking sector think of Boris? Dramatic political moves based on manipulation tend to cause major disruption within expat communities, but the election of Johnson as UK prime minister comes at a time when millions of EU and UK expats are desperately hoping common sense will prevail. In London,...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Dealing with a spouse’s death as an expat in Dubai
The death of a partner whilst on reassignment overseas isn’t something any expatriate wants to think about but, in certain circumstances, it can cause major financial disruption as well as grief. Rules about inheriting money should a partner die are different across the world and can be confusing, especially for those grieving the...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Numbers of expat professional jobs in Kuwait fading fast
Expats living and working in Kuwait whose contracts are ending are now taking up to six months to land another position. It’s bad news for expats who’ve invested their working lives in Kuwait and don’t want to relocate, as it’s now taking six months or more to find another job. Declining oil revenues and increasing running costs...
24 Jul at 6 PM
British expat pensioner widow in Spain killed and buried by farm hand
A British expat pensioner living on her Spanish estate and looking to move to Estepona has been brutally murdered, probably by her farm hand. Popular pensioner Lesley Pearson lost her husband in 2017 and was planning a move from her estate in Sierra de Cadiz de Algar to her property in Estepona as, after her husband’s death, she felt...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Fear and fury over Johnson election grabs British expats and the UK’s youth
As widely predicted, Boris Johnson is now Britain’s Prime Minister, but UK expats in Europe as well as British youth are being ignored yet again. British expatriates across Europe are now fearing for their futures due to an election in which they again had no part, and Britain’s youth are heavily criticising the fact that what’s...
23 Jul at 6 PM
Survey suggests Phuket tourism environmental damage and prices are too high
A survey of expats in Phuket has concluded most respondents consider tourism environmental damage is too high. The online study, started by a Thai expat student at a Canadian university, has concluded the environmental damage created by the island’s booming tourist trade is too high to be justifiable. The poll ran for just one week and...
23 Jul at 6 PM
New Europeans supporter’s bike pilgrimage boosts EU Green Card
A ‘New Europeans’ supporter is undertaking a 2,000 kilometre bike ride to boost the group’s EU Green Card proposal. Rafal Skarbek is cycling from his home in Somerset to the Spanish pilgrimage site at Santiago de Compostela in order to publicise New Europeans’ award-winning European Green Card proposal aimed at protecting...
23 Jul at 6 PM
Western expats in Siem Reap fleeing Chinese takeover
Even before the Cambodian town of Siem Reap became an expat hub, tourists flocked to the nearby UNESCO World Heritage Site of Angkor Wat. During the early days of the town’s tourism boom, a few long-staying expats had opened guest houses and hotels catering for the crowds arriving to stare in wonder at the imposing remnants of the...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Heartless landowner balked by Animal Need Foundation expat volunteers and givers
After a heartless landowner sold land rented by the Animal Need Foundation without giving them a chance to raise the money needed, expats rallied and donated enough to start anew. Following an appeal for donations by the English language Olive Press newspaper, the Spanish animal rescue centre was attempting to raise €165,000 by August...
22 Jul at 6 PM
EU expats and Brits join hands in London protest
In addition to the call for a second referendum, expatriates living and working in the UK are now adding their total disapproval of the prospect of a Boris premiership to their protests. Last Saturday’s central London march took the message ‘No to Boris, yes to Europe’ to its heart, with protestors costumed as Johnson, faces painted...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Abu Dhabi voted safest world city for expat families yet again
Abu Dhabi is now rated as the world’s safest city for expats. In a recent survey undertaken by Numbeo, Abu Dhabi has been rated the safest city in the world for expats and their families. For the iconic UAE city, the rating is the third consecutive time it’s topped the 330 other world cities surveyed, beating out even Dubai and its...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Holidaying expats refused flights home after new Kuwaiti ID system gets it wrong
Expats living and working in Kuwait who’ve taken their annual holidays in Europe are facing problems due to the emirate’s new-style ID residency system. It’s normal for expats working in the UAE to holiday either back in the home country or in other resort areas, but many have been refused permission to depart and return to Kuwait....
19 Jul at 6 PM
Asia now a hub for expats pursuing crypto dreams
Asia is now the world’s favourite hub for expats’ crypto careers. Expats from the West are now congregating in Asian countries in the hope of furthering their crypto careers. According to those on the scene, hopefuls from the USA, the UK, Australia and Europe are arriving in far greater numbers than ever before, all working to grab a...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Private bankers overwhelmed as Hong Kong millionaires transfer fortunes overseas
As the riots and marches continue in Hong Kong, jittery millionaires are transferring their cash to Singapore’s safe haven. Wealth managers and private bankers are being overwhelmed by enquiries as Hong Kong’s most wealthy residents struggle to get their cash out of the former British colony, even although the controversial...
19 Jul at 6 PM
How many expats are unknowingly accidental Americans?
As the USA taxman widens his net still further, expats all over the world with relatives in the USA are getting scared. The ‘accidental American’ issue is garnering even more publicity as the IRS ramps up its efforts to snare even more unaware individuals unlucky enough to have been born in the good old US of A. It’s ridiculous that...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Inflation in Europe stays low but currency exchange rates have expats worried
Expats living in Europe are seeing low cost of living increases. Expatriates living and working in the European Union are facing an average cost of living increase of 1.6 per cent in both May and June this year. According to the European Central Bank, it’s targeting an increase of just below two per cent, with European parliament...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Vietnam term deposits give 5 to 8 per cent interest for expats
In spite of rumours to the contrary, expats living in Vietnam are still allowed to use local banks for term deposits. The confirmation came from the State Bank of Vietnam after a number of banks began refusing to open savings deposits for expatriates. The banks concerned say they are merely interpreting instructions sent from the central...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Is saving for an expat retirement justifiable?
Is retiring overseas the right decision? For the past decade or so, waves of would-be expat retirees have saved, planned and dreamed about retiring to a sun-kissed overseas paradise, with a good proportion heading back home after a few years, wiser but poorer for the experience. Saving hard for a life in the sun seems to be de rigueur ...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Dubai female expat sponsorship rules add confusion due to mixed messages
The basis for expat sponsorship of family members is now set on salary rather than job title. Clarification of the actual requirements for sponsorship was necessary after wives planning to sponsor their husbands were unsure of their right to do so after Dubai officials had been advising that sponsorship was limited to expat professionals...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Bali enjoy the challenge of finding a job
For many adventurous holidaymakers, a first visit to Bali leads fairly swiftly to a life-changing decision – becoming an expat in that exotic destination. Packing a bag, booking a flight, upping the credit card limit and arriving as an expat searching for a job can all be the result of a holiday in this beautiful location. However,...
16 Jul at 6 PM
UK and Swiss expats rights now protected from no deal Brexit
UK expats in Switzerland and Swiss nationals working in the UK are now protected in the event of a no-deal Brexit. The signing last week of a pre-Brexit agreement between the UK and Switzerland has ensured British and Swiss expats working in each others’ countries will be able to continue doing so even if a no-deal Brexit is the final...
16 Jul at 6 PM
How to rescue Thailand from itself
After a week of dire media predictions concerning the near-collapse of Thailand’s tourist industry, one local English-language online newspaper is telling it like it is. Traditionally, Thailand was the preferred option for both Western tourists and expatriates for its fascinating culture, ultra-friendly, welcoming local people, natural...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Chinese provincial town arrested in drugs bust
Expats in China’s Xuzhou are missing their high life as China’s crackdown on crime and corruption spreads to the provinces. The small, eastern Chinese town of Xuzhou is set in lush countryside, ringed by mountains and dotted with lakes, and has become a hub for Western expats living the ‘60s lifestyle all over again. Drink, drugs...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Saudi banks warn expats about increased phishing scams
Saudi banks are warning nationals and expatriates over an increase in phishing emails. According to Saudi banks, online fraudsters are now finding new ways to get customers’ bank details using fraudulent emails purporting to come from the banks themselves as well as from other official sources. Expat and local customers are now being...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Expats reassured UAE police visits are only for census purposes
Expats living in Sharjah are being asked not to worry if police knock on their doors as it’s all part of a local census. Due to kick off in August, the two-week census will take place across the UAE city in an attempt to determine residents’ attitudes to safety and security in the local community. Starting on August 15th, the poll...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Is the Isle of Man really the expat destination it promotes?
In spite of its murky reputation as a safe haven for dodgy insurance companies in cahoots with illegal IFAs in expat destinations, the Isle of Man has been ranked as the best British expat hub. As well as being rated the best expat destination in the British Isles in the latest Expat Explorer survey, the Isle of Man was also ranked 12th...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Demographics and expat work permit chaos in Kuwait
Kuwaiti parliamentarians are demanding ministers meet with lawmakers to devise an end to the chaos surrounding the issuance of expat work permits. As well as an attempt to rectify problems with expat work permit issuance, the demand is seen to involve public demands to control growth in the expat population as it harms citizens....
12 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Prague warned over deceptive currency exchange offices
Recent reports are warning expats in Prague that local currency exchange offices are not complying with new consumer protection laws. Despite the recent introduction of harsh new consumer protection laws, it seems a number of currency exchange firms are continuing with their deceptive practices in spite of being caught and fined by the...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats caught running illegal taxi service at Malaga Airport
British expats have been caught running a pirate taxi scheme in Malaga. Local police in Malaga are now monitoring Malaga Airport’s arrivals exit gates in an attempt to stop enterprising British expats from running their own illegal taxi service. Last month, one Briton was arrested and given a large fine for offering ‘lifts’ to hotels...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Vietnamese expat in Japan gives lifeline for expat parents-to-be
An increasing number of expats are settling in Japan, including couples who’re expecting a baby. Japan is now increasingly popular with expatriates from Southeast Asia as well as the rest of the world, and the non-Japanese national birth rate is soaring as a result. Since 2017, the average number of non-Japanese births has stood at...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Expats now sueing their Dubai employers citing verbal abuse
After suffering verbal abuse from their employers, expatriates in Dubai are now suing bosses and winning. Although verbal abuse in the workplace isn’t a new thing in Dubai, taking the offenders to court and being awarded substantial sums for psychological damage is now the way to counter the syndrome. Although many cases brought simply...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats in Malta meet with lawmakers over continuing Brexit uncertainty
The expatriate community in Malta is becoming ever more concerned about its government’s unanswered Brexit questions. Even although the Maltese government’s take on post-Brexit expat rights gives unequivocal reassurance about expats’ futures on the island, the community as a whole is fearing the devil is in the detail. Concerns...
10 Jul at 6 PM
UK expat foodies on assignment to New York needn’t worry about supplies
For British expats wondering how they’ll stay healthy on typical American foodstuffs, the answer is right there in New York. Famous both with American anglophiles and New York’s sizeable British expat community, the city’s long-established Myers of Keswick grocery store is the answer to UK foodie homesickness in a big way. A...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Wealthy would-be expats can go it alone for residency and citizenship
As the world becomes more politically and economically unstable, more and more wealthy would-be expatriates are getting caught by smart salesmen. The trend of internationalising is the latest way for wealthy nationals to ensure their capital, investments and even businesses are safely stored against economic disaster whilst they continue...
10 Jul at 6 PM
UK expats in EU given hope by Labour turnaround
A statement by Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is giving hope to UK expats in the EU. After three years of sitting on an increasingly uncomfortable fence, Jeremy Corbyn has finally come out in favour of a second referendum on the as yet unelected new PM’s Brexit plan. Even better, he finally stated the Labour Party would campaign in...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Survey shows US expat discontent over citizen based taxation
The hugely unpopular US tax regime imposed on American expats living and working overseas needs to change, but survey respondents are unsure as regards how changes would affect them. Some nine million USA citizens by birth are living and working overseas, but retain their citizenship as an automatic right, thus leaving themselves open to...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Liberec moving to Germany for cheaper rentals
Expats living and working in the Czech city of Liberec have two options – either pay soaring rental charges or move to Germany. It’s the same situation in a number of Czech cities located close to the border with Germany, with soaring rents causing genuine hardship for locals and expats alike. Retail prices have rocketed by over 20...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Oz taxman to chase expat graduates working overseas for student loan repayments
Aussie expats have been warned by the taxman they’ll be chased for student loan payments. An announcement by Australia’s Taxation Office has warned Oz graduates now living and working abroad not to forget about their student loan debts. The taxman is planning to begin contacting new graduates taking on jobs overseas as well as those...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats in EU and those still at home have diverse Brexit views
Over one third of British expatriates living in EU member states are now applying for either permanent residency or citizenship due to Brexit. According to new research, 34 per cent of respondents to a study are either in the process of formerly relinquishing their British citizenship or planning to stay permanently in their present...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Kuwait expat exodus causing rental market chaos
Kuwait city apartments are emptying fast due to the expat exodus. The increasing number of expatriates leaving Kuwait is now causing the emirate’s real estate sector real pain, with signs advertising rental apartments now decorating roadsides and buildings from Fahaheel as far as the city centre. Expat wage stagnation, the soaring cost...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Is Vietnam the answer for fans of Southeast Asia?
As the rush to discover a new, expat-friendly paradise on earth ratchets up, Vietnam’s position in the latest survey has soared to 10th place. During the past decade, Vietnam’s popularity as an expat destination has been steadily growing, especially with those already living outside their countries of origin. On offer is stunning...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Sihanoukville Chinese invasion sends expats packing
The Chinese invasion of Sihanoukville feels like a rape of Cambodia’s culture and history. Once upon a time in a land far away, a beachside town was home not only to its local residents but also to expatriates of all shapes, sizes and nationalities, drawn by its charm and friendliness as well as its history as a favourite summer holiday...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Good mortgage news for expat property buyers in Spain
Spain’s new laws on mortgages are great news for those wishing to purchase property and those who’re already homeowners. Up until now, the popular expat destination’s mortgage laws favoured the banks in a manner which penalised borrowers, but new EU rules intended to align member states’ laws have forced the Spanish government to...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Are the ultra-wealthy departing Hong Kong for politically stable Singapore?
Upscale wealth management companies are now shunning Hong Kong in favour of Singapore. International wealth management firms planning to open in Hong Kong are changing their minds and heading for Singapore as a result of continuing public unrest over the new extradition bill. The news comes as no surprise, as their wealthy would-be expat...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Human development school helps expats in Singapore to live better
Focusing on self-employed entrepreneurs and their SMEs in Singapore, the ‘Expatprenuer’ Awards celebrate innovative ideas put into practice to help resident expats have better lives. At this year’s award ceremony, SR Nathan School of Human Development lecturer Dr.Yvonne McNulty explained to the media the combination of originality,...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Singapore loses crown as best expat professional location
According to HSBC’s recent survey results, Switzerland is now the best choice for expatriate professionals and their careers. Singapore held the top spot in the influential survey for four years before losing its crown to Switzerland, and must now be content with second place. Worse still, Switzerland jumped from eighth place in last...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Benidorm claws back popularity as a British expat retiree and tourist hub
After several years of decline in popularity with British expats, Benidorm is reasserting itself as a favourite Spanish destination. Once the all-time winner as regards British expatriates arriving to work, play or retire, Benidorm had slumped in the popularity polls from 2012’s 83,000 plus before creeping back to 2017’s slightly...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Small British expat community in Cyprus devastated as homes collapse
British expats living in the Cypriot hill village of Pissouri are being evicted as their homes are collapsing due to underground water courses causing giant underground sink holes and landslides. The British expat community in Pissouri are mostly retirees and families, enjoying their time off in the sunshine amidst glorious sea vistas....
