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Bicultural expat couples choose China for culture and opportunity

Published:  3 Nov at 6 PM
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With bicultural marriages becoming the norm in the younger expat community, China’s business opportunities and inclusive society fit the bill as a long-stay destination.

Bicultural couples nowadays are choosing to live in an entirely new environment rather than have one or the other try to adapt to their partner’s country of birth. It’s a major challenge, but China is a great choice as it’s totally different in culture, work ethics and opportunities than anywhere in the West.

The major challenge when resettling in a Chinese city is the Mandarin language, tricky to learn and essential as regards getting the most out of the China experience. One German/Swiss couple decided they were crazy to take the chance, but are thrilled with their choice now they’re settled in Beijing.

One advantage of being a binational couple is the cosmopolitan vibe necessary to make such a marriage work. Although arriving without a social network is a challenge, adjusting to changing circumstances and the notorious Chinese bureaucracy seems far less stressful for binationals.

China’s opportunity-based working environment is perfect for adventurous expats, whether they’re starting a business or looking for professional employment. It’s also far easier for expat females to get promotions dependent on expertise than it is in many European countries, and decent salaries help a lot, especially if children are involved.

Downsides include Chinese cities’ notorious air pollution, although recently arrived expats suggest it’s improving fast. Learning Mandarin is obviously a priority, although the language has the reputation of being one of the world’s most difficult. However, some fluency is a passport to better jobs and an understanding of China’s culture, based on thousands of years of achievement.

Nowadays, the Chinese authorities are tightening up on incomers, with companies preferring returning Chinese nationals who’ve spent time getting work experience in Western countries or have studied at Western universities. However, expats with qualifications and experience in banking, finance and accounting are still very much in demand and can command high salaries.
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