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St George’s Day signals lockdown loosening for Brit expats in Spain

Published:  23 Apr at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, Jobs
British expats living in Spain are breathing a collective sigh of relief after the government’s assurance of easing the lockdown after May 9.

Spanish President Pedro Sanchez announced that changes are coming soon in a directive to the country’s parliament, although he added tougher restrictions would be re-introduced should the number of infections begin to ramp up as a result. Spain’s experience of the pandemic has been especially heart-breaking, with the announcement joyously received as a sign that happier times are on the way.

According to the PM, the lockdown will be gradually loosened from next week, at which time parents will be able to take children under the age of 14 for a short walk or a visit to the supermarket or local pharmacy. After being in quarantine for two weeks, non-essential workers are now back in their jobs. Reductions in infection-control measures will be introduced slowly and gradually, with the crisis itself not expected to be over until a safe, effective vaccine is found and developed.

The gradual opening up of the country will be overseen by its Health Ministry, which will also have the power to reverse positive changes should the need arise as well as being able to accelerate the opening up should the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths continue to fall. For expats in Spain, this is excellent news as the lockdown has badly affected foreign retirees as well as expatriate businesses in the hospitality sector. Today, 23 April, is the British patron saint St George’s Day, a good day for good news for all British expatriates in Spain.
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