3 Jul at 6 PM
How do expats in Dubai stand the summer heat?
When the emirates are mentioned to potential expats, exotic images of camels, sand dunes, upscale shopping malls, eye-wateringly high salaries and luxury residences spring immediately to mind. In many ways, the vision is true, but there’s far more to Dubai and its surroundings than meets the eye, as newly-arrived expatriates soon find...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Expat returnees advised to head for Scotland's healthy living destinations
If you’re planning to return to the UK due to Brexit uncertainty, the healthiest places to settle are in Scotland. Many British expats at present living in EU member states are considering moving back to the UK rather than chancing the post-Brexit loss of healthcare and other human rights. Especially for expat retirees living in warmer,...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats discover bloated corpse floating just off Koh Phangan beach
Expats swimming off the Thai holiday island of Koh Phangan at sunset found a bloated human corpse floating in the azure waters. Five expatriates taking a pre-dinner swim in the blue gulf waters first spotted something large bobbing offshore, and were horrified when they realised the floating shape was the body of a man. British expat...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Thailand visa renewals by Scandinavian expats are shrinking
Numbers of Nordic expatriates in Thailand on business, in retirement or with Thai families are shrinking fast, according to a local English language online newspaper. According to reports based on info from the Thai Immigration Authority, the numbers of expats from Scandinavia looking to renew their visas has fallen by 10 per cent, the...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Expatriates in Spain have no problems with being called expats!
Online poll shows foreign nationals in Spain don’t take offence at being called expats! A popular English language media outlet serving British expatriates living in Spain has just released the results of its survey about the possibly offensive term. Fortunately, a large majority of respondents made it clear they didn’t take offence...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Spain wins out as top destination for expat Brits
It’s survey time again, with Spain now voted the top dream destination for British expats. According to a new poll carried out in the UK, Spain is still the all-time favourite destination for Britons looking to improve their quality of life at less cost than in the UK. The study’s question was straightforward, asking respondents where...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Survey takes on male expats’ concerns over local healthcare
It’s unusual to have a survey created just for men, but the results of this study are somewhat of a surprise. In expat-aimed media nowadays, there’s a huge focus on private health insurance, its high cost and the possibility of the small print preventing a payout. Healthcare for expats has always been a controversial subject, as...
2 Jul at 6 PM
French minister describes British expat presence as enriching France
France’s Europe minister has described the British expat presence as enriching the country. In yet another attempt by an EU member state government official to reassure British expats about their rights post-Brexit, France’s Europe minister has described the expat community as ‘enriching France’. The complimentary comment was made...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Is Dubai really cheaper for expats nowadays
For a generation of expat professionals, Dubai has been a 21st century icon and a source of comparative wealth. The futuristic city balancing between water’s edge and desert sands is a glittering playground for the wealthy and famous as well as supposedly presenting an opportunity for expat professionals to join in its endless...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Expats advised to remit as sterling struggles
British expats living and working overseas are being urged to remit as the pound sterling is undervalued. As fears of a hard Brexit and its devastating effect on the UK’s economy increase, expats working overseas are being urged to remit before it’s too late. According to analysts, sterling’s instability will continue over the eight...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Aspiring expats may decide to keep working after retirement
New research suggests Brit workers are planning to phase in their actual retirement. British citizens coming up to retirement age are Europe’s most likely to take on part-time jobs once they’ve officially retired. Literally three out of every four Britons surveyed are planning to keep working beyond retirement, either keeping on the...
27 Jul at 6 PM
How to legally avoid Portuguese tax on overseas earnings
If Portugal is your chosen expat retirement haven, checking out the country’s tax laws as regards foreign income could save you money. Portugal has long been a popular destination for expat retirees from the UK, but those receiving regular income from the home country are well advised to check their tax status with a local accountant....
27 Jul at 6 PM
UAE expats and visitors falling foul of Shariah law
Expats and tourists are advised to study the UAE’s Shariah law or stay away Dubai and rest of the UAE are popular for expat relocations and the entire region I waking up to its tourism appeal, but too many Westerners are falling foul of the region’s Shariah-based legal system. Regular online reports of tourists and expatriates in the...
27 Jul at 6 PM
May courts EU expats but ignores UK expats in Europe
Recently published details on a proposed system for EU expats in the UK to get settled status aren’t being reciprocated for UK expats in Europe. Recently appointed British Home Secretary Sajid Javid has hit out at EU lawmakers for not authorising a similar scheme for UK expats living in EU member states, but the EU doesn’t seem to be...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Best dog friendly beaches in Southern Spain
Wherever there are expats, there are family dogs who like nothing better than to have fun with their owners. Many British expats in Spain will have brought their doggy best friends with them when they emigrated, with others adopting a dog from a local refuge once they’re settled in. As long as we’ve inhabited the planet, dogs have...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Expat rights activist dedicated to helping Brits in France dies after brief illness
85-year old expat rights activist Brian Cave has died after a short illness, but will be remembered for his untiring efforts on behalf of the rights of British expats living in France. Mr Cave retired with his wife to France after his successful career as a teacher, and first became known for his determination and campaigning skills on...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Saving money on international transfers by shunning the banks
The 21st century is set to be the century of the expat, with more and more millennials opting to leave their home countries in order to further their international careers. As the number of expats working overseas at all levels grows, so do the amounts transferred between currencies and countries. The amount of money being sent across...
25 Jul at 6 PM
Is cow cuddling the answer to expat executive stress
Every expat who owns a pet knows cuddling a dog or cat is a stress reliever but, for those without furry best friends, what’s the best thing to do? In the ‘60s, tree hugging was widely recommended as a stress-buster, but finding a tree in today’s fashionable architectural wastelands could be tricky. However, for expats who’ve...
25 Jul at 6 PM
UAE Property sales and rentals slated to keep falling
In spite of an anticipated stimulus, Abu Dhabi residential prices are expected to fall further over the next 12 months. Abu Dhabi real estate investors and landlords expecting a swift response after the crown prince’s stimulus package are about to be disappointed, according to professionals in the sector. Leading real estate agents are...
25 Jul at 6 PM
British insurers warn hard Brexit could prevent overseas pension payments
The trade body of British insurers has warned the government that crashing out of the EU may invalidate the payment of British pensions overseas. In its starkest warning yet, the Association of British Insurers has informed the UK‘s Commons Brexit Committee the payment of UK private pensions overseas will be illegal should the UK crash...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Strange deaths of two expats in the Land of Smiles
Over the years, the popular expat destination of Thailand has been somewhat unfairly categorised either as a massive rest home for senile Western retirees or a haven for elderly sexpats, but recent reports suggest a resemblance to la-la land on steroids. Every year, dozens of expats meet their end via supposed suicide in the Land of...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Expat graduate dilemma puts pensions before student loan repayment
Thousands of university students will graduate this year, with many taking their hard-earned degrees overseas to a long-term job in a new country. With Brexit looming and British companies backing off from hiring graduates due to uncertainty, a good number of newly-qualified Brits may well be searching for opportunities elsewhere in the...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Al Hashem wades into expatriates over fake degrees
Kuwaiti expats are dismayed that anti-expat lawmaker Safaa al Hashem is expat-bashing again. Over the past several years, al Hashem has been a thorn in expat sides for her unending attacks on foreigners living and working in Kuwait. Her latest crusade is against all expats working in the emirate’s public sector, saying the vast majority...
23 Jul at 6 PM
Increasing violence in Nicaragua sparks US expat exodus
Thousands of US expatriates are considering packing and leaving due to government-led violence focused on an uprising against the country’s president. Protests against Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortaga began some three months ago, with the resulting government crackdown killing at least 300 citizens. Early last week, massive protests...
23 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Netherlands warned over swimming in toxic waters
During the one of the hottest summers in living memory, Netherlands citizens and expats are being warned not to swim in canals and other tainted waters. Over the past week, an increasing number of sightings of poisonous blue-green algae and reports of undesirable bacteria and botulism spores have hit Dutch media, with government warnings...
23 Jul at 6 PM
Brit retiree makes Portuguese national news for his good works
A British expat dedicated to cleaning up his immediate environment has made headlines in the country’s largest national newspaper. The report in Corriero da Manha told of 63-year old Brit expat Ian West’s ongoing crusade to remove debris and rubbish from local roadsides in his home town of Tavira. The determined expatriate spends...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats in France banned from signing European Citizens Initiative
A new bid to ensure lifetime retention of European Union citizenship will go live next Monday, but Brits in the EU are excluded from the vote. The new European Citizens Initiative will be introduced on July 23, with the aim of ensuring that when European citizenship with all its rights is granted, it cannot be lost. The initiative's...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Expat owned dog shelter eviction puts abandoned dogs lives at risk
An expat-run dog shelter in Spain is desperate for help after being served an eviction notice by their landlord. The APA Nerja dog shelter was started three years ago by British expat Laura Downes, and has successfully rehomed 800 abandoned adult dogs and puppies to date. Soon after its inception it was overwhelmed by the number of...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Real estate purchase rules in China discouraging expat investors
Foreigners wishing to buy an apartment in Beijing or other major Chinese cities are being warned the process is anything but straightforward. For expats who’ve arrived in Beijing, found a job or started a business and are now thinking of buying an apartment, the process is tricky, complicated and takes a very long time, even although...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Reports suggest London now a cheaper expat destination
Traditionally, London has been seen by relocating expat professionals as one of the world’s most expensive places to live and work. As relocation packages shrink and popular reassignment destinations get more expensive, the comparative cost of living become a crucial calculation for potential expats. Online surveys play an increasing...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Buy to let curse hits Amsterdam property market
Along with a number of other global cities, Amsterdam is asking the UN to help with the issue of investor purchases of local properties. With the Dutch housing market at its highest level ever and demand exceeding supply, the Amsterdam authorities, together with New York, London, Barcelona and Paris, is begging the UN to help deal with...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Nicaragua political violence sees US expats heading home
Once seen as one of the top ten expat hubs for American expatriates, Nicaragua’s escalating political violence is resulting in a mass exodus of US nationals back to the home country. As the death toll resulting from Nicaragua’s political protests mounts and violence spreads from Managua to the expatriate havens of Leon and Granada,...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit job losses may result in soaring emigration
Will Brexit see increased numbers of Brit moving overseas for work? As next March creeps closer and governmental chaos ramps up still further, an increasing number of industries are now planning their exit strategies. Sadly, the ‘green’ sector is one which is convinced leaving the UK is the only way forward in spite of the spectre of...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expat arrested at airport for 2004 burglary
A Brit expat convicted of burglary 14 years ago was arrested on his return to the UK for his uncle’s birthday bash. Some 14 years after the burglary and now married with a child as well as his own construction business in Australia, Lloyde Walmsley decided to fly back to the UK to attend a surprise birthday party given for his uncle. On...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Saudization versus statistics confuses Saudi jobs market
Saudi lawmakers’ attempts to strengthen and streamline the labour market are failing. New rules and regulations have failed to solve problems and are unsupportive of the much-publicised drive towards full Saudization, with different measures required if new job opportunities are to be created for local workers. A new approach is needed,...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Global expatriate totals to hit at least 87 million by 2021
By 2021, the total number of expatriates scattered across the world is expected to reach over 85 million. Expatriation in the present day is a far cry from its 19th century origins, when various wealthy empires sent their representatives to keep the natives down whilst plundering the resources of their lands. Huge numbers of present day...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Steps expats in the UAE need to take following bereavement
For expats living and working in the UAE, losing a loved one is confusing as well as heartbreaking. For expatriates living overseas, dealing with the loss of a family member or dear friend is bad enough, without having to take on unfamiliar paperwork and bureaucracy in order to ensure authorities, next of kin and immigration offices are...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Dutch property prices now at record high
House prices across the Netherlands are now at record levels, with the boom expected to continue. Long-stay expats who had the foresight to purchase a home several years ago are more than pleased with the house price rises over the last year or so. Figures for this year’s second quarter revealed a 10.4 per cent increase over the same...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expat jailed in UAE for social media comment now released
A British expat jailed in the UAE for sending an electronic insult has now been released and is in a desperate state of health. Christian Wilke was accused of sending an ‘electronic insult’ via Facebook and was jailed as a result, but no-one seems to know why he was arrested in the first place and what Facebook post contained the...
16 Jul at 6 PM
White paper loses some 800000 Brit expats in EU
The mystery loss of some 800,000 UK expats formerly listed as living in EU member states is confusing, to say the least. Until the publication of Theresa May’s white paper on Brexit, an estimate of around 1.2 million British expats was considered accurate by government spokespersons and the media alike, and is still used as a total by...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Theresa May crackdown on UK Golden Visas not working
Applications for the UK’s extremely expensive Golden Visa have increased by 46 per cent since the UK government’s crackdown. In spite of a UK government crackdown aimed at rooting out corrupt, illicit money-laundered cash flowing to the UK via the Golden Visa scheme, applications from the global super-rich are still pouring in. Some...
13 Jul at 6 PM
Dubai expat blocked from remittance due to suspected fraud
Expats living and working in the UAE are being warned by bank officials over transferring money to people not known to them. Armenian expat Donara Sanamyan faced serious difficulties after she’d attempted to help a friend from her home country who’d come for a visit. The friend needed to transfer money back home in a hurry, so Donara...
13 Jul at 6 PM
New job new country new pension plan
If you’re switching jobs for more money and an expat lifestyle overseas, don’t ignore your pension pot. Next to property, a pension is possibly the most valuable asset the majority of people will have but, just like a home, it needs to be looked after. In the excitement of taking on a better job with a higher salary in a new overseas...
13 Jul at 6 PM
French property market bargains for fleeing Brits
France has been a favourite destination for expat Brits for 150 years now, with its appeal even stronger since the Brexit referendum. There’s a historic familiarity to France for many aspiring expats, as it’s Britain’s nearest neighbour and still projects the glamour of Paris and the Riviera as well as the cosiness of rural villages...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Expat exodus from Saudi prompts hiring crisis
The Saudi crown prince’s efforts to drag Saudi Arabia screaming into the modern world are laudable, but seem to be leading to an economic crisis of confidence. Many in the Kingdom see the programme as ambitious but unrealistic, especially those business owners affected by the Saudization plan responsible for a mass exodus of expat...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in France raise thousands for hospital garden charity
Five expat couples living and gardening in France have raised thousands for charity by opening their stunning gardens to the public. On just one day in June, the five green-fingered expat couples known locally as Le Quintette opened their prized gardens to the public, raising almost £5,000 for a local charity in just one day. Almost a...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Chiang Rai Brit expat input was crucial to cave rescue success
Although he was hardly mentioned in the worldwide coverage of the dramatic rescue of the 12 boys and their coach from the flooded Chiang Rai cave, British expat caver Vernon Unsworth played a crucial part in its eventual success. The British expatriate lives in Chiang Rai, close by the Tham Luang Nang Non cave where the junior football...
