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Expats in Dubai to climb Alpine peaks in thanks for blue collar workers

Published:  30 May at 6 PM
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Tagged: Dubai, UAE
Two Dubai expat mountaineers are planning to climb two Alpine mountain peaks as part of the UAE’s Ramadan charity drive.

Mountaineers and Dubai resident expats Mohamad and Olga Zolotova are preparing to climb the Matterhorn and Mont Blanc, two of the most dangerous peaks in the Alps, as part of their charity drive to show appreciation of the unsung blue-collar workers without whom Dubai wouldn’t be what it is. The pair believe many Dubai residents seem to forget the hard work put in by the everyday expat workers in the glittering city.

According to Olga, her charity challenges and social work give a chance for wealthy residents to reflect on their privileged lives as well as the contributions to their comfort provided by the millions of workers who toil through the night as well as by day. The upcoming challenge isn’t the first for the pair, as they’ve undertaken charity challenges on behalf of orphans, children in Africa, cancer patients and other worthy causes.

During Ramadan and ongoing, another of their charitable projects is encouraging Dubai residents to donate toiletries and hygiene supplies to be given to the poorer members of society. Donation boxes are found on Times Square Mall until June 15. Olga told the media even soap or a bottle of shampoo is fine, costing almost nothing for those who donate, but helping those on low wages. She believes many privileged Dubai residents stop seeing those who contribute so much to their health and safety whilst sending most of their wages back to their families in the home country and living on what’s left.

Lebanese expat Mohamad added the pair aren’t doing the challenges and charity work for profit or glory, but because they love what they do and it’s the right thing. Two of us, he said, can’t help that many people but, with the community joining in, much more can be done. Once they’ve reached the summits of both Alpine peaks, they’ll fly a UAE flag in respect of the emirate’s promotion of respect and tolerance.
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