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Dubai companies report expats work less during the hot season
Published: | 21 Aug at 6 PM |
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Given the number of expats from colder European climes who are living and working in Dubai, the news that workplace productivity declines in proportion to temperature increases is no surprise.
Although new arrivals from the winter snows in many countries across Europe may think they’ve arrived in a warm heaven, once the summer highs of up to 50°C set in, they’re desperate to get relief on short breaks to cooler locations. The extremely high humidity of the average Dubai summer makes the heat even more unbearable.
Expat experts working outside in the construction industry are the first to fall by the wayside and depart to their home countries for a few weeks, with office workers following as soon as is possible. A 2010 study of how high temperatures affect productivity noted that, after the mercury hits over 26°C, productivity even in air-conditioned offices declines by 2.4 per cent with every one degree Celsius rise in temperature.
Workers at all levels tire faster the hotter and more humid it becomes, and the pace of work slows as summer advances. Many families take time off, schools are closed and flight reservations to cooler climes or workers’ home countries become hard to get.
However, it’s not all bad news, according to human resources experts in Dubai, as a general exodus at the same time caused by excessive heat and humidity means that work continues at a more enthusiastic rate during the rest of the year. If the CEO and executives of a Dubai company are cooling down overseas, the company itself can’t work at high efficiency.
For those who can’t leave, flexible hours can be offered, helping employees to stay focused, and office competitions help keep morale at a high level. Rewards such as movie tickets, office dinners or get-togethers keep employees’ minds off the searing heat outside, and focused relaxation after work is essential to maintain initiative.
Although new arrivals from the winter snows in many countries across Europe may think they’ve arrived in a warm heaven, once the summer highs of up to 50°C set in, they’re desperate to get relief on short breaks to cooler locations. The extremely high humidity of the average Dubai summer makes the heat even more unbearable.
Expat experts working outside in the construction industry are the first to fall by the wayside and depart to their home countries for a few weeks, with office workers following as soon as is possible. A 2010 study of how high temperatures affect productivity noted that, after the mercury hits over 26°C, productivity even in air-conditioned offices declines by 2.4 per cent with every one degree Celsius rise in temperature.
Workers at all levels tire faster the hotter and more humid it becomes, and the pace of work slows as summer advances. Many families take time off, schools are closed and flight reservations to cooler climes or workers’ home countries become hard to get.
However, it’s not all bad news, according to human resources experts in Dubai, as a general exodus at the same time caused by excessive heat and humidity means that work continues at a more enthusiastic rate during the rest of the year. If the CEO and executives of a Dubai company are cooling down overseas, the company itself can’t work at high efficiency.
For those who can’t leave, flexible hours can be offered, helping employees to stay focused, and office competitions help keep morale at a high level. Rewards such as movie tickets, office dinners or get-togethers keep employees’ minds off the searing heat outside, and focused relaxation after work is essential to maintain initiative.
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