11 Jul at 6 PM
UK police still attempting to trace missing expat in Tenerife
British police are again asking for information about a UK expat who went missing more than 14 years ago in Tenerife. Kevin Ainley, a British expat living and working on the Spanish island of Tenerife, went missing in June 2004 and hasn’t been heard of since. Aged 24 at the time he disappeared, he had many friends both back in the UK...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Ensuring your financial plan for retirement is all it needs to be
If you’re planning to retire overseas, making sure your financial plans are adequate is essential. More and more older people are opting for a retirement in a warm, sunny, cheaper destination after having spent their lives working and waiting for an excuse to get up and go. For many, Brexit is that excuse, and increasing numbers of...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Are Dubai falling house prices a correction or a reduction
One of the major topics of conversation amongst expats working in Dubai is the emirate’s falling property prices. Some believe it’s a long-awaited correction in the expensive city, with others maintaining it’s simply a reduction which will reverse itself in the near future. Either way, it’s supposedly good news for potential expat...
10 Jul at 6 PM
UK Golden Visa gives expatriates poor returns for rich investments
At first sight, London isn’t exactly the pinnacle of expatriate destinations, but for the mega-wealthy the UK’s Tier 1 investor visa is attempting to become the Golden Visa to beat them all. London’s disadvantages are many, starting with the weather, continuing with the extremely high cost of living, the disproportionate cost of...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Expats confused by bright orange sea in Brittany
Expats and locals living along the Brittany sea coast were shocked to discover the sea had turned orange overnight. Visitors to Brittany’s unspoilt beaches last weekend were shocked and concerned when they saw the waves close to the shore had turned a bilious shade of orange. After being summoned to examine the unusual phenomenon,...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Spanish seas now safe for whale migration
Expats who value the pristine beauty of Spain’s seas and their part in the annual migrations of whales, dolphins and sea turtles are thrilled that a Royal Decree has now protected some 46,000 square kilometres of the ocean. The vast protected area runs between the coastlines of Alicante, Girona, Catalonia and Valencia on the mainland...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Expat investors discover Brisbane real estate
Following a tough time in the sector, Brisbane’s real estate market is surging due to demand from expat investors. Over the past year, the Queensland capital has recorded a significant increase in the number of expat property purchasers attracted by bargain prices. Demand has risen by 6.7 per cent over the past 12 months, with real...
9 Jul at 6 PM
The reality of living and working in Africa
Africa isn’t the first continent which comes to mind as an expat destination due to its ongoing civil unrest and ever-present dangers. The vast, untamed continent gives breathtaking contrasts between the first and third worlds but can be a world of opportunity for those adventurous enough to take it on. It seems every time an African...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Trailing spouses risk depression and divorce
Are you risking divorce if you move overseas with your husband or partner? Although divorce rates vary from country to country, it’s estimated that some 50 per cent of modern marriages fail. Tracking divorce rates amongst the international expat community worldwide is a statistical nightmare, but experienced marital therapists believe...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Landmark ruling on same sex marriage visas gives Hong Kong an edge
A recent landmark ruling by a Hong Kong court over granting visas to same sex spouses of gay expats is threatening global financial hubs’ search for talent. In this competitive world, international financial hubs are at war over grabbing the best and brightest expat talent, but many Asian countries are lagging behind in their acceptance...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Its more fun in the Netherlands
The growing popularity of the Netherlands with younger expats isn’t only down to its startup opportunities. All work and no play makes the average expat professional a very dull person but, for those living and working in Netherlands, there’s plenty of festivals and events to banish the boredom of the daily grind. The epic Dutch pop...
6 Jul at 6 PM
New European campaign group nominated for Schwatzkopf Europe Award
Campaign group New European’s GreenCard4Europe initiative has just been nominated for the prestigious Schwarzkopf Europe Award. The anti-Brexit group is dedicated to retaining freedom of movement across Europe for expats living in the UK and all across the continent. Organisers are calling for young Europeans under the age of 35 to vote...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Expats and Nanking locals compete for worlds tastiest job
A Nanjing food preparation company was mobbed by over 100 applicants after it advertised a £57k a year job as a crayfish taster. Rather than simply advertising the amazing position and interviewing applicants, local food producer Bingku Daxia decided to hold a recruitment fair in order to find the best person for the job. Crayfish are...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Accidental Americans petition Trump for independence from USA
A campaign organised by a group of US ‘citizens by accident’ has petitioned Donald Trump to let them relinquish their accidental ties to the USA. Accidental Americans are those born in the USA, often to expat parents working in or simply visiting the country, who’ve never actually lived there long-term. According to the law,...
5 Jul at 6 PM
UK expat communities in France defined by Brexit
Britons living in France are feeling the effects of Brexit in ways they didn’t exactly expect. The stereotypical British expat in France is retired, living in the countryside and has problems with the French language as well as the French way of life. According to many online articles, Little Britain is alive and kicking across a...
4 Jul at 6 PM
China green cards for 12 more top talent expat professionals
Another twelve expats living and working in Shanghai have been given permanent residency green cards. The twelve expatriates awarded permanent residence in China brings the total numbers of green cards given out to outstanding foreign professionals to 85. The scheme began in December 2016 and applies to high-level expat professionals...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Tourism College in Dubai offers scholarships to expats and locals
Dubai’s College of Tourism is preparing to award a number of full scholarships to expat as well as emirati students. The educational institute, part of Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, is joining with the Dubai Gold and Jewellery Group to award 20 full scholarships to selected applicants for their Certificate of...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Is living in Northern France and working in London an expat dream
Is London about to be just a commute from your home in northern France? Boris Johnson’s idea about a 22-mile bridge between the UK and France wasn’t as crazy as it sounded, although Brexit wasn’t then considered to be a problem. However, it didn’t go down well with the rest of his chums as existing transport links between the two...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Kuwaiti government drops plan to tax expat remittances
The proposed remittance tax to be applied to expats sending money abroad has now been rescinded. Much to the relief of Kuwait’s huge expat community, the government has announced it’s dropping the controversial remittance tax scheme believed to be yet another example of Kuwaitization at the expense of the vast majority of expat...
3 Jul at 6 PM
US expats still queuing to renounce citizenship
The new Trump tax bill is yet another valid reason why Americans living overseas are continuing to renounce their citizenship. Financially speaking, it’s never been easy to be an American expat due to the country’s hated rules on taxation of foreign income, higher tax bills, complex retirement savings laws and problems with keeping...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Expat clubs catching on in China
If your idea of expat clubs is a dingy conference room in a mid-priced hotel crammed with doddery old guys who’d rather be in the pub, you’d be wrong – at least in Beijing. Admittedly, expatriates in China tend more towards adventure, entrepreneurship and the China experience itself, with expat organisations focusing on having fun...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats in Cyprus still in quandary over Brexit rights
The British High Commission is urging Cypriot immigration authorities to work with it in clarifying British expats’ post Brexit status. Britons living in the Mediterranean island are still confused about their status post-Brexit, even although the two negotiating teams have been reported as agreeing on reciprocal protection of expat...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expat killed during police chase accused of selling drugs to elderly expats
A retired British expat living in Thailand and killed in a car crash during a police chase was accused of supplying illegal drugs to addicts in the local elderly expat community. David Sewell smashed his car into a lorry after being chased by Thai police in Udon Thani for around six miles. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital,...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Pregnant expat women well cared for in Spanish state hospitals
Expat women living in Spain are well covered as regards prenatal and maternity care. Being pregnant and giving birth as an expat in a country where English isn’t at least a second language can be stressful, but Spain is well-equipped to deal with pregnancies and giving birth.The first good news is that legal residents working and paying...
31 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit can be cancelled if enough Brits and expats agree
As the Brexit negotiations stumble from pillar to post, France and Germany offer to cancel Britain’s EU divorce if it’s a majority decision. The two leading EU nations stressed recently the historic relationship between the UK and the EU is in everyone’s best interest, hinting Brexit could become null and void if enough Britons...
31 Jul at 6 PM
British expat pensioner gets jail time for investment fraud
Last Wednesday, a sentence of nine years in jail for conspiracy, wire fraud and money laundering was handed down to a British expat by a San Jose judge. Laurence Miles, 76, had admitted one count each of money laundering, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and the fraud itself, and was in court along with his four co-defendents. The...
31 Jul at 6 PM
Amsterdam sets up as a refuge for finance professionals
Whilst it’s probably impossible to replace London as a world financial hub, it’s obvious that its post-Brexit clout will be much diminished. No single EU capital city can absorb the entire financial services industry now resident in London, but firms unable or unwilling to attempt to remain in post-Brexit Britain could do worse than...
28 Jul at 6 PM
Is UK expatriation becoming less popular
If media coverage is to be believed, the UK would seem to be emptying fast, but new research by one of Britain’s high street banks seems to show the opposite. According to a study by Lloyds Bank’s private banking arm, 1.6 million Britons have deserted their homeland for overseas climes since 2006. Given the 2008 financial crisis and...
28 Jul at 6 PM
Tax domicile confusion causes problems for UK expats
International tax laws are now so complicated that even well-meaning Britons living long-term overseas can be caught in an expensive trap. A report by a financial services and insurance provider has highlighted a potential problem of which many long-stay UK expatriates may not even be aware – that of domicile of choice as against...
28 Jul at 6 PM
Survey suggests expats in Asia have overall health and wealth concerns
A major survey has revealed expats living and working in Asia have more than the usual concerns about their own and their families’ health, wellbeing and wealth. The study, involving over 2,000 expats between the ages of 29 and 59, measured the perceptions of expatriates living and working in some 20 countries, focusing on their...
27 Jul at 6 PM
Adventurous expat professionals should consider Japan
Adventurous expat professionals looking for a rewarding new experience in a fascinatingly different location should head for Japan. If the traditional benefits of the majority of popular international relocation destinations are losing their appeal, there’s one somewhat overlooked country that’s up and coming for those with an...
27 Jul at 6 PM
UK retirees in France plead for return of winter fuel allowance
British expatriates living in France are considering asking the UK government to repeal its withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance given to retired UK citizens to help with their fuel bills. Brits living in France’s mountainous regions as well as in the areas fronting the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel have been the worst...
27 Jul at 6 PM
Expat retirees should head for Dumaguete
Would-be expat retirees looking for something different have been heading to Southeast Asia for several decades, but the Philippines has remained a well-kept secret, attracting mostly Americans to its beachside towns. The college city of Dumaguete, nestling on Negros Oriental island between the nearby islands of Siquijor and Cebu, was...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Are expat clubs out of fashion
Once upon a time, if you became an expat in any one of dozens of far-flung destinations, it was almost obligatory to join at least one local expat club. Over the years, expat clubs have been seen as a refuge for expats fresh from thier home countries. Reasons given for becoming members of an organisation run by volunteers and aimed at...
26 Jul at 6 PM
UK Ambassadorial letter gives Brexit updates to Britons in Spain
British expats living in Spain are finally being officially informed about the government’s intentions regarding citizens’ post-Brexit rights. More than a year after the referendum result was announced, British expats in Spain are being informed about consular efforts on their behalf and the government’s stance on their post-Brexit...
26 Jul at 6 PM
New QROPS rulings unlikely to deter many pension savers
Many expats and would-be expats are now worried that QROPS as an efficient, tax-friendly investment option may soon be dead in the water due to recent changes. QROPs experts are rushing to clarify the recent changes to QROPS rules by Britain’s HM Revenue and Customs in order to reassure investors looking to take advantage of the best...
25 Jul at 6 PM
Will Macron reforms affect UK expats in France
France’s new president is setting out a raft of changes planned for the next few years, but will they affect British expats? Given that, at present, Britishers living across the channel in France are unsure whether they will be able to stay, the changes about to be brought in by order of the new president may affect little or nothing in...
25 Jul at 6 PM
House hunting for cheaper digs during the Dubai summer
Changing your accommodation in Dubai isn’t easy, especially if you’re cash-strapped and it’s full summer in one of the world’s hottest cities. Affordability in Dubai, one of the most expensive cities on the planet, benefits from budgeting, however much your salary and perks bring in. Rental charges can make up a significant slice...
25 Jul at 6 PM
A nostalgic reminder of home for Brit expats in California
Britons yearning for a nostalgic reminder of past glories should head for Long Beach, California for a tour around an iconic creation from a British shipyard. Living and working in the USA is the dream of many British would-be expats, especially those who’re lucky enough to have the skills to work in sunny California. However, even in...
24 Jul at 6 PM
What to expect as an expat in Turkey
When choosing the perfect Mediterranean retirement destination, Britons tend to favour Spain and the southern regions of France, but Turkey can be just as enjoyable and slightly different. Escaping from the British weather, the rising cost of living and, nowadays, the threat of a dwindling post-Brexit economy are all great reasons for...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Discovering Cambodia as an expat retirement hub
Cambodia is becoming increasingly popular with would-be expats from Western countries who’ve turned their backs on the chaos, confusion and political problems back home. Starting a new life in Cambodia is an adventure that’s proving more and more attractive to expats looking for a total change of scene. At the present time, visa...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit threat to retired Briton and his Russian wife
As the Brexit negotiations to date have shed no light on the fates of British retirees living in Europe, stories of individuals and couples caught up in the mind-numbing uncertainly are increasingly being covered by the British media. The ramifications of a hard Brexit will be harsh enough on retired British couples getting by on the...
21 Jul at 6 PM
Bad news and worse news for relocating UK expat property owners
British expatriates at present living in Europe and planning a return to the UK may well be out of pocket due to an unexpected rise is UK property prices. As the Brexit-related uncertainty about rights to remain, healthcare and pensions drags on, many formerly settled UK expats living in EU member states may be considering a return to the...
21 Jul at 6 PM
Dubai expatriates on Palm Jumeirah needed for reality TV show
A London-based production company is seeking UK expats with homes or businesses on Dubai’s iconic Palm Jumeirah complex to star in a new reality TV show. Arrow Media, the production company responsible for the popular Ultimate Airport Dubai show, is working with the UK’s commercial TV network ITV on what is expected to be a...
21 Jul at 6 PM
Good and bad Brexit news for UK expats in Europe
At long last, real news concerning UK expats in Europe is leaking out of the Brexit negotiations, but it isn’t all good. The almost total lack of anything resembling concrete information for expatriate Britons caught in the Brexit fiasco has caused concern and fury across Europe’s favourite expat hubs. Squabbles between parliamentary...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Paris preparing to poach EU expat bankers from London
Now under its new President, Paris is planning to attract EU expat bankers and financial experts from post-Brexit London. Newly elected President Macron’s previous dislike of the banking fraternity seems to have evaporated under the necessity to up Paris’s game as regards attracting the brightest and best the City of London has to...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Dealing with the new Chinese work permit system
China’s new work permit system for expats divides applicants into three tiers, dependent on point scoring of qualifications and experience. Although the new system combines the two previous permits, making it easier for expats to decide which to use, as well as allowing employers to submit applications, it’s still causing confusion....
