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Kuwait hits out at expat numbers again

Published:  27 Aug at 6 PM
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Tagged: Visas, Australia, India, Jobs
Kuwait curbs on expatriate numbers are set to continue.

In yet another attempt to curb the numbers of expat arrivals in Kuwait, official sources have announced an increase in salary requirements to Kd 500 for those requesting family visas. Also part of the announcement was the threat that the increase isn’t the emirate’s final attempt to control the numbers of expat workers within its borders. Further decisions related to the increase of transaction fees are to follow, as the charges at present are amongst the lowest in the entire Gulf States region. Oddly, the source also explained the increase was to enable easier distinguishing between tourists and arrivals bent on violating the laws of the state.

In addition, Kuwait is planning to advertise some 250 jobs for qualified expat doctors in order to fill vacancies in new medical centres and hospitals due to open in the near future. Initially, job vacancies are expected to be filled by medical professionals from Palestine, Jordan, and India, and related vacancies such as nursing staff and technicians are to be recruited from the Philippines and India. Expatriate administrative staff at present working in the sector are to be replaced by Kuwaitis, as many now have certificates in admin and secretarial services.

Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia, private sector firms will be able to get ‘instant visas’ for their expat workers as long as they comply with the official Saudization rates. The new visas can only be used by firms with green-coding in the Kingdom’s naturalisation programme, started in order to increase the totals of Saudis employed in the labour market’s private sector. Companies will also need to be in compliance with the Kingdom’s wage protection laws.
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