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High flying expats in Dubai see salaries increase

Published:  10 Aug at 6 PM
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Tagged: Australia, Dubai, UAE, Jobs
Although the vast majority of international expats in Dubai are stuck in low-paying jobs, the brightest and best are on a roll and getting richer.

Traditionally, Dubai’s high salaries have been the main attraction for the high numbers of professional expat workers flooding to the emirate. Nowadays, in spite of the dramatic fall in oil prices, the number of expats on fat pay packets is accelerating at a good rate as shown by data for the years 2009 to 2015.

Seven years ago, the number of expats receiving salaries of over Dh10,00 ($2,700) per month made up 12 per cent of the emirate’s population, with the number practically doubling to 20 per cent by the end of last year. The data used by the Dubai Statistic Centre also logged the movement of workers across the emirates, showing that expat workers were increasingly staying longer in Dubai.

Highly paid workers are mostly employed by companies in the construction, wholesale and retail and manufacturing industries, all of which are expected to benefit from the present fiscal stimulus measures being introduced by the government. Expat workers are seeing increased incomes all across private sector industries, with senior positions in construction now able to command up to Dh75,000 per month.

Mid-level senior residential engineers and project mangers earn at about the same level, according to the Hays Salary Guide 2016, and those employed as merchandisers in the retail industry can earn from DH25,000 up to DH 60,000. Given the cost of living in Dubai and other emirates, it’s no surprise that salary levels are the number one concern for expats planning to live and work in the region.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia’s proposed new cap on expat remittances overseas is causing concern within the community. The cap will be placed in line with earnings, and is intended to put a brake on the amount of personal wealth being sent outside the country. In addition, the government is considering introducing a six per cent tax on all remittances sent. overseas.
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