20 Jul at 6 PM
Europe losing out as expats prefer Asian Tiger states
Increasing numbers of British professionals are shunning traditional European expat hubs and heading east to the four Asian Tiger states. South Korea's capital Seoul, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are the new now for ambitious Britons looking to boost their careers in unique, exotic environments. In a recent survey, Asia holds five of...
19 Jul at 6 PM
US retirees in Mexico may be illegal immigrants
Mexico’s recently revealed position as US expats’ favourite retirement hub may have concealed the fact that the majority are illegal immigrants. After some 20 years lurking in the lower listings, Mexico’s now topping the charts of International Living’s best places for American retirees. In addition, the sheer numbers of US expats...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Kids activities in Singapore make expat families glad they came
Becoming an expat in an unfamiliar land can be challenging enough, but taking the family along for the ride gives totally different problems. There’s no rule which says family men can’t be as effective as single guys on new overseas assignments, but one thing’s for certain, taking the family along adds even more new challenges,...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Is the Dubai concept based on expat professionals
Dubai’s popularity as an expat professional hub draws foreign workers across the globe, but is the Dubai dream a cover-up for an unpleasant reality? On paper, and for new arrivals, life in Dubai is little short of a dream, with luxurious accommodation, maids, drivers, a great social life, international cuisine, all year-round sunshine,...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Kuwaiti female MP takes aim at expats again
Kuwait’s anti-expat parliamentarian hits out again at foreigners working in the emirate. Expats living and working in Kuwait could have been forgiven for hoping MP Safa al Hashem would find another cause to sensationalise after her initial anti-expat rants in the country’s parliament. Unfortunately, foreign professionals and other...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Country cost comparisons for thrifty expats
Given the vast number of surveys citing various costs of living in countries across the globe, expats should find it easy to decide which countries match their financial situations. For would-be expats, the cost of living in their preferred destination is perhaps the most important aspect of planning a life overseas. Whatever the...
18 Jul at 6 PM
US expat retirees head for the simple life
In spite of endless expatriate-aimed internet pages extolling global 21st century attractions, it seems many older USA citizens are emigrating in order to live the simpler life they remember from their childhoods. Websites offering comparisons of expat destinations across the globe are perennially popular with would-be expats, whether...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Survey shows expats likely to experience mental health problems
According to a recent survey, mental health problems amongst expatriates are increasing, involving those relocating for their companies as well as independent relocators. For many, becoming an expat is a dream well worth turning into reality. Moving to an exciting new location, taking on a challenging, financially rewarding job, pursuing...
17 Jul at 6 PM
British expats in Alicante not bothered by Brexit
In contrast with a number of media reports to the contrary, Brit expats living in Alicante seem to be not at all bothered by the possible outcome of Britain’s divorce from the EU. According to the Madrid-based National Institute of Statistics, Alicante is home to Spain’s largest British expat community, at present holding some 73,000...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Bahraini government debates dumping expat workers over 50 years old
Bahrain’s House of Representatives will debate a bill prohibiting expat workers over the age of 50. The bill, due to be debated this week, will not only end the hiring of expat professionals over 50 years of age, but will force contract terminations for those already over the age limit. The controversial measure will see its second...
14 Jul at 6 PM
Explosion in Fuengirola shopping mall sends expats and tourists fleeing
Hundreds of shoppers fled screaming after a loud explosion shook a crowded Fuengirola shopping centre. British expats, tourists and locals ran for their lives after an explosion at the popular Miramar mall spiked fears of a terrorist attack on the Costa del Sol. The beachside resort located some 20 miles from Malaga has long been a...
14 Jul at 6 PM
Becoming localised as an expat in Thailand
Thailand may not be top of the tree for expat professionals looking for the ideal assignment, but it can be a fascinating experience for those seeking something different. Southeast Asia is crammed with countries once considered to be either third world or remnants of the British Empire, but much has changed over the past several decades....
14 Jul at 6 PM
American expat volunteer physiotherapist is saving lives in Vietnam
An American woman who sold her home 10 years ago and came to Vietnam to volunteer as a fully qualified and experienced physiotherapist has now been celebrated in a local TV documentary. Virginia Lockett and her artist husband David first came to Vietnam 22 years ago to adopt two children, and were saddened by the plight of the disabled in...
13 Jul at 6 PM
Oman searching for expat professionals with experience in GCC countries
Expats with Middle East experience and knowledge are invited to apply for positions in Oman. Omani recruiters are seeking expat professionals for a wide range of jobs, but are specifying a knowledge of the Middle East and experience in working in GCC countries. Around 40 per cent of jobs on offer are available to expats who’ve already...
13 Jul at 6 PM
US expats in Japan unhappy about Obamacare repeal and replace
A survey undertaken by the English language Japan Times suggests that over half of US expats in the country won’t repatriate if Obamacare is repealed and replaced. The chaos over Trump’s attempt to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare with the unpopular bill now under discussion has worried American expatriates working in Japan to such...
13 Jul at 6 PM
End of Open Skies law to hit holidaymakers and UK expats
Controversial Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary has informed the EU parliament that flights between Europe and the UK will stop post-Brexit unless new international agreements are struck. In his usual flamboyant manner, O’Leary warned that all Ryanair aircraft will be shifted to his bases in Europe, summer holidays for hundreds of...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Trump FATCA repeal lack of action angers US expats
Campaigners in Washington as well as US expats across the world are demanding Trump takes action on his election promise to repeal FATCA. Since Trump’s election campaign promise to dump the vastly unpopular FATCA law, the Republican Party and the president himself have maintained a stony silence as regards whether or not the...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Affordable new online GP service aimed at UK expats worldwide
One of the major concerns for UK expatriates living in Europe is access to inexpensive, reliable healthcare post-Brexit, with a new online GP service offering at least part of the solution. The post-Brexit demise of free local healthcare for UK expats living in European countries has dominated forums and local news outlets since the...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Help for UK expats renting out their homes whilst overseas
Many UK expatriates prefer to rent out their homes whilst on relocation overseas, making sure they have a base for when they return. With overseas assignments now a popular way to advance careers as well as build up savings, renting out your UK house is the sensible way to retain a secure base for your return as well as ensuring there...
11 Jul at 6 PM
USA deportations of Europeans and Britons on the increase
Irish, British and other European expatriate communities in the USA are worried over the Trump crackdown on illegal immigration. Traditionally, illegal immigrants and overstayers from Europe hid in plain sight whilst Asians, Latin Americans and others were sent packing, but the new order in the White House is causing concern amongst the...
11 Jul at 6 PM
China to clamp down on VPNs bv next February
Reports that the Chinese government are to block the use of all VPNs from next February onwards are causing concern amongst expat netizens and small business owners. A recently released article by journalists working for Bloomberg Technology claims inside information confirms an order sent to China’s various internet service providers...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Young British expat in Costa del Sol attacked by serial sex offender
A serial sex offender has attacked a young British expat after hiding in her car after teling her she wouldn’t be the first woman he’d killed. A manhunt for the serial sex attacker is now under way across the Costa del Sol region after a victim was forced under threat of death to perform sex acts on him. Fuengirola is best known as...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Expat chaos reigns as Saudi fee payment software proves problematic
Frustration and, in some cases, panic is building in Saudi Arabia’s expat community as online payment software for the new dependents fees proves not fit for the purpose. The Saudi Gazette is reporting a swathe of texts and emails from expats desperate to stay legal regarding the new tax, all reporting problems with the e-payment...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Should expat investors in EU properties stay positive
Even although it’s not at all clear how Brexit will finally affect UK citizens living in Europe, many Britons still planning to buy holiday homes are focusing on the effect of the UK’s divorce on foreign property prices. Those who purchased homes in European countries prior to the referendum have already made a profit on paper due to...
10 Jul at 6 PM
British expats in Spain arrested over alleged massive timeshare fraud
Following breaking news about the scam published in an English language newspaper last month, a number of expats have been arrested over an alleged timeshare fraud involving multi-millions of euros. The Olive Press expat newspaper first reported the story in June, stating the scam had been raking in 100,000 euros a week from defrauded...
7 Jul at 6 PM
Canada encouraging expat professionals by loosening entry rules
Canada’s changing of its popular Express Entry ranking system is sure to attract increasing numbers of skilled expat looking for new life. In early June, Canada’s immigration minister announced changes to its points-related Express Entry pool which allow applicants with siblings already in the country to add 15 points to their...
7 Jul at 6 PM
Rescued Quatari puppy becomes canine expat in Chicago
A four-month old puppy rescued from a Qatar building site by an expat American animal rescue volunteer is now safe in a Chicago dog shelter. Good news coming out of Qatar at present is a rarity, as is any news about expat efforts overseas to help homeless and maltreated animals, whether they are dogs, cats or more exotic species. The...
7 Jul at 6 PM
EU court to hear French lawyer’s case on illegal Brexit referendum
French lawyer Julien Fouchet’s case against the legality of the Brexit referendum is now ready to be presented to the European Union’s General Court. Two weeks from now, Julien Fouchet’s controversial attempt to stop Brexit in its tracks will be lodged with the EU’s General Court. If the French lawyer’s case is successful, the...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Friends Provident backtracks on notorious expat aimed insurance linked fixed term investments
After decades of pushing expensive, poorly performing insurance-linked fixed term investment plans to expats working in the UAE and elsewhere in the world, offshore insurance giant Friends Provident finally admits their product is failing their customers. According to the media, FPI is planning to overhaul its products in order to avoid...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Human rights groups appeal against Qatar ban on annual leave
As the Qatar embargo drags on, the prevention of annual leave for millions of expats is being taken up as a human rights issue. The Gulf Association for Rights and Freedoms has appealed to the Geneva-based United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the director-general of the International Labour Organisation on behalf of the...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Lifestyle as important as price when buying an overseas home
Price may be the most important consideration when choosing a home overseas, but lifestyle considerations come a close second. Deciding on priorities when moving overseas is one of the most complicated parts of becoming an expat on a permanent basis. Once you’ve hit on the perfect country, finding the equally perfect location for your...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Dubai school fees forcing expats into cheaper homes
Summer in the UAE traditionally sees large numbers of expats packing up and relocating, with soaring school fees helping to make the decision either to leave or move to a smaller rental property. The already high cost of Dubai’s international school education for expat children is about to increase still further due to the...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Doha residents and expats get used to reality of daily living
As the Gulf States consider Qatar’s reply to their demands, expats and Qataris are adjusting their lifestyles to suit the unwelcome reality of their new situations. Almost a month after the emirate’s Gulf neighbours cut off diplomatic relations and imposed an embargo, Qatari nationals and the tiny country’s large expat population...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit threat forcing skilled EU expats out of UK
Skilled European professionals are leaving the UK ahead of the Brexit divorce and fewer EU citizens are seeking British jobs. As Brexit negotiations continue, skilled worker relocation specialists in Europe are seeing a huge increase in requests for moves back to EU countries by foreign professionals at present working in the UK. It seems...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Expat in Lloret kidnapped and drugged by Eastern European mafia gang
Expats in the Spanish seaside retirement hub of Lloret de Mar were shocked to find out one of their community had been kidnapped and held for ransom by an Eastern European mafia-style gang. The scary episode began when a Dutch expat living in the beachside resort of Lloret del Mar was kidnapped, drugged and held for ransom by a gang...
4 Jul at 6 PM
UK expats quitting Valencia ahead of final Brexit date
In spite of endless media reports citing UK expats’ potential problems with continuing their chosen lives post-Brexit, TV shows and adverts continue to push the positives of settling in a Spanish dream home. At the present time, no-one caught in the Brexit dilemma has any real idea how their lives will pan out in the swiftly-approaching...
4 Jul at 6 PM
UK and EU talking in different tongues over Brexit
Campaigners for expat rights are frustrated by their belief that the UK and EU Brexit negotiators are ‘speaking in different languages’ as regards the negotiations. A joint statement issued by the 3Million and the British in Europe coalition (BIE) states the major issue with May’s offer last week is that it doesn’t reciprocate the...
3 Jul at 6 PM
New Zealand takes over from Oz as expats favourite
International relocation companies are reporting a surge in expats expressing interest in moving to New Zealand. For the first time in over 20 years, more Australians are leaving the home country and heading south, and the surge in British interest after the Brexit referendum is gathering even more momentum. New Zealand’s uniquely...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Buying expat property in Cyprus
Popular for decades with British expats, the island of Cyprus is known as the Jewel of the Mediterranean for its sunny weather, long history, friendly locals and glorious scenery. A former British colony, Cyprus offers a good life for retirees including reasonable accommodation costs, more than adequate healthcare and a laid-back...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Kuwait expats and locals in outcry over driving license suspension
The decision of Kuwait’s Ministry of the Interior to deny expats the right to driving licenses has prompted an outcry involving both foreigners and Kuwaitis. The recent announcement suspending driving licenses for expats working in the emirate has resulted in foreigners affected by the ban as well as Kuwaiti nationals having their say...
29 Jul at 6 PM
Legal precedent may offer hope for UK expats residency rights
An Open University law lecturer has highlighted a legal case concerning citizenship rights which may open the door for UK expats to stay in Europe after Britain leaves the EU. Law lecturer Ann Wesemann believes the case, concerning an Austrian citizen who attempted to take German nationality, may seem unrelated but could well be relevant...
29 Jul at 6 PM
Cambodia brings in new retirement visa
Cambodia’s popularity as a destination for working as well as retiring expats has soared over the past two years, with many new arrivals having first spent some years in neighbouring Thailand. Today’s announcement is expected to ramp up the numbers of new arrivals still further. The country’s present visa regime is straightforward...
29 Jul at 6 PM
Brexpats in Spain join together to fight for their rights
Out of a small group of concerned UK expats’ Facebook page, a new movement has grown. The Brexpats in Mijas page, originally set up just three weeks ago by five UK expats living in Spain, resulted in such a huge response that it was almost immediately re-christened Brexpats in Spain. Shortly afterwards, a first meeting was held in a...
28 Jul at 6 PM
Government committee calls for clarification on post Brexit right to remain
Uncertainty about the present and post-Brexit status of British expats in EU member states and EU citizens in the UK is becoming a contentious issue, according to a parliamentary report. The lack of clarity as regards the status of Brits overseas and EU expats in the UK has continued since before the referendum and is now causing both...
28 Jul at 6 PM
Top companies for expat employment in Qatar
In spite of economic problems caused by the drastic drop in oil prices over the past year, the Gulf states are still a major draw for career-minded expats. If you’re planning to emigrate to Qatar to further your career, it’s an idea to investigate the emirate’s major foreign employers in order to match your skills with the right...
28 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expat sports fans well served in Spain
If you’re set on living in Spain as an expat, you’ll be happy to hear there’s no need to cut back on watching or participating in your favourite sports. Expat life in a different culture can be trying as regards finding new pursuits to follow and leisure activities to enjoy. If your dream retirement or working location is Spain and...
27 Jul at 6 PM
Volunteer expats help rehome Turkish street dogs
Alanya’s Animal Care House and dog shelter and its volunteer expat helpers offer rehabilitation, medical attention and rehoming overseas as well as locally to the city’s stray dog population. Many favourite expat destinations have a stray dog problem, with Turkey’s Antalya city no exception to the distressing norm. It’s something...
