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Kiwi dreams are tops for would be expats

Published:  25 Feb at 6 PM
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With more than a million UK citizens choosing to live abroad and potentially a million more dreaming of following, New Zealand rates highly in a poll of the most desirable destinations.

Recent research revealed that Britain exports as many expats as it imports immigrants, with over a million UK ex-residents celebrating global mobility by gracing migration hubs all over the world. The figure is expected to rise by over 20 per cent the next two years, with many hoping to be able to choose the traditional antipodean exit route and end up in New Zealand.

Unsurprisingly, the results of another recent survey indicate that New Zealand’s population would more than double if everyone who wanted to live on the islands was able to do so. Gallup’s Potential Net Migration Index showed that, although the overall numbers of would-be migrants has declined, the figures for potential immigrants to New Zealand are still well on the high side.

Over 520,000 people in 154 countries took part in the poll, with New Zealand the fifth most popular destination, beating out Canada and Singapore and just behind Australia and Switzerland. If every respondent who wished were to arrive on the islands, total population numbers would swell from 4,242,048 to an amazing 9.926,393.

In the real world, the actual numbers entering the country have been in decline since the 2008 crash, with the slowdown in available jobs taking its toll on New Zealand’s popularity as a migration destination. Australia’s recent boom in jobs forced the choice for many who would have preferred a more peaceful location.

A surprising result of the survey was that 13 per cent of adults on the planet would prefer to live outside their country of birth, and the positioning of Saudi Arabia as number one in the poll caused raised eyebrows due to the Saudization initiative and its effect on expat job security. Unfortunately, however popular New Zealand is, its infrastructure would make it almost impossible to support almost 10 million residents.
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Comments » There are 2 comments

Caroline wrote 10 years ago:

Hi, I run my own Relocation business located in Nelson, New Zealand. I am also enrolled in a business course and have to make a presentation next week. Would you give me permission to add this page to my website blog with a link to your site and include some of the above article in my presentation? Cheers Caroline

ExpatsBlog wrote 10 years ago:

Hi Caroline, Sure no problem :) So long as you reference with a link to this page that's fine!

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