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Singapore tops expats lists again for salaries and lifestyle

Published:  17 Oct at 6 PM
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Yet another survey has seen Singapore beat the competition as the best place to live and work as regards salaries, disposable income and lifestyle.

The Singapore experience was put down to highly competitive salary structures, accumulation of wealth sponsored by the government and plenty of disposable income for luxuries after basic expenses have been met. The survey, by HSBC Bank, stated that the country has the largest proportion in the world of wealthy expats.

Asia was well to the fore in the bank’s Expat Explorer Survey, with Thailand in third place, Hong Kong in fourth and China coming seventh, with up-and-coming Vietnam sneaking in at 10th place. Over 50 per cent of Singapore expats earn more than $200,000 a year against the world average of seven per cent, and 80 per cent of those polled had increased their disposable income after moving to the city-state.

The disposable income trend was repeated in Hong Kong, with 79 per cent of expats seeing an increase in money to spend, and the percentage for Malaysia was 72 per cent. As for expats in China, 69 per cent had more spare cash to squander.

Head of HSBC Expat Dean Blackburn said the survey provides valuable information and is a useful resource for the expat community, particularly for those researching trends to help them decide the best place to settle as regards salaries and jobs. Blackburn added that, while Southeast Asia has long been attractive to expats for its quality of life, there’s a steady increase in expat wealth in the region.

The survey also showed dissatisfaction in the Eurozone region, due to the impact of the Eurocrisis, with those in Spain saying the country is on the wrong track. More than 50 per cent of Eurozone expat respondents stated they were uneasy about expat futures, with the UK, France and the Netherland increasingly unpopular.
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