27 Jul at 6 PM
Buying real estate in Europe still the way to go
Whatever the final result of the Brexit negotiations, purchasing property in Spain and other European countries popular with British expats will still be possible. One fact that seems to have been forgotten in the post-Brexit chaos is that many non-EU member state nationals can and are still purchasing homes and holiday villas in EU...
27 Jul at 6 PM
Expat workers in Qatar may be forced into retirement at 60
Qatar’s Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs is mulling over the introduction of a mandatory retirement age of 60 years for expat workers. Following on from complaints by recent graduates that they were unable to find suitable positions in the emirate, the ministry is considering compulsory end-of-contract...
26 Jul at 6 PM
First Brexit legal challenge destined for Supreme Court
Government legal teams fighting a legal challenge concerning the Brexit process have suggested the case may go all the way to the Supreme Court. The seven private actions arguing the prime minister has no powers to trigger Article 50 without the full approval of the British parliament have caused lawyers for the government to concede...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Best locations for expats from entrepreneurs to retirees
A new survey has identified the best places for expats dependent on their reasons for emigrating. Expats leave their home countries for a variety of reasons, including the need to take their careers further, the wish to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit or a wish to find the most suitable place to retire. The one thing they all have in...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Unconventional destinations for adventurous British expats
If the usual expat destinations have lost their appeal for the more adventurous British would-be emigrant, these five countries are well worth considering. Over 5.5 million Britons are believed to be living, working or retiring overseas, with the most popular destinations being Spain, Australia, Ireland, Canada and the USA. Great weather...
25 Jul at 6 PM
Does expat retirement live up to expectations
A new survey has asked the question most often ignored by polls involving expat retirees – how does the reality compare with your dreams? For most expats, dreams of retiring overseas conjure up visions of glorious weather, dramatic sunsets over warm oceans, fascinating cultures, great food and many new friends. Plus of course, a...
25 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Turkey may be evacuated amid fears of second coup
Fears that Turkish rebels may stage a second military coup have led to SAS troops preparing for the possible evacuation of British expat residents and tourists. Rumours of a second military coup in troubled Turkey have resulted in evacuation plans involving many thousands of British residents as well as tourists. Should the government...
25 Jul at 6 PM
No good news as Dubai expats prepare for the worst
With the expats’ promised land now failing to deliver, many long-term expat residents in Dubai are mulling over a return to their home countries. Although economic forecasts suggest the desert-based mega-city is better placed to weather the storm than its neighbouring emirates, the combination of the oil price crisis and the downturn in...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit puts a damper on Britons retirement plans
Brexit’s shock result has all but wrecked the retirement plans of many Brits due to freedom of movement insecurity and possible financial planning chaos. The biggest question mark threatening the retirement plans of a fair proportion of older Brits is the ability to settle legally in one of the many European expat destinations. Although,...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Post Brexit plummeting pound spurs surge in expat mortgage demands
Mortgage enquiries from overseas buyers as well as UK expats living overseas have surged since the Brexit result triggered a fall in sterling. Prospective buyers are emerging from Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, with the renewed interest in purchasing UK property down to five key Brexit-related issues. UK property has always been...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Cyprus ombudsman supports expat complaints over burials
Following reports in local and online media that expats living in Cyprus were still waiting for their own cemetery and crematorium, the island’s ombudsman has called for an end to discriminatory burial practices. Recently, media articles have highlighted long, inexplicable delays in the agreed provision of a cemetery and crematorium for...
21 Jul at 6 PM
Dreaded FATCA finally in full implementation
Since July 1, all foreign financial firms dealing with US expats overseas will face massive penalties for failing to annually disclose their clients’ accounts and financial affairs. The introduction of the swingeing system of fines was the final stage of FATCA’s implementation worldwide, only delayed due to the need to update US...
21 Jul at 6 PM
US expats in Japan mull staying put to avoid gun violence at home
US expatriates working in Japan are considering staying rather than going back home and risking death on the streets of America. The total number of gun fatalities in the USA during 2015 was an appalling 13,000, whilst in Japan just one citizen was shot and killed. America has the highest number of gun deaths of any developed world...
21 Jul at 6 PM
Expats dual nationality petition calls for Spanish peoples support
A petition calling for access to joint nationality for Brits living in Spain is now calling for Spaniards to sign in support of the initiative. In yet another attempt to regularise their post-Brexit situation, Britons living, working and retiring in Spain are asking the Spanish people to join with them to ensure a future for both expats...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Survey suggests ten best comfort zones for overseas retirement
Retirement overseas means different things for different people, but the essentials remain the same when searching for an affordable comfort zone. Given the political chaos spreading across the Western world, it’s no surprise that more and more people are looking for an escape hatch to exotic climes. Essentials aren’t likely to be as...
20 Jul at 6 PM
Qatari businesses struggling due to expat exodus
According to a Reuters report, businesses catering for middle class Qataris and expat professionals are failing due to lack of demand caused by lay-offs of thousands of well-paid workers from overseas. Large-scale layoffs of expat workers at white collar levels have taken place for some two years now, spurred by the fall in oil prices....
20 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit legal challenge gets October High Court hearing
The first of several court cases brought by prominent London legal firms on behalf of Remain clients has resulted in a High Court hearing in October. The focus of the current action and several more yet to be brought is to ensure the British government is unable to trigger Article 50 without parliament’s full authorisation. Should...
19 Jul at 6 PM
UK expat meeting with Amsterdam mayor brings hope
During a meeting with around 200 concerned UK expats living in Amsterdam, the Dutch city’s mayor gave a ray of hope and advised them not to give up their UK passports yet. Amsterdam mayor Eberhard van der Lann told the assembled expats it wasn’t necessary at present to exchange British nationality for the Dutch option, as he and all...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Setting up business in expat friendly Shanghai
Shanghai’s popularity with expat start-ups is growing fast, but language difficulties and bureaucratic burdens make using an agency the best way forward. Expat entrepreneurs are more than welcome in Shanghai, one of China’s largest conurbations, with contracted foreign capital totalling US$60 billion during 2015, an 86 per cent...
19 Jul at 6 PM
British expats on Cyprus still waiting for their own cemetery
For years and in spite of an agreement, British expats living in Cyprus have been waiting for a dedicated cemetery and crematorium. Following endless debates involving the Cypriot government and Cyprus’s branch of the Greek Orthodox religion, an agreement was finally made, but no implementation has yet taken place. The reason behind the...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Thailand sex industry under attack by tourism minister
Thailand’s female tourism minister announced recently she’s determined to put a stop to one of the Land of Smiles’s most lucrative and popular attractions – prostitution. Since the death or glory days of the Vietnam War, one of Thailand’s best known draws is the comparative ease with which lone male tourists and expats can deal...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Nice refuse to let the atrocity drive them out
Following the devastating terror attack on Bastille Day, British and Irish expat residents are defiantly stating they’re staying put and going nowhere. France’s third terrorist attack during the past 18 months has failed to deter expats from the UK and Ireland from getting on with their lives in the popular Mediterranean seaside...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Expat renters in Dubai turning to property purchase
Newly constructed, affordable properties in Dubai are persuading expats in tenancies to take the plunge and buy a home. Ever since Dubai became a magnet for expat professionals, renting an apartment has been the norm due to the transient nature of relocations. Although rents are comparatively low at present, an increasing number of Western...
15 Jul at 6 PM
US Treasury threatens UK expat bank account closures for non FATCA compliance
It’s not just USA citizens who’re living a nightmare due to FATCA, as British expats living in the USA are now being threatened with closure of their UK bank accounts if they don’t comply. As FATCA continues to tighten its claws on American expats living across the world, UK expats working in the USA are facing the closure of their...
15 Jul at 6 PM
UK expats in Spain warned to watch out for financial fraudsters
In spite of frequent warnings, tales of financial fraud and endless on- and offline articles, rogue pension and investment FAs are still rife in British retirement destinations. For decades, Spain has been a favourite with British retirees who’ve had enough of the UK’s dreary weather and escalating cost of living. Around 300,000...
15 Jul at 6 PM
UK insurers pull out of expat health and life insurance
A recently-released survey of UK insurance companies has revealed that only 16 per cent now offer expat life insurance and only 8 per cent offer critical illness cover. The annual Expatriate Insurance Survey’s results make it plain that high-street insurers such as Friends Life, Aviva and Legal and General now have no interest in...
14 Jul at 6 PM
Irish expat in Spain awarded MBE for her expat property rights campaign
Maura Hillen is a heroine to over 500 British expats whose properties were demolished after being declared illegal during the infamous Spanish property scandal. As leader of the Abusos Urbanisticos Almanzora NO! (AUAN) campaign, Maura fought at national, regional and local levels for the rights of those who’d purchased Almanzora Valley...
14 Jul at 6 PM
Legal challenges against Brexit result are mounting
As the negative economic effects of Britain’s leaving the UK become more apparent, legal arguments against going ahead with Brexit are mushrooming. The first legal challenge to reach the courts is being spearheaded by London law firm Maitland Chambers. The initial hearing will take place on 19th July, with senior barrister Dominic...
14 Jul at 6 PM
Expat moms in China more prone to postpartum depression
Uprooting from family and friends and relocating to the totally unfamiliar culture of China may mean increasing the risk of post-natal depression for new mothers. Although many expat wives find a move to an exotic location such as China a stimulating experience, the lack of front-line support for new mothers from family and friends is...
13 Jul at 6 PM
Lib Dem leader urges EU PMs to protect UK expats overseas
The head of the British Liberal Democrat party has written to the leaders of seven EU member states, requesting they treat UK expats in Europe with understanding and fairness. Tim Farron, pro-Remain leader of the centre-left Liberal Party, the UK's third largest, has promised his supporters he will base his next election manifesto on...
13 Jul at 6 PM
Top six Chinese cities for expats
For the new breed of adventurous expats, China is the latest attraction, but its massive size and choice of major cities can be hard to navigate. If you’re looking for a fascinating combination of ancient culture, magnificent geographical diversity, stunning modernity and a unique, challenging environment, China is waiting for you. Six...
13 Jul at 6 PM
Government opens Brexit expat help webpage whilst France entices bankers
As the UK government launches a webpage aimed at clarifying expats’ Brexit issues, France pledges to offer generous tax and other relocation perks to UK-based banks and financial institutions. Unsurprisingly, the UK government website offers little that isn’t known already to even the least enthusiastic followers of British media...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Better Brexit news for UK expats in Cyprus
UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond is calling for an informal meeting with his EU counterparts to attempt to guarantee rights of residency for UK citizens living in EU member states. Hammond is, at present, the only senior member of government who has expressed any concern for the plight of British expats living and working in EU member...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats in the Gulf advised to keep sending money home
As a result of continuing uncertainty over the value of sterling, British expats working in Gulf states are being advised to keep sending money home. The dramatic fall in the sterling exchange rate following the shock Brexit result prompted an eight-fold increase in remittances from the region to UK banks. Given the continuing political...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Thailand expat forum happiness survey provokes denials
The overly positive results of a recent happiness poll undertaken by Thaivisa Forum have resulted in many forum members having their say in a less than overjoyed manner. Thaivisa Forum covers Bangkok and most of the larger Thai cities as well as Cambodia, Myanmar and South East Asia in general. The site claims to have over 200,000 members...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Dutch expat con man reputedly linked to major Netherlands crime family
Expat havens the world over have their share of dodgy characters ready and willing to defraud other expats of their hard-earned savings, but this Costa del Sol con man may be unique. Exposed recently by Spain’s leading expat newspaper, Jan Brinkman has been busy ripping off fellow expats as well as locals with tall tales of...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit fears disregarded by Brits still heading for France
In spite of the uncertainty of their future in France, would-be UK expats and those recently arrived are not about to change their minds as regards their preferred country of residence. Whilst expats already living across the Channel are having problems digesting the possible future effects of Brexit, many who’ve already made the...
11 Jul at 6 PM
July 19 set for preliminary hearing on Brexit legitimacy
As Theresa May today become the unopposed leader of the Tory Party and Britain’s PM, the first legal attempt to stymie the initiation of Article 50 was slated for July 19. High Court judge Mr Justice Cranston has announced the date on which a preliminary hearing will consider a judicial review challenge brought by British citizen Dier...
8 Jul at 6 PM
UK expats in USA shock horror at Brexit disaster
Although Brits living and working across the pond are unlikely to be directly affected by Britain’s leaving the EU, they’re shocked and horrified at the result and the chaos that’s followed. Just hours after the announcement that the Leave campaign had won, bars, restaurants and pubs in New York saw gatherings of UK expats unable or...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Expat salaries and packages in Asia declining in value
Once the darling of expat professionals, Asia is losing its shine as the value of Singapore and Hong Kong rewards decline. The latest survey of expat salaries worldwide has revealed that, although Hong Kong is still top of the tree for expats wanting to advance their careers, Singapore wins out as regards lifestyle. Middle management...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Is Brexit the downmarket UK version of House of Cards
As the ramifications of the Brexit referendum descend further into farce, those affected could be forgiven for seeing its induced political chaos as a downmarket version of the popular US political drama 'House of Cards’. A famous Chinese curse. ‘may you live in interesting times’ applies not only to the millions of UK and EU expats...
7 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats in France join together online via new Facebook group
Worried about their futures and angry that no single authority either before or after Brexit has taken their grievances seriously, UK expats in France are now united online at a dedicated Facebook page. Around 2,000 frustrated Brits living in France are now part of the ‘Remain in France Together’ (RIFT), Facebook group, created just...
7 Jul at 6 PM
EU expats working in UK equally threatened by Brexit
Over the last two weeks, much has been written about the fear and fury of UK expats retiring, living and working in other EU member states, but EU expats at present domiciled in the UK are under the same threat of being forced to leave. What might not have been realised by those voting for Britain to leave the EU is that not all immigrants...
7 Jul at 6 PM
UK expats in Spain submit petition for UK parliamentary representation
Businesses, the media and campaigners are uniting in protest following Theresa May’s shocking statement during which she refused to give any guarantees over expat rights within EU member states. May, at present the UK government’s Home Secretary and tipped to become the next PM, was slammed in print and online for her lack of concern...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Will Brexit scupper Waitrose British Corner Shop deal
With Brexit’s toxic tentacles invading almost all aspects of expat life in Europe, gourmet Brits hungrily awaiting Waitrose’s’ entry into the online British Corner Shop may well be in for an eventual disappointment. For UK expat foodies unable to live without such British culinary delights as digestive biscuits, Marmite, Wiltshire...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Will the Brexit affect drive up Oz property prices
Analysts struggling to find shreds of good news lurking behind the massive black cloud of Brexit are suggesting that Britain’s leaving the EU may have a positive effect on Australian real estate prices as well as boosting the number of buyers. The theory behind the report is that, once Brexit is a reality and the UK has finally left the...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Brit expats petition points the need for Spanish dual citizenship
A petition urging the Spanish government to allow UK expats to apply for dual nationality was launched on Monday. Well-known journalist Giles Tremlett together with fellow journalist William Chislett started the petition as an attempt to alert the Spanish government to the dramatic situation faced by Brits in Spain. Tremlett, known for his...
