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Brit expats in UAE appalled and angry over tube train bomb

Published:  18 Sep at 6 PM
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British expat professionals living and working in the UAE are furious and appalled at the explosion in a London tube train.

The failed major terrorist attack on a London commuter tube train last Friday has resulted in anger amongst the many British professionals working in the UAE. Although the device itself was flawed and its explosive content did not ignite, the flash when the detonator blew up was enough to injure 20 commuters and cause panic across the capital.

One Britisher working in the UAE told local reporters the train was the same one his daughter takes to work every morning, thanking God that she was on holiday in Cyprus when the attack happened. As a father, he added, he can’t stop worrying about his daughter’s safety due to the sudden increase in terror attacks in the UK.

Jeff Price, a UK expat working in Dubai, was contacted about the explosion by friends living in France who were worried about his London- based sister’s safety. Luckily, she had also been out of the country in Barcelona, although a false alarm there had caused her some concern. Price told reporters he’d grown up in London during the IRA terrorist attacks, several of which he’d seen, but is angry that the same situation with different perpetrators seems to be the norm in his home city nowadays.

Quantity surveyor Laura Morgan said the explosion was simply too close to home as far as she was concerned, as she’d commuted to her Central London job for seven years before emigrating. Even then, she added, she’d felt vulnerable at times but, as with most Londoners, wasn’t prepared to let the incidents get in the way of her life by changing her habits. Most of her friends in London, she said, would be carrying on their usual routines, but she’s now not sure whether to change her plans to go to London when she visits the UK in 2018.

She’s angry that terrorists are causing her to consider not visiting the city, saying people shouldn’t be afraid to do what they want, and believes people all over the world are now having to endure the threat of terrorism, adding it’s heartbreaking and devastating. Another female expat is feeling helpless as she has good friends and close family in London, with the feeling stronger simply because she is a stranger in a strange land. She’s convinced London will get stronger, Londoners will draw closer to each other and the city will unite against the terror threats.
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