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Dubai private schools packed to overflowing with expat kids

Published:  21 Nov at 6 PM
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With the ever-increasing popularity of Dubai as a destination for white-collar expat workers, it’s no surprise that the emirate’s private schools are running out of places.

Recently arrived expat parents are finding it difficult to secure places for their children at any of Dubai’s private education hubs, much less enrolling them in previously-chosen schools. As a result, education providers are queuing to open new schools in the UAE to cater for the increased demand.

According to Clive Pierrpont, speaking for Taaleem Schools, the educational organisation has taken in a total of 1,800 new students across their ten schools in the region. Around 6,000 enrollments will result, a 12 per cent increase on 2011.

An anonymous teacher working in a Dubai private school told Emirates 24/7 that student numbers are ever-increasing and classes are packed, adding that over the past six years new sections have had to be added at the start of each school year. A spokesman for the Knowledge and Human Development Authority confirmed that, over the 2011-2012 academic year, more than 207,000 students were registered.

The total of Emirati students is also on the up, with more than half of the Emrati students in Dubai attending private education, comprising 14 per cent of the entire student population.With many expat parents complaining about the lack of places, it’s clear that the sector has strong potential for expansion, with one education provider, GEMS Education, already committed to opening 10 new schools across the UAE to meet the soaring demand.
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