5 Jul at 6 PM
UK expat rush to marry EU citizens hits social media
It seems that the idea of marrying one’s EU citizen partner in order to stay in an EU member state has expanded into marrying anyone who’s willing in order to avoid having to return to the UK once it finally exits the EU. In a surprise turn-around from hoping and praying common sense would return to the UK’s politicians and allow...
5 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in China support Chinglish for its unintended humour
The mangled Chinese-English translations known as Chinglish have won a place in the hearts of the expat community in China for their unintentional humour. Mistranslations from foreign languages to English of signs, slogans, directions and just about every other form of communication are common across the expat world, but none have gripped...
5 Jul at 6 PM
German and French ministers recommend citizenship for UK expats
Possible solutions to the plight of UK expats living and working in Europe are finally on the political agenda of several EU member states. Germany’s Vice Chancellor and Economic Minister Sigmar Gabriel was the first top-ranking European politician to suggest that his country needs the skills offered by younger British expats already...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Foreign Secretary Hammond speaks out in support of UK expats
Finally, a UK politician has seen fit to speak out in support of UK expats living and working in EU member states and EU expats doing the same in the UK. Hammond is the first member of the present political coterie in the UK to actually recognise the plight of the 1.2 million UK expats living in EU countries and the even greater number of...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Expats deliberately targeted in Dhaka terrorist attack
Radical Islam’s hatred of non-Moslems has spread to relatively peaceful Bangladesh, focusing mainly on local targets such as liberals until the murderous attack which killed 26 people. The Holey Artisan Bakery café and eatery where the terrorist attack took place was known as an elite meeting point for businessmen, journalists,...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Is this the way out of Brexit
A legal firm acting on behalf of a group of academics and business people is taking action to ensure Article 50 is not activated without an Act of Parliament. According to legal eagles Mishcon de Reya, triggering Article, 50 and officially starting the process of leaving Europe, would be unlawful unless a full parliamentary debate had...
1 Jul at 6 PM
Buying residency in popular EU countries restricted to wealthy expats
Securing an idyllic expat life post-Brexit as a resident in favourite European destinations is proving to be only an option for the wealthy. The rush for European passports is gathering steam as the full implications of Brexit hit home, but unless applicants are long-stay or have nationals of that country in their ancestry, there’s no...
1 Jul at 6 PM
Amsterdam Expatcentre opens Brexit info hub for local Brits
Amsterdam’s Expatcentre is now offering a Brexit information hub which will inform British expats living and working in Amsterdam as well as assisting UK-based companies wishing to transfer to the Netherlands. The aim of the newly established centre, conveniently located in the city's World Trade Centre, is to present up-to-date...
1 Jul at 6 PM
Brexit threatens students, retirees and their dogs
As if the situation post-Brexit wasn’t dire enough for UK expats living in EU countries, more threats are emerging, especially for students, long-stay retirees on the state pension and, unbelievably, their dogs. Although at the present moment no-one is going to be deported from their country of residence after having their assets...
28 Jul at 4 PM
British expats may require health insurance for treatment in homeland
Brits living abroad face the prospect of needing medical insurance to be treated back home, regardless of whether or not they have been paying into the country’s healthcare system. The UK’s Department of Health says that visitors to the country have been allowed to use a number of NHS services, but that they cost the NHS in the region...
28 Jul at 3 PM
British expat arrested for German’s killing has assault record
A British expat arrested in connection to the killing of a German man in the Spanish town of Mijas has served jail time in the UK for assault. Ross Moore, 30, was arrested and jailed after a bar fight near to his then Exmouth home in 2012. Moore, and another British man, were arrested last week following a pub brawl in La Cala de Mijas...
24 Jul at 12 PM
Expat millionaires’ date ends in legal dispute
A French oil expert and a former Japanese model have become embroiled in a legal spat after meeting on a millionaires’ dating website. Charles Miriel, 67, and Nan Itakura, 44, met on millionairematch.com and met in person for the first time in the Spanish town of Sotogrande in March. Things were all rosy at the beginning and Itakura and...
24 Jul at 9 AM
Expat Brits arrested over Spain pub killing
Spanish police have arrested two British men in connection with the killing of a German in a bar fight in the Spanish town of La Cala de Mijas. Forty-six-year-old Ingo Dewitz died in the southern Spanish resort town’s Captain’s Bar after being hit twice on the head. The two expat Brits reportedly became involved in an argument with...
23 Jul at 6 PM
No vote for Canadian expats abroad for 5 years
Canadians who have been residing overseas for over five years will not be permitted to vote in their country’s general elections in October. The Ontario Court of Appeal ruled on Monday after a 2-1 split decision that any Canadian who has lived abroad for at least five years will be barred from voting on the grounds that they are no...
23 Jul at 6 PM
Barclays to close expat accounts unless six-figure sum deposited
Expat in a number of countries face the prospect of their Barclays Bank accounts being closed down unless they have a balance of at least £100,000. The bank announced that it would close down accounts that were not worth £100,000 within a couple of months, meaning many Brits living abroad will need to deposit huge sums of money should...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Expat nurses in UK face prospect of being sent home
Increased budget cuts designed to further reduce the government budget deficit mean many foreign nurses in the UK may be sent home. To separate long-term residents and short-term workers, UK laws state that expat workers are permitted to stay and work in the country for six years. However, by the time the six-year mark comes round, they...
22 Jul at 6 PM
More than 30% of university teachers in Saudi are expats
Despite greater efforts to ensure more university teachers in Saudi Arabia are from the Gulf state, around a third of all lecturers at government institutions are expats. A recent government report showed that out of 52,617 professors and teaching assistants in colleges nationwide, 15,977 are from outside Saudi Arabia, and just 4,555 are...
21 Jul at 4 PM
Algerian ‘cat burglars’ arrested in Spain for targeting expats
Two Algerian men have been arrested in Spain and face charges of committing burglaries with some assistance from the meows of a cat. The investigation and hunt for the men started in May, after a British expat informed police that her purse had been stolen amid the sound of meows. Authorities believe that the men targeted vehicles in...
21 Jul at 4 PM
UAE considers stopping deporting expat drug users
The UAE may stop deporting expats who have been convicted of using drugs so long as they have been in the country for 15 consecutive years. A police team charged with evaluating anti-drug measures in the country made the recommendation in a report passed on to the competent authorities for a final ruling. The committee also put forward...
14 Jul at 4 PM
British expat dies in hang glider accident in France
A British man residing in France died on Sunday when his hang glider collided into trees near the eastern town of Dole. The forty-nine-year-old expat’s hang glider crashed to the ground after hitting the trees, with initial investigations stating that a “bad landing” was the cause of death. Reports state that he crashed into tree...
14 Jul at 4 PM
Australian expat in UAE jailed for Facebook post
An Australian woman living in Abu Dhabi has been jailed for posting “bad words” on Facebook. Thirty-nine-year-old Jodi Magi uploaded a photo on the social media site that she had taken of a vehicle taking up two disabled parking spaces in front her apartment in the UAE capital. The licence number was blanked out and no identifiable...
13 Jul at 3 PM
Expat journalist Joan Davies passes away in Spain
British expat journalist Joan Davies who had lived in Spain for around 50 years has died at the age of 85. Davies, who along with her husband, Gerry, was the co-founder of the Malaga-based English language newspaper Sur, passed away on Tuesday at her home in the Costa de Sol town of Benalmadena. The highly-respected journalist was born...
13 Jul at 12 PM
Malaga has Spain’s cheapest beer
Malaga serves the cheapest beer in Spain, revealed a recent survey, spelling good news for the large number of expats that reside in the southern city. With the average price of a beer being just €1.56, the Andalucian city is also the fourth cheapest city out of the 75 surveyed worldwide. The rankings, which were listed by Go-Euro...
11 Jul at 2 PM
Spain-based expat publishes book about doing business with Fidel Castro
An expat author in the southern Spanish province of Granada has published his memoires about doing business in Cuba at a time when he was working alongside Fidel Castro. French-born Michel Villand revealed that the pair were so close that Castro was even a guest of honour when he opened his bakery chain – Pain de Paris – after arriving...
11 Jul at 10 AM
Saudi woman jailed for conning Yemeni expat out of SR300,000
A Saudi Arabian court has jailed a woman has ordered her to pay back the SR300,000 ($US80,000) she took from a Yemeni expat after saying that she would obtain Saudi nationality for him. The victim’s lawyer, Khalid Al-Yafie, said that the Saudi woman had ruined his client’s reputation in a separate incident which involved her posting a...
10 Jul at 12 PM
Expat haven Torrevieja named poorest city in Spain
The southeast Spanish city of Torrevieja is the poorest city in Spain, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The agency revealed that the Costa Blanca resort, a popular destination among expats, has a lower per capita income than any other Spanish city. However, despite the recent figures, due to the large population...
10 Jul at 9 AM
Life in Greece looking tough for expats
A large number of expats living in Greece are finding life increasingly difficult due to the country’s ongoing financial crisis. The Mediterranean country is home to an estimated 188,000 European nationals, and is particularly popular among retirees looking to take advantage of its year-round sunshine and laidback lifestyle. However the...
8 Jul at 2 PM
Hong Kong columnist defends ‘stereotypical’ expat comments
A Hong Kong-based journalist has defended his observations after recently referring to a number of the city’s expats as “brats”. South China Morning Post reporter Jason Wordie, a resident of the city for 30 years, admitted that saying third culture kids were emotionally shallow and had a chillingly utilitarian attitude could be...
8 Jul at 9 AM
Expat employment in Bahrain up 6%
The number of expat workers in Bahrain increased by six per cent in the first quarter of 2015, according to recent data. The Bahrain Labour Market Indicators showed that the rise in the number of foreigners employed in the Gulf state was three times the increase among Bahraini workers, which stood at two per cent. The figures revealed a...
7 Jul at 3 PM
Spanish authorities broadcast face of wanted Scot in expat areas
The face of one of the UK’s most wanted fugitives has been broadcast around popular expat areas in Spain as authorities up their efforts to locate him. Derek McGraw Ferguson, 51, is suspected of murdering a man in the Scottish town of Bishopbriggs in 2007. His image will now appear on a digital screen on the back of vehicles belonging to...
7 Jul at 11 AM
Expat in Fiji killed in road accident
An expat living in Fiji was killed when a vehicle crashed into his bike on the Drasa flats not far from the town of Lautoka. Police spokesperson Ana Naisoro announced in a statement that the victim, who has yet to be named, worked for the United Nations Development Fund. She said that he was on route to the town of Rakiraki at around 7:30...
6 Jul at 3 PM
Two jailed for Bali expat murder
Two men who fled Bali have received 15-year jail sentences for killing Australian businessman Robert Ellis after being convicted of premeditated murder. Martin Ngongo Bili and Adolf Malo Rangga were handed 15 years in prison for the role they played in the killing of the 60-yrar-old expat. However, the defence reacted angrily after the...
6 Jul at 2 PM
Kuwait: Pakistani expat disguised as woman detained in Kuwait
A Pakistani expat in Kuwait has been arrested after being found disguised as a woman near a mosque in the town on Jleeb Al Shuyukh. Authorities became suspicious about the man, who was dressed in black, had his face covered and was talking on the phone outside the Al Shuyukh Mosque in the town, which has a large population of expats from...
31 Jul at 6 PM
New report warns of Dubai property bubble risk
Dubai’s latest residential review noted that rents rose by 20 per cent over the last 12 months and warned of another property bubble. The revelations in the latest Dubai property review are causing concern over yet another property bubble in the region. Apartment rents soared year-on-year by 21 per cent, dragging the average overall rent...
31 Jul at 6 PM
Epidemic of Spanish live entertainment bar closures ruining expat social lives
Favourite retirement hubs along the coast of the Costa Blanca are suffering an epidemic of live entertainment bar closures due to license revoking after noise complaints. For decades, the Costa Blanca coastline below Alicante has attracted British retirees and entrepreneurs to its more traditional, less riotous Spanish resort towns, with...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Pension Regulator warns of £5 billion pension unlocking scam
Crooks have conned pension savers out of a total of at least five billion sterling, according to an urgent warning issued by the UK Pensions Regulator. Experts warn the full amount may be far higher, as many thousands of vulnerable pension savers in the UK and overseas are continuing to fall victim to an ingenious variety of scams by...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Expat Brits reject EC call to vote in local and EU elections
In spite of a massive online and media campaign to encourage UK citizens living overseas to register to vote in the EU election and local polls, the results were embarrassingly small. The Electoral Commission’s campaign appeared on expat radio stations, online via expat forums and local English language newspapers and in various...
29 Jul at 6 PM
UK government inquiry told EU wide misselling redress needed
As complaints against the mis-selling of financial products soars across European states, a UK Parliamentary enquiry has been advised that an EU-wide mechanism for consumer redress is badly needed. Although EU law on consumer protection has been updated since the 2008 crash, redress for consumers with mis-sold financial products has...
29 Jul at 6 PM
UAE expat savings heading towards global property investments
It’s no secret that Western expats working in the UK are paid plenty enough to be able to invest for their futures, with many still favouring bricks and mortal via global property markets. Property as an asset class is regarded as a traditional and historically safe place to stash savings, offering good returns and little overall risk...
28 Jul at 6 PM
HMRC issues third highest QROPS mass suspension since April 2006
The 15 July official QROPS list published by the UK’s HMRC has suspended a total of 118 Qualified Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS). The mass cull is the third largest since the scheme itself was introduced in April 2006, and includes 99 Australian QROPS, one from Mauritius, 15 from India and two from Canada. The tax authority...
28 Jul at 6 PM
Study shows France offers best healthcare in world for expats
The French healthcare system, highly regarded for decades, has recently received a further boost to its reputation. The Annual Global Retirement Index survey undertaken for International Living Magazine has rated France’s healthcare the best in the world for expat retirees. Out of 100 possible points, the Gallic system rated 97, and was...
25 Jul at 6 PM
Price comparison sites using shady tactics to make you buy
Expat online shoppers are being warned to watch out for online shopping tricks on price comparison websites. Almost all expats, wherever in the world they’re located, find themselves using online sites to order items they can’t find in their host countries. Whether it’s foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, comfortable clothes or shoes in...
25 Jul at 6 PM
Amsterdam scores as expat happiness central in spite of high tax rates
Many would-be expats would balk at the thought of paying 52 per cent income tax on their earnings overseas, but the charm of Amsterdam is such that no-one seems to mind. Most expats living in the historic Dutch capital were lured by the promise of a choice of literally thousands of jobs in the tech, oil and other sectors. In spite of...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Should expat savers and investors use local or international FAs
With the casino culture which caused the 2008 crash still functioning at all financial levels and in most expat jurisdictions, expats could be forgiven for wondering how to choose a reliable advisor. Many savers and investors, especially those choosing to retire overseas, have little experience of managing investments, and would prefer to...
24 Jul at 6 PM
UAE survey shows a third of expat women face sexism in the workplace
A new study has revealed that around 29 per cent of expat women working in the UAE are experiencing sexism in the workplace on a regular basis. The survey, carried out by Expatwoman.com and involving 1,100 expat women working in the emirates, shows that gender discrimination within the UAE workplace runs at almost double that in Western...
