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Switzerland social life sucks and money rules OK

Published:  23 Sep at 6 PM
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Tagged: Switzerland
According to a recent survey, expat salaries in Switzerland are the highest in the world, but the social life is a disaster.

HSBC’s 2016 expat survey saw alpine Switzerland placed fifth in the world overall as well as scoring tops in the economics and career prospects sector of the poll. However, it seems that friendship is being exchanged for the luxury and status purchased by means of high salaries, as the country was voted one of the world’s worst for its social life.

Three-quarters of expat respondents living and working in Switzerland expressed confidence in the country’s political security and strong economy, and average earnings are around $180,000 per year, far higher than in most expats’ home countries. Foreign employees are able to save more as well as spend more, even although the country is rated as one of the world’s most expensive as regards living costs.

In complete contrast, Switzerland’s score in the survey’s Family category slumped at 26th for childcare and education, with the score for Integration a dismal 42nd and the second worst result in the world for social life at 44th place. Many respondents made much of the staggering cost of childcare, with 75 per cent saying it was far higher then in their home countries.

It’s not just the HSBC survey which slates Switzerland for its lack of friendship and almost non-existent social life, as the recently published Expat Explorer’s respondents reported similar problems and dislikes. Also criticised was the poor Swiss attitude towards foreign incomers, the difficulties of finding a suitable home and settling in and expats' unwelcome attempts to make Swiss friends within the local community.
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