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Dubai private school fees frozen at last years level

Published:  28 Aug at 6 PM
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Expat parents with children at private schools in Dubai are relieved about fees being frozen.

As Dubai’s private education sector gears up for the new 2018/2019 academic year in September, the news that fees will be frozen at their present amounts has come as a relief for expat parents. The initial announcement came in June and was welcomed by expatriate families already struggling to make ends meet in the pricey emirate. In the main, salaries haven’t increased and, especially for those with more than one child in private education, the annual fee hike has caused problems.

Even better news came independently ahead of the fee freeze announcement when a number of schools said they are actually lowering their charges in order to stay competitive in the private education market place. In addition, the schools themselves have been told there will be no increase in rental charges for education sector buildings, a concession which may have encouraged the overall decision not to increase fees.

Dubai’s private schools have spent the past week welcoming a good number of new expatriate teachers arriving from around the world. Activities range from guidance on Arabic and Islamic studies through an introduction to the emirate’s history and culture to insight on the subjects they’ll be teaching. New staff induction days often cater for as many as a thousand new teachers and include welcome ceremonies and the exchanging of ideas on best practice.
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