23 Jul at 6 PM
UK government sneaks in controversial state pension changes
Controversial changes to the UK state pension due to affect millions have been slipped in just before Parliament’s summer break. The changes apply to pensioners who decide to delay claiming their UK state pensions and will come into force for those hitting pension age on or after 6 April 2016. At present, a bonus of 10.4 per cent per...
23 Jul at 6 PM
Unofficial expats in the Land of Smiles rush to get legitimate stays
Expat life on the sun, sea and sand Thai island of Phuket just got complicated for expats without long-stay or tourist visas. For a decade or more, immigration authorities have turned a blind eye to visa runs across Thailand’s border by expats unable to get annual visas. Many foreign travellers arrive in Phuket on visa-exempt entries and...
22 Jul at 6 PM
New study reveals expats see pension industry as greedy and incompetent
The shocking results of a new study have revealed that retirement savers view the entire pensions industry as incompetent, greedy and corrupt. The research, undertaken by the UK’s National Employment Savings Trust, was intended to survey savers in the auto-enrolment workplace pensions scheme, but has also clearly tapped into the...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Edmonton couple plead with Canada immigration for their adopted baby
Canada’s Immigration and Citizenship bureau is busy racking up the country’s attraction for migrants, but seems to be ignoring the essential humanity that should be a part of their job. An Edmonton couple who adopted a Congolese child in August 2012 are still unable to bring the 18-month old baby to live with them in their home...
21 Jul at 6 PM
Report identifies UAE as plagued by misbehaving Brits
The annual British Behaviour Abroad report brings bad news for British tourists and expats working in the UAE, as the number of those arrested for bad behaviour has soared since 2012. Attempt to blame the results of the report solely on British tourists in the region are likely to fail due to a strong decline in temporary visitors to the...
21 Jul at 6 PM
FCA warns against FAs pushing risky SIPPS assets
A recent warning from the UK’s Financial Conduct Agency concerns financial advisors who transfer clients’ occupational pension funds to SIPPS containing risky assets. In a recent article, CEO of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) Mark Neale noted the considerable increase in wrongful advice claims against FAs over the...
21 Jul at 6 PM
Expat drinkers in Vietnam dismayed at early closing proposals
The recently announced proposal that watering holes in Vietnam should close between 22:00 and 06:00 is causing dismay amongst expats living and working in the Southeast Asian country. The prohibition on the sale of alcohol from as early as 22:00 is believed to have been brought about by health concerns within the government, a concern not...
21 Jul at 6 PM
When is a QROPS a QNUPs and vice versa
For expats living overseas and fast approaching retirement age, investing their pension pot in the most tax effective manner can be very confusing. QROPS, QNUPS and SIPPS have been around for some years now, but many soon-to-be retirees could be forgiven for being totally confused as to which is more beneficial foe them. Basically, all...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Will expat consumers benefit financially from UK pension reform
Now that the initial shock of the UK’s March budget pension reform announcement has faded, it’s time to evaluate the reasons behind it and the real-time financial benefits to retirees. Analysts are suggesting that the innovative policy wasn’t motivated purely by the wish to give pensioners more power over their savings. The...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Thailand visa crackdown causes fear and confusion
Long-stay travellers, tourists wishing to extend their stay and expats in Thailand are faced with a crackdown on the interpretation of tourist visas. Formerly, many longer-stay tourists and expats in the kingdom were allowed to make regular border runs to Laos, Myanmar or Cambodia to top up their visitor visas. Short-stay tourists wishing...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Expats enjoying the strong pound warned to watch out for fluctuations
UK expats living in the Eurozone and further-flung destinations are enjoying a boost in pension payments at the present moment, but are warned to watch out for future currency fluctuations. The global economic crash wiped a third off pension payments for UK retirees living overseas, but the ongoing British recovery has seen sterling soar...
16 Jul at 6 PM
80 per cent of USA expats considering giving up citizenship due to FATCA
A new survey has revealed that the onset of the USA’s FATCA global tax law has resulted in an 11 per cent rise in the number of Americans prepared to give up US citizenship. The results of the poll, undertaken by a major international financial product provider, won’t come as a shock to US expats living permanently overseas. Already,...
15 Jul at 6 PM
Skipton offer expat buy to let mortgages on selected UK properties
Skipton International, the offshore Channel Islands base of the well-known high street building society, is now offering expat mortgages on UK buy-to-let properties. Including UK buy-to-let options in expat pension planning has traditionally been tricky for those requiring mortgages, but the recent rise in UK property prices has...
15 Jul at 6 PM
Number of Britons living overseas soars to over five million
According to a report by the United Nations, well over five million British citizens have emigrated for reasons of work, retirement or general dissatisfaction with the state of their home country. Since 1990, the number of British-born migrants has increased by 23 per cent, with the majority of those leaving heading for sunnier climes....
14 Jul at 6 PM
Mobile roaming charges in and around Europe finally slashed
Expats using UK mobile phones in Europe are finally able to move from one country to another without being charged a small fortune for mobile roaming, texting and making calls – but it’s not all good news. Holidaymakers and UK expats who live in EU member states but enjoy touring nearby countries will gain the most from the newly...
14 Jul at 6 PM
Five reasons why expats give up on the dream
Retiring to a dream destination overseas with great weather, good healthcare facilities and a delightfully low cost of living is a tempting option after years of corporate loyalty, but many less than wealthy migrants find deal-breakers dragging them back home. Knowing yourself and what you can live with or live without is essential for a...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Are QROPS transfers available to British expats in the USA
As the world gets smaller, many more Brits are heading to the USA, leaving their pensions back in the home country. Given the present chaos and uncertainty in the British pension system, migrants to America might well be less than happy about leaving a large proportion of their lifetime savings several thousand miles away. The good news...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Expat medical problems made worse by language barriers
One of the major expat concerns is the adequacy of local health systems in the host country, particularly if emigration includes the children of the family. Moving abroad and settling into an unfamiliar country with a young family is a stressful experience at the best of times, made even more difficult when health problems occur. Even if...
10 Jul at 6 PM
British cities surge up rankings of most expensive world locations
The strengthening of sterling and the soaring cost of property have sent leading UK cities soaring up the latest ‘expensive cities’ survey. London, Belfast, Aberdeen, Glasgow and Birmingham have leapt up the latest world city cost of living survey, with London now the 12th most expensive world city for expats. The capital was 25th in...
10 Jul at 6 PM
British exodus from Spain replaced by Russian incomers
Changes in the Spanish tax regime have sent thousands of British expats scurrying back to the UK, only to be replaced by hordes of emigrating Russians. According to the Spanish National Institute of Statistics, the total number of foreigners resident in Spain dropped by an impressive half a million last year, firmly establishing the...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Expat savings rates hit by deals withdrawal over market confusion
Mixed messages by the Bank of England on future interest rate rises have caused providers to withdraw appealing short-term fixed rate deals. Confusion in the markets is the result of two contrasting statements over two consecutive months by BoE Governor Mark Carney. Early in June, Carney hinted that a base rate rise was on the cards as...
10 Jul at 6 PM
British passport chaos worsens as backlog soars to half a million
The UK’s passport chaos is heading to new heights in spite of the introduction of a raft of emergency measures including overtime and temporary staff. Passport office chief Paul Pugh stated during a meeting of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee that the backlog now stood at 508,000, some 25,000 more than in early June. He added...
8 Jul at 6 PM
UK Expat savers offshore accounts caught by Son of FATCA
Expat savers considered by HMRC to be tax-resident in the UK will now be forced to share their personal and financial details with the UK tax authority. Following the UK’s signing up to FATCA, the UK Chanceller announced a similar arrangement between HMRC and the Crown Dependencies of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. The three...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Bahrain expat driving ban ruled unconstitutional by court
Much to the relief of expats living and working in Bahrain, the recently-proposed driving ban unless required by occupation is now dead in the water. The proposal, introduced recently as a means to deal with Bahrain’s growing traffic congestion, had caused panic amongst expats living a distance from their offices and workplaces as...
7 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Thailand living with uncertainty after military takeover
Western long-term retirees and expats legally married to Thais are fearing repercussions to their visa statuses following the recent military takeover. The recent panicky departure of over 200,000 Cambodian workers back across the border has increased expat fears that immigration crackdowns may be expanded to include those on marriage and...
7 Jul at 6 PM
Visa application data reveals expats and their tangled love lives
The complications of cross-border relationships involving expats’ love, marriage and even divorce issues have been revealed by a study of immigration assistance patterns. Immigration assistance company Global Visa’s analysis of around 5,000 cases over the past few years has revealed the secrets of expat relationships and love lives....
4 Jul at 6 PM
Tax burden hits poor harder than rich in divided Britain
As an increasing number of retirees leave the UK for a better chance of living comfortably in older age, established expats abroad would do well to look back at their home country’s huge gap between the poor and the wealthy. Official figures issued recently revealed that the rich in the UK are a massive 15 times better off than those in...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Saudi expat health centres close due to deadly virus fears
Poor standards and bad management at 12 expat medical centres in Saudi Arabia has forced their closure amid fears of the spread of the MERS virus. Expats working in the kingdom are concerned that their applications for visas and residency permits may be jeopardised by the recent closure of 12 expat health centres for decontamination and...
3 Jul at 6 PM
US expats may be shut out of investing by FATCA demands
Three days after the US’s much-criticised Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act came into global force, Fidelity Investments announced that it will bar expat US citizens from trading in or buying its mutual funds. A number of overseas banks have already begun notifying their USA expat clients that their accounts will have to be closed, and...
3 Jul at 6 PM
British expats exiting Spain due to overseas assets declaration law
Although life in the UK is undoubtedly harder and more expensive than when they left, 2013’s trickle of Brits leaving Spain has turned into a flood. Since last year’s new law made it compulsory for expats to declare all their overseas assets, the size of the British expat community in Spain has decreased by 23 per cent, with German...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Expat retirees warned over leaving cash in low interest accounts
Expat retirees planning to use next April’s pension freedom rules should beware of leaving their cash in low-interest accounts. A recent survey indicates that the majority of qualifying pension savers are likely to withdraw their capital from their pensions next April, and most are planning to leave the funds in their bank accounts or...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Turkey confused and stranded due to new rules
Turkey’s newly-introduced residency permit and health insurance rules are causing chaos amongst expats due to horrendous paperwork-processing delays. The new residence permit laws require an ikamet via an appointment with the local police office, but no slots are now available before October 2014. Of the 40,000 British expats living in...
1 Jul at 6 PM
Expats in Cyprus win settlement in mortgage misselling scandal
The ongoing scandal concerning mis-sold mortgages on expat homes in Cyprus has affected thousands of property owners on the island, but now looks as if it’s coming to an end. Rather than risk a UK High Court judgment against them, the Cypriot Alpha Bank and a consortium of 20 property developers have settled all claims. The good news...
1 Jul at 6 PM
US expats face dark days as FATCA is finally introduced
The US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, known and derided worldwide as FATCA, has finally arrived. The introduction of the controversial global tax law is the worst news for all seven million US expats living overseas as well as countless American-owned overseas businesses. All non-US financial institutions must now breach their US...
31 Jul at 6 PM
Survey reveals expats in Singapore spend too much
A combination of low tax rates, higher salaries, great weather and an exotic environment is encouraging expat workers in Singapore and other similar countries to spend, not save. The survey, undertaken by Standard Life, found that disposable incomes in Australia, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong and Singapore were higher than in most other popular...
31 Jul at 6 PM
European Commission warns of poor 4G coverage in Europe
Expats heading for a life in the sun in Europe and expecting to make use of their tablets and smart phones are in for a shock, according to a European Commission report. The EC survey reported that three out of every four EU residents are unable to access 4G/LTE mobile connections, with those living in rural areas having less chance than...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Is Andorra losing its glow as an expat tax and residency haven
As regulations and investment requirements for residency tighten in many popular expat destinations, tiny Andorra may risk losing its attraction by planning to introduce income tax. The mountainous refuge has been popular with expats looking to minimalise their tax liabilities for 40 years or so, due mainly to its lack of income tax and...
30 Jul at 6 PM
Wrong advice may cost Cyprus expats their property claims
Hundreds of British expats with homes on Cyprus are risking the success of their mis-selling claims due to incorrect advice being given by Cypriot advisors. Most of the mis-selling claims against Cypriot banks, property developers and sales agents involve off-plan purchases or mis-sold mortgages, with the majority of those affected taking...
29 Jul at 6 PM
QROPS pension transfer confusion complicated by HRMC approved list
When the QROPS scheme was introduced in 2006, its intent was to allow private or corporate pension transfers from the UK to recognised countries overseas. British citizens who had worked and accumulated pensions in the UK would be able to take them along when they emigrated, with the assumption that uptake would possibly include the...
29 Jul at 6 PM
Spanish expat homeowners ripped off by property certificate scammers
The Spanish government’s new requirement that homes for sale or being rented must be rated for energy efficiency has opened the doors for a brand new scam. The new regulations state that a qualified assessor must rate any property built before 2007 for energy efficiency and issue a certificate. Homes built after that date should have...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Britain’s Royal Year sees soaring memorabilia sales to expats
Last year’s Olympic Games, the Diamond Jubilee, the Royal Wedding and 2013’s Wimbledon’s triumph saw expat Brits losing their distaste of overt patriotism and buying quantities of event memorabilia online. Online stores selling everything from Union Jack key rings to Royal memorabilia such as Jubilee mugs and tea towels have been...
26 Jul at 6 PM
FCO offers British expats and their visitors help via Twitter
Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is offering a new service aimed at directing expats and their visitors to help centers and consulates via the popular social media site, Twitter. Advice will include the use of the new technology in staying safe in unfamiliar locations and the best ways to avoid excessive internet and...
25 Jul at 6 PM
Christchurch rebuild draws skilled workers from Ireland and the Philippines
The long-awaited rebuild of Christchurch city centre following the two devastating earthquakes is ramping up, thanks to the help of migrant workers. The South Island city of Christchurch is welcoming 22 skilled migrants every day of the year, according to figures released by Statistics New Zealand. In June, 564 overseas workers arrived in...
25 Jul at 6 PM
Top tips for buying a property overseas
With an increasing number of Britons planning to emigrate and overseas property prices at a healthy low, it’s hardly surprising that the temptation of a home abroad is difficult to resist. Motivations vary from investing when prices are low in the expectation that they will rise, through netting an affordable holiday home to living the...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Luanda overtakes Tokyo as most expensive world city for expats
Results of a recent survey have confirmed the capital of Angola, Luanda, as the world’s most expensive city for expat living. The survey took in 214 world cities and cited security costs as the reason for Luanda’s top position. Undertaken by Mercers as part of its yearly World Cost of Living Survey, the poll uses New York as the base...
24 Jul at 6 PM
Saudi government contractors now reluctant to sponsor expats
Many Saudi companies contracting their services to the government are unhappy about continuing sponsorship for expat workers, preferring to employ local staff. Reports are coming in that increasing numbers of expat employees are not having their contracts renewed due to company concerns over Nitaqat quotas. Firms with short-term government...
23 Jul at 6 PM
UK taxman hits out at tax-evading expat landlords
Expats who own or have recently sold a buy-to-let property in the UK without paying the tax due are being urged by HMRC to regularize their tax affairs or face the consequences. The UK Tax Office is is coordinating efforts to locate private landlords living overseas who have not declared rental income or the sale of a buy-to-let property....
23 Jul at 6 PM
Dubai launches Ramadan Culture for All Festival aimed at expats
As part of the Holy Month of Ramadan, Dubai has launched its Culture for All festival aimed at helping expats understand the religious and cultural events involved. A highlight of the Holy Month is the evening feast following the day’s fasting, with the tradition of Iftar involving the exchanging of dishes with neighbours. One such UAE...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Brussels expat lifestyle survey reveals more gripes than praise
A survey aimed at publicising the Belgian capital as a favourite destination for expats has backfired, with the results showing more criticism than commendation. Brussels is home to the European Union and its plethora of pan-European organisations, with the result that many thousands of expat workers have made the city their home. However,...
22 Jul at 6 PM
Belize retirement investment programme proves popular with expats
The Caribbean country of Belize is attracting increasing numbers of expats with its combination of a retirement incentive programme and the fact that English is widely spoken. Just a few years ago, the Belize expat population was numbered in dozens. Nowadays, there’s an expanding, vibrant community of residents from mainland Europe, the...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Fewer UK expats overseas needing consulate assistance
Recently released figures from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office indicate that the number of Brits abroad asking for help from British consulates is on the decrease. The FCO’s yearly British Behaviour Abroad report revealed that consular staff was called to assist over 19,000 UK citizens in far-flung destinations over the 2012/2013...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Expat descendent of Emily Pankhurst fights for expat voting rights
A cousin of the great-granddaughter of Suffragette leader Emily Pankhurst is taking up the cudgel on behalf of Brit expats who lose the right to vote after 15 years overseas. Almost 100 years after the Suffragette movement, led by Emily Pankhurst, won the right to vote for all British women, Margaret Hales, a distant relative of the great...
18 Jul at 6 PM
Survey shows costs of expat healthcare on the rise again
Results of a recent study have shown that the cost of expat private health insurance-backed care jumped by 3.6 per cent in 2012. The research on the cost of expat medical cover took in 16 countries spread across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East and involved 500 organisations. Causes of the increase varied from country to country....
18 Jul at 6 PM
Drunken expats ruin Shanghai French Concession district art street
Riotous party nights involving Shanghai’s young expat community have put paid to a formerly quiet residential street known for its art galleries and workshops. Just three years ago, CNN Travel highlighted a street in the city’s former French Concession district given over to arts and entertainment. Yongkang Road was a hub for art...
17 Jul at 6 PM
New Zealand contractors urge common sense in overseas worker rules
A New Zealand contractors’ association is calling for an injection of common sense into visa and immigration rules for temporary overseas workers, saying the present rules are harming its members’ businesses. With the movement of labour across the world increasing year by year, many overseas workers are looking to head for New Zealand...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Canadian visa processing delays exacerbated by strike action
The delays in processing Canadian visa applications at present being experienced by would-be migrants in many world countries are likely to increase due to strike action by immigration officers. Strike action is being taken by members of the Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers at offices in Japan, China, the UK, Brazil,...
16 Jul at 6 PM
European Health Insurance Card row lands Spain in court
The European Commission is taking Spain to court over its failure to honour the EU-wide European Health Insurance Card. Expat complaints about the ignoring of the reciprocity rules implicit in the EU Health Insurance Card (EHIC) have been ongoing for at least three years, resulting in the European Commission’s decision to take court...
16 Jul at 6 PM
Britons less cautious about buying overseas property
Spurred on by 70 per cent falls in Spanish property prices, UK citizens are now active again in the overseas property market, although caution is the watchword. Banks are attempting to unload repossessed holiday villas and retirement homes, with Britons even being offered Spanish mortgages to help snap up the bargains. Bargain-hunting...
15 Jul at 6 PM
Three Canadian permanent residents refuse oath to the Queen
A legal contest over the Canadian Citizenship Act’s requirement of the swearing of a loyalty oath to Queen Elizabeth began in courts last Friday. Three permanent residents, Simone Topey, Michael McAteer and Dror Bar-Natyon caused a nationwide furore when they refused to take the oath of loyalty to the Queen required as part of the...
15 Jul at 6 PM
Canada rejects citizenship for investment option
As a number of expat-friendly countries open their doors to investment in exchange for residency and eventual citizenship, Canada closes hers. Domenica, St Kitts and Nevis and other expat destinations are offering residency in exchange for substantial sums in passive investment, and citizenship can be had after a couple of years....
12 Jul at 6 PM
Long term British expats in Turkey to get free permanent residency
A proposed new law due to be set by the Turkish government will reward British nationals who have lived in the country for more tham eight years by granting them free permanent residency. According to the British Consulate in Turkey, officials from the British Embassy have been in discussion with the Turkish government on the development...
12 Jul at 6 PM
Four decade age gap lovers fight NZ immigration refusal
Auckland couple Balwinder Singh, 22, and Glyn Kessel, 59, are fighting for their marriage after New Zealand’s immigration office refused Mr Singh a work visa. The couple met last year in Glenfield, fell in love and married two months later, after which Balwinder, an Indian national, applied for a work visa in the partnership category....
11 Jul at 6 PM
British expat wins court battle over Spanish property scandal
Thousands of Britons who lost their savings in dodgy Spanish property ventures are now hoping for redress after a landmark legal victory by one man who would not give up hope. Britisher Keith Rule was faced with losing his life savings due to a Spanish property scandal and a bank wich refused to reimburse him the deposit on his off-plan...
11 Jul at 6 PM
Foreign owned retail stores harming Saudi economy
In what seems like yet another Saudization hit on expats within the kingdom, a report states that most retail outlets are foreign-owned, with most of the profits leaving the country. Saudi Arabia is now ranked as one of the world’s most attractive retail locations, with most of its stores owned by expats and foreign companies, according...
10 Jul at 6 PM
France cancels dual taxation on expat rental earnings and pensions
The French government has moved its position on double taxation of expat incomes, saying that UK expats should not be taxed in France on UK-earned or generated income. Tax officials have stated that British expats living in France should not pay income tax in the country, nor should they pay tax on their UK state pensions or rental...
10 Jul at 6 PM
New Zealand announces major immigration application overhaul
A NZ$80 million overhaul of New Zealand’s visa application procedures is to take place, with the aim of cracking down on rising abuse of the present system. The main change will be the phasing out of paper applications over a timeline between 2013 and 2017, with the first stage now complete. Visa holders and applicants can now check...
9 Jul at 6 PM
Abu Dhabi key government department sacks expat employees
Abu Dhabi’s top-rated government department has sacked the vast majority of its expat workers in order to free up the jobs for unemployed locals. The General Secretariat of the Executive Council (GSEC), the administrative arm of the emirate’s most important government department, has culled most of the expat staff. Although it is not...
9 Jul at 6 PM
New UK spouse immigration rules slammed by High Court
The new rules under which UK citizens who wish to move back to Britain with their foreign spouses must comply with earnings thresholds have been condemned in the High Court. Three claimants had challenged the new regulations regarding the sponsorship by UK nationals of their foreign spouses. Although the High Court did not strike down the...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Portuguese municipalities launch Operation Vote aimed at expats
Operation Vote’s new project has been instigated by local municipalities aimed at galvanising expat residents into registering to vote by 29 July. The 29 July deadline for registration is just two months before Portugal’s local elections take place and, as in other EU countries, expat residents are allowed to vote. However, this is...
8 Jul at 6 PM
Saudi executives and employers welcome expat concessions
The new rules allowing dependents of expats working in the country to take employment have been welcomed by both employers and top-level executives. The concessions recently announced by the Kingdom’s Ministry of Labour state that expat dependants can work legally in the country, provided their employer sends a letter of confirmation to...
5 Jul at 6 PM
American still favourite land of opportunity for expats
An annual survey has revealed that the United States is still the land of opportunity most preferred by migrants. The Organisation for Economic Co-opportunity and Development’s 2011 figures confirm that, yet again, the USA is the top destination for relocation. More than a million migrants arrived on its shores last year, according to...
5 Jul at 6 PM
HMRC blunder suspends 432 QROPS in error
Yet another blunder by HM Revenue and Customs has resulted in 432 QROPS being suspended for no good reason. Providers of QROPS pension schemes across the world were left in confusion as their products suddenly disappeared from the official HMRC list without warning or reason. Financial advisors fielded worried calls and emails from...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Canadian police warn immigrants over deportation scam
For the second time in a year, Canadian police are warning new immigrants to the country to ignore a phone-call based deportation threat scam. The call comes in from a 1-800 number to migrants who have recently arrived in Canada, and purports to be from an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency. The caller accuses the recipient of...
4 Jul at 6 PM
Emigrating Britons urged to look before they leap
Official figures show that more Britons than ever before are looking to emigrate, whether for better jobs, a better quality of life or a happier retirement. In the year to September 2012, 347,000 British citizens relocated overseas, an increase of 8,000 over the previous year, with 58 per cent of the number leaving for work-related...
3 Jul at 6 PM
Cambodian adoptee child finally allowed to join Kiwi family
A seven-year old Cambodian girl adopted by a New Zealand family has finally been allowed into the country after an intervention by NZ immigration minister Nikki Kaye. Jendah Dyer, 7, a sufferer from development delay disorder, was adopted by Grahame and Kathryn Dyer two years ago. The New Zealand-born couple had applied for citizenship for...
3 Jul at 6 PM
New Zealand working holiday visa applications soar
A statistical survey by Immigration New Zealand has shown that the number of UK applicants for its working holiday visa has soared by 13 per cent. During the first five months of 2013, a 13 per cent increase over last year in the number of young people applying for the 23-month visa has resulted in over 4,400 people receiving the coveted...
2 Jul at 6 PM
French government relaxes rules on expat second home taxes
Long-stay expats owning second homes in France can now relax as the government’s recently announced tax grab will now be subject to less onerous rules. Previously, British home owners with holiday homes in the country were able to claim capital gains tax exemption after 15 years’ ownership on the sale of either their UK properties or...
2 Jul at 6 PM
Saudi rents to soar due to increased demand for apartments
Apartment rentals in Riyadh and Jeddah are expected to rise even higher in spite of the government’s recently-introduced 67 billion housing fund. A recent survey has shown that Riyadh’s average rental charges rose by up to eight per cent during the first three months of 2013. The report, issued by Jones Lang LaSalle, also stated that...
1 Jul at 6 PM
Leading bank warns Spanish property still overvalued
A leading investment bank is warning that the Spanish property price crash has yet to bottom out, with further falls in the pipeline. Goldman Sachs property sector analysts are predicting another 10 per cent fall in the Spanish property market. Investors and expat residents alike, already struggling with a 30 per cent decrease in prices...
1 Jul at 6 PM
British expats hit back at UK government over winter fuel allowance
The news that UK Chancellor George Osborne has cancelled winter fuel payments for pensioners living in Europe is sparking angry protests from expats in the seven EU member states affected. Osborne’s introduction of a blanket temperature test beginning in 2015 for retirees in Greece, France, Spain, Malta, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus and...
31 Jul at 6 PM
Canadian river tragedy Scotsman presumed dead
A group of two rafts travelling down a Canadian river were swept over a waterfall, resulting in the deaths of an elderly Canadian couple and a Scotsman who is now presumed dead. The Kettle River close to Grand Forks was the scene of the tragedy after the two rafts were swept over a 100ft waterfall last Saturday. The bodies of Jean and...
28 Jul at 9 AM
Wife of Bo Xilai charged with murder of Neil Heywood
Gu Kailai, the wife of Bo Xilai, the former Chinese political leader, has been charged with murdering Neil Heywood, a British businessman. My Heywood’s body was discovered in a Chongqing hotel room in November last year. Originally, officials investigating the case concluded that the businessman had died after drinking alcohol. However,...
26 Jul at 6 PM
Number of Brits heading for OZ drops sharply
For decades, Australia was the favourite migration destination for Britons, but the top spot is now taken by migrants from India. A recent report has revealed that 20 per cent fewer Brits are leaving for a new life in Australia than five years ago. India and China now take first and second place, with the UK coming in a poor third and...
24 Jul at 6 PM
British expats in Spain facing homelessness over financial crisis
As the financial crisis in Spain worsens, the expat community is facing increasing problems with homelessness. A growing number of British expats living the dream in Spain are losing their jobs as a result of the financial crises and are unable to keep up their mortgage or rent payments. Every day, an average of 159 householder are...
21 Jul at 9 AM
Shooting in Pakistan injures expat doctor
An expatriate doctor working for the World Health Organisation and a Pakistani national have been fired on by a group of gunmen while taking part in a programme to raise polio vaccination awareness in Karachi. The Ghanaian consultant and his colleague were both wounded in the incident. According to a statement by the WHO they are in a...
19 Jul at 6 PM
Phuket declared best location in world for expats
A survey by HSBC had rated the Thai island of Phuket as the best destination in the world for expat living. Phuket and the rest of Thailand rated highly in the bank’s survey of 4,000 expats living in over 100 countries. Topics surveyed were work-life balance, setting up finances, ease of integration and entertainment. Thailand also...
17 Jul at 6 PM
Expat dream goes sour due to cost of living hikes
Recent research suggests that, for many expats, the cost of living is soaring at four times the rate of British inflation. The dream of living in a warm climate overseas is fading for a vast number of expats still resident in the unstable Eurozone. According to a recent survey, costs have risen as much as 15 per cent in the last year....
14 Jul at 9 AM
Thousands of expats return for the Olympics
A survey conducted by Lloyds TSB International has revealed that thousands of Brits currently living abroad are planning to fly back to the UK for this summer’s Olympic Games. Around 275,000 expats have tickets for the event which is just two week’s away. According to the study, seven per cent of the 5.5 million Brits who live...
12 Jul at 6 PM
380,000 expats heading back home for the Olympic Games
According to a survey, a huge number of British nationals are expecting to head back to the UK for the 2012 London Olympic Games. The total of returnees, according to research by Lloyds TSB International, represents around seven per cent of the total number of expats living overseas. One fifth of those intending to return are living in...
10 Jul at 6 PM
Second home owners in France to face higher taxes
The recently-elected President Hollande announced earlier this month that foreign owners of French properties are to face hikes in taxes up to the level of French nationals. The news has dismayed the hundreds of thousands of UK citizens who own French property, either as a holiday home or as a let. Also announced was a one-off levy on...
7 Jul at 9 AM
Mixed reaction from expats over French breathalyser law
A new law which requires anyone driving a car in France to carry a breathalyser has divided the opinions of British expats living in the country. The new legislation came into force last weekend and anyone found behind the wheel without a breathalyser kit is liable to an on-the-spot fine of €11. However, the French government has introduced...
6 Jul at 6 PM
Recently arrived Brit couple adore Greek life despite crisis
Although Greece’s desperate situation has sent many expats on the homeward journey to the UK, a recently arrived couple now settling in Crete are overjoyed with their new life. Ken and Val Povali from Runcorne, Cheshire had planned to move to their newly bought house in the western Crete village of Kalidonia as soon as their UK home was...
3 Jul at 6 PM