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Spain to urge expat professionals to repatriate

Published:  19 Nov at 9 AM
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The Spanish government is working to persuade its nationals who left during the economic crisis to return and take up skilled jobs in their home country.

Spain’s recession began during the fallout from the 2008 global financial meltdown, with skilled professionals in the fields of medicine, science and other professions jumping ship and finding work all over the world. Now that the Spanish economy is in full recovery mode, its government is hatching a plan to attract highly-skilled deserters back home.

In a recent news conference, Spain’s secretary of state for migration Consuelo Rumi told the media the scheme is due to kick off next year, but doesn’t include target numbers for skilled professionals who agree to return. The plan is to involve facilitating online contact between Spanish companies experiencing skills shortages and Spanish expats who fit the bill, with jobs in research and technology at the top of the list. According to Rumi, the government is well aware top talents are likely to be reluctant to return, as wages are lower and working conditions less than satisfactory in Spain than in many world countries. Also, the Spanish government isn’t planning to offer any financial aid to encourage top talent to come home.

According to EU statistics, Spain as a base for employment is far more reliant on temporary contracts than any other EU member state, with one in four jobs linked to such contracts. Whilst its jobless numbers are now down from their peak of 27 per cent in 2013, they’re now stuck at 14 per cent, the highest in the EU with the exception of Greece. During the financial crisis and Spain’s resultant recession, the UK and Germany saw record numbers of Spanish immigrants and, of the 2.5 million Spanish expats now living overseas, the vast majority are across the pond in either the USA or the country’s former South American